"It turns out that Sister Di is so impatient, why don't we go to the house and fight first?"


"Will Priscia join?"

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Chapter 1125 You Want To Fight That Fight

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On the vast expanse of ocean, two fleets with very different styles are heading in the same direction, one after the other, and their destination is the offshore port of the war-torn continent.

Ahead, the patrol fleet of the Empire of Fire.

Behind, the expeditionary fleet of the Empire of the Rising Sun.

The patrol fleet is at full speed, but they are advancing at full speed, but they can't shake off the fleet behind them in terms of speed.

Priscia looked at the Flame Empire Fleet that was behind them like burning butts, with a look of contempt, and said to Denisa: "Sister Dinessa, this is the Flame Empire fleet, do they have any?" Use full speed!"

Denisa looked at the mainsail of the battleship of the Empire of Flame ahead, and said, "It should be at full speed."

Priscia was surprised and said: "This is full speed, not even two-thirds of our real speed, the fleet of the Empire of Flame is really weak."

Denisa smiled and said: "It's not that the fleet of the Empire of Flame is too weak, but that Liu Xu's fleet is too strong. The battleship you are sitting on has been recreated using the technology he called the "Digimon" world." How could it be the same as a normal battleship after remodeling?"

Priscia's eyes were shining brightly, and her admiration for Liu Xu deepened in her heart.

The patrol squadron of the Flame Empire in front is desperately accelerating, but the power provided by the sails has reached the limit. If you want to accelerate again, you can only rely on the navigation skills of the fleet commander, but no matter how skilled the commander is, the speed that can be increased It is also extremely limited, and the speed of over [-] kilometers per hour like now is already a super-standard performance.

But when Liu Xu's seven giant ships came across the ocean, their cruising speeds all reached [-] kilometers.

No matter how hard the patrol squadron of the Empire of Flame tried, it couldn't distance itself from Liu Xu's fleet. However, a few big birds had already carried the credentials of the Empire of the Rising Sun and flew to the War Continent first. As for what they brought The news, or the declaration of war, only they themselves will know.

When it was almost dusk, Liu Xu knew the answer from the Flame Empire, and he waited for a large fleet.

This fleet has a total of twelve main battleships with a length of [-] meters, and nearly a hundred other warships, large and small, among which there are more than [-] cruisers over [-] meters. A fleet of this size is It was enough to guard a vast sea area in the period of the Yan Empire.

The Empire of Flame in the War Continent was able to assemble a fleet of this size in a short period of time. If it is not a coincidence, it means that there is indeed a large-scale military port nearby.

Liu Xu slowed down the fleet slowly.

A few big birds flew over from the Flame Empire's fleet, and they hovered over Liu Xu's fleet, spitting out a voice that everyone on the battleship could hear clearly.

"Liu Xu, and the envoys of the Rising Sun Empire, you have now entered the territory of the Empire of Flame, and you must obey the orders of the Empire! Now, His Majesty the Emperor has sent a metaphorical order. First of all, you must immediately hand over the control of the awakened ones. method; secondly, during your stay in the Empire of Flame, the control of these battleships must be handed over to us. After our inspection and confirmation that they are harmless, they will be returned to you when you leave."

Birdman's words made even members of the Rising Sun Empire's envoys look uneasy. Except for Liu Xu and Denisa, all "people" were resentful, except of course the demon army.

Priscia snorted heavily, and said, "Hand over the battleship to them? I'm afraid they will never come back after handing it over!"

Liu Xu said lightly: "There is no room for negotiation?"

Birdman shouted sharply: "This is an order from His Majesty the Emperor! There is no room for negotiation!"

"Very good, if you want to fight, then fight!" Liu Xu said coldly, "Besides, I really don't like people flying above my head, blood rain."

The situation has changed, and blood is floating in the sky.

Several birdmen suddenly screamed and flapped their wings in vain, but it didn't work at all, and fell into the sea one by one like stones.

One bounced on the deck before rolling into the sea.

The Flame Empire Fleet in the distance immediately sounded a long warhorn, the main fleet rushed towards the front of Liu Xu's fleet to seize a favorable position, while the patrolling squadron surrounded the rear of Liu Xu's fleet like wolves, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Give them a fatal blow.

The Flame Empire's fleet was indeed well-trained. During the march, its main warships formed a separate formation, and their speed immediately increased a lot, reaching [-] kilometers.

On the side of the battleship, huge ballistas shining with flames are ready for battle.

This kind of ballista with a range of tens of thousands of meters is the powerful weapon of the Flame Empire to guard the city.

In the eyes of a group of birds, such a fleet lineup is enough to deal with three or five fleets like Liu Xu.

Above the Flame Empire's fleet, there are also strong men taking off into the sky one after another. They all have white wings on their backs, but they maintain their human shapes instead of turning into big birds.

Speaking of which, this is the real "Birdman".

They not only defend the airspace of their own fleet, but also facilitate the transmission of information and orders between each other, so that the entire fleet can act in a coordinated manner.

It's just that another killer bird formation of the Yanzhi Empire fleet didn't dare to send it out after seeing Liu Xu's weird and unpredictable methods.

Liu Xu's fleet was also slowly accelerating, and the shells of several giant metal turrets on the deck were slowly opened, revealing the square metal guide rails tens of meters long inside.

Several powerful gunners moved a three-meter-long special crossbow bolt to the end of the guide rail, and the position was completed, and then the technicians corrected the final launch data.

The guide rail rotated slowly, aiming at a capital ship headed by the Flame Empire Fleet.

Nearly ten kilometers away, the battleship under Liu Xu's seat was shaken suddenly, and moved sideways for a short distance. As many as six crossbow arrows were shot, and they rushed towards the distant battleship of the Empire of Flame.

Denisa, Priscia, and all the envoys of the Empire of the Rising Sun were shocked.

Galadia and Tabasa rushed out of the cabin the moment the metal turret fired.

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Chapter 1126 Annihilation of the Imperial Fleet

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"What range is this?"

Everyone looked at each other in amazement. Although they knew that what Liu Xu had created was extremely powerful, the women of Denisa had never seen its power with their own eyes. Anyway, there was no end to earth-shattering explosions in the forest outside the empire every day.

Fortunately, the people have all experienced the infestation of demons, and their nerves are very rough, otherwise this life would be impossible.

And now is the time for these achievements to show their power on the battlefield.

The crossbow arrows were as fast as lightning, and the Flame Empire battleship was still speeding up desperately, trying to seize the battle position.

When he realized that the six crossbow arrows were coming towards him, it was too late to dodge.

Violent explosions continued one after another, and clusters of frightening flames continued to rise above the battleships of the Empire of Flame.

Every time an explosion occurs, the [-]-meter-long main battleship will jump violently.

When all six crossbow arrows hit, it simply exploded into three pieces and quickly sank into the sea.

In a blink of an eye, apart from a vortex, some floating wood and flags, there was no trace of the main battleship on the sea.

Most of the people on the ship had no time to escape, and could only sink into the sea with the battleship. Even if they were able to swim, at least half of them were caught off guard by the vortex of the sunken ship like a winch. Whether they could escape depended on luck.

After the Rising Sun battleship was launched, the soldiers immediately loaded new crossbow arrows, and the battleship also began to speed up, and the speed quickly exceeded [-] kilometers, as if flying close to the sea.

After the Rising Sun, the rest of the warships also fired one after another.

A crossbow arrow flew towards the Flame Empire fleet with the light of death. Their bombardment was not as precise as the Rising Sun, only about one-third of the hit rate, but the power of the crossbow arrow was too great. Arrows will blow out a huge hole with a diameter of several meters on the battleship of the Empire of Flame.

After a wave of seven battleships had all been bombarded, four of the twelve main battleships of the Empire of Flame had been sunk, three had been seriously injured, and more than half had been damaged.

Liu Xu's fleet followed the Rising Sun to speed up in an all-round way, so that the opponent's jaw-dropping speed of [-] kilometers per hour drew a large arc across the sea like flying, stopped in front of the main battleship of the Empire of Flame, and then slowed down and aimed at it. ,bombardment.

After the second round of bombardment, only four capital ships of the Empire of Flame were still afloat, and only one remained intact.

Immediately, the expedition fleet picked up speed again and began to roll the names of the next-level cruisers of the High Flame Empire one by one.

The shortcomings of the cruiser's weak defense are clearly evident at this moment, as long as it hits a ballista, it may be directly blasted into two pieces.

Even if the landing point of the ballista is high, it can blow up the entire bridge.

Liu Xu simply led the fleet to approach within [-] meters. At this distance, the accuracy of the ballista was greatly improved, and the hit rate could reach two-thirds.

The seven battleships are like demon gods walking in the world, sending opponents one by one into the bottom of the sea.

Wreckage of battleships and floating birdmen were everywhere on the sea. In desperation, the powerhouses of the Empire of Flame began to attack Liu Xu's flagship without risking their lives.

But with Liu Xu's Blood Rain skill, those powerful empires can only approach by swimming.

They worked hard to get close to the Rising Sun, but they were shot and killed one by one by the Rising Sun Empire musketeers on the battleship.

A strong man from the Empire of Flame had just rushed to the top of the Rising Sun, and before he could unleash a big move, Priscia jumped and pounced on him, beheading him.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, another Flame Empire powerhouse immediately turned around and fled towards Zhanhuo Continent. Liu Xu was not going to chase after him. Bird people know what's going on.

At this moment, the naval battle was coming to an end, and the remaining dozen or so small warships fled in all directions.

Liu Xu did not pursue, but ordered to rescue the birds floating in the sea. These slaves were a huge fortune, but if they resisted, they would be killed immediately.

These bird people may be a burden to others, but Liu Xu has no such worries. They can become the rations of the demon army.

These days, they are probably tired of eating fish. Although the transformed body will not blindly pursue human internal organs, if there are fresh living people to eat, I believe they will be very happy.

The male birdmen feed the demons, or become companions of the demons. As for the female birdmen, Liu Xu found a few that look good, especially when they are still wearing the navy uniform of the Empire of Flame.

Now that your own fleet has wiped out the fleet of the Flame Empire, let yourself conquer their naval fleet!

There are more than a dozen heavily damaged Flame Empire warships on the sea. Liu Xu has no interest in these warships and directly ordered them to be sunk.

Then the fleet sailed towards the nearest port city.

In the central plain in the east of the Continent of War, there is a huge city.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Yan Empire, Violent Chi Yan, lived in the royal court of the city and ruled over all the land within tens of millions of square kilometers.

Under the clear blue sky in the afternoon, a slender bird cut through the sky like lightning, flew into the city, headed straight for the royal court, finally penetrated into the gorgeous palace, and stopped on the windowsill of the tallest tower.

His Majesty the Emperor was sitting by the window, flipping through a beautifully printed collection of poems.

The flying bird landed on the window sill and handed a delicate glass round tube to His Majesty the Emperor.

Violence. Chi Yan's reading was interrupted, his face was extremely unhappy, and he said angrily: "If there is something important, I can't wait to talk about it later!"

But His Majesty's gaze immediately caught a bright red line smeared on the glass tube, and his face changed slightly.

This represents the most urgent military situation.

He opened the glass round tube, took out the scroll from inside, and glanced at it.

"The Third Fleet of the Flame Empire is completely wiped out!?"

Violent Chi Yan suddenly stood up and accidentally knocked over the coffee table.

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