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Chapter 1127

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A moment later, the majestic castle was awakened by the mournful sound of the war horn, and the wind sent the sound of the war horn to every corner of the main city of the Royal Court.

A number of soldiers walked out of the barracks, listening to the sound in the wind, and then they returned to their tents, quickly put on their armor, put on their long swords, carried their long bows, and ran towards the playground.

The emperor of the Yan Empire is fierce. Chi Yan is gathering his warriors to fight against a powerful and evil enemy.

Violent. Chi Yan put on a gorgeous armor like glass, put on his back the two-handed sword that he hadn't touched for many years, and then stepped on his own mount, a unicorn with wings on its back.

Koh Samui is the second largest port on the east coast of the Empire of Fire and the base of the Third Fleet of the Empire of Fire.

The Third Fleet stationed here is responsible for the coastal defense of the entire northeast.

There are also nearly [-] senior fighters living on Koh Samui.

Koh Samui is only a few tens of kilometers away from the mainland. Opposite it is Baisha City, a city named after the beautiful and delicate white sand beach.

But now, the entire Koh Samui Island is in a state of panic, and there is no news of the third fleet that is in battle. On the contrary, a fleet that came across the sea appeared outside Suhai Port.

The guards of the port were easily routed, and all remaining warships were either captured or sunk.

It took Liu Xu an hour to clean up and occupy Samui Port, and the occupation of Baisha City was even easier. With a wave of his hand, the army of demons attacked the city, and the resistance in the city soon collapsed.

The monsters didn't do much damage to the city buildings, but the humans in the city...

All of them became rations for demons.

After the troops cleaned up the city, Liu Xu, Denisa, Priscia and others walked around Samui Harbor.

The buildings here are all in the style of the Yan Empire period. The overall building is slender and tall. There are old trees and flower beds everywhere in the city, just like a forest.

The houses are all pointed, covered with green or blue glazed tiles, and the borders are often outlined in gold or dark gold, as well as silver.

This combination of gold and jade, or silver and jade, is the mainstream aesthetics of the Flame Empire.

Liu Xu walked around the port city of Sumei, took a general look at the whole city, and visited several shops at the same time, then returned to the port and boarded his warship.

Back on the battleship, Liu Xu checked the time and ordered the entire fleet to leave the port and prepare for battle.

The defenders stationed in Baisha and Koh Samui also gathered in the fortifications, preparing to guard them strictly.

Liu Xu said to Denisa: "The reinforcements from the Empire of Flame are coming soon."

Denisa said, "Are you going to talk or fight?"

"Of course it's a fight." Liu Xu said without hesitation.

"Why?" Denisa asked, frowning.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Who will talk to you if you don't have the strength? If you want to talk, you have to wait until after the fight."

When Denisa was about to say something, she suddenly sensed the tyrannical momentum in the distance, her expression changed slightly, and she turned her head to look west.

A dark cloud appeared in the sky, led by a huge flying dragon, which was particularly eye-catching.

When Denisa felt the undisguised murderous intent on the flying dragon, her heart immediately sank, knowing that, as Liu Xu said, it seems that we can only talk about it after the fight.

Three days later, a news that shocked the entire Cangqing Continent spread throughout the Yan Empire.

The emperor of the Yan Empire, violent. Chi Yan died in battle in the Northeast Sea.

Liu Xu, who personally killed Violent Chi Yan, led his men to disembark and land, and captured the imperial court of the Yan Empire.

"What did you say back then?" Denisa said angrily.

"That Chi Yan came to the door coquettishly, but he didn't expect to be beaten so easily..." Liu Xu didn't have the nerve to say that Chi Yan's power was stronger than he imagined, so he stopped for a while, so he beat him up died.

"What should we do now?" Denisa brushed her golden hair.

"What can we do?" Liu Xu shrugged rascally, "Of course it's a fight."

The above conversation took place in the palace hall of the Imperial Court of the Flame Empire.

Liu Xu's people have taken over the entire royal court, but the entire Yan Empire has not surrendered. Although most of the central bosses have been controlled by him, there is no shortage of ambitious people in this world. After learning of Chi Yan's death, After the news, the city lords from all over the country united one after another to form the King Qin Army, the thirty-sixth army, and came to attack the royal court. It was a bit like the feudal princes fighting Dong Zhuo in the Three Kingdoms period.

Harem, bedroom.

After Liu Xu took a shower, he walked into the room and saw Denisa leaning on the sofa, holding a book and staring at it.

Liu Xu walked to the sofa, leaned over and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Denisa didn't answer, but turned her face away and said, "You're leaving, aren't you?"


"Can you..."


"Give me a child."

"it is good."

Denisa hooked Liu Xu's neck with her backhand, pulled him down, and kept her mouth shut.

This time, it was like throwing a torch into the arsenal, and it detonated the whole room in a blink of an eye.

Unable to hold back anymore, Liu Xu lifted Di Nisha up, and Di Nisha jumped into the air and turned over with her legs wrapped around Liu Xu's waist.

Liu Xu unfolded his invincible movement technique, arrived at the master bedroom in a few steps, and slammed her down on the bed.

The night breeze is still cool, but the small building is emitting fire from the windows.

After a long time, the volcano gradually stopped erupting. The two of them lay side by side on the bed, both of them were exhausted, and fought fiercely several times.

Denisa rested her head in the crook of Liu Xu's arms, stroking his sculpture-like flesh with her fingers, her eyes were as gentle as water.

The full moon hangs high in the night sky, and the moonlight shines on them quietly through the whirling leaves and windows, making them look extraordinarily peaceful and warm.

Liu Xu only felt the indescribable peace and relaxation at this moment, and he felt drowsy, and his eyes seemed to be extremely heavy, and he wanted to fall asleep.

But Denisa didn't feel sleepy at all, and called softly: "Xu."


"Are you coming back?"

"Of course!"

"Will we have children?"

" have to do it a few times to be safe."


Liu Xu couldn't take it any longer, and fell asleep in a daze.

With a smile on the corner of Denisa's mouth, she arched her little head and put herself in a more comfortable position, thinking about things quietly.

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⑦ Digimon Invasion Marvel

Chapter 1128 Leaving the Great Sword, the Real World

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Seven days later, Wang Ting.

In the early morning of the empire, the Eternal Night Continent was still in darkness. Several upper continents blocked the sunlight, and only a ray of bright morning light could be seen at the edge of the sky.

Liu Xu came proudly and stood on the city wall, with Denisa and the daughters of Priscia beside him.

Then, there was a very funny scene. Liu Xu, who was in the strongest state, used his energy skills to bombard indiscriminately, defeated nearly half of the army by himself, and then chased after the 500th army of the Empire of Flame alone. Nearly [-] masters ran around the imperial capital...

Three days later, the Empire of Flame officially changed hands.

Combining the power of the Great Sword Continent and the Flame Empire, Liu Xu flattened the Dragon Continent in one fell swoop.

In this continent full of alien creatures, Liu Xu has no scruples and fires with full firepower.

Liu Xu, who has almost evolved to the peak state of vampire monsters, wiped out [-]% of the species in the Dragon Continent by himself, and kept the remaining [-]% ​​for ecological balance and biological research.

At this point, the two supercontinents were finally united.

The Great Sword Continent started a mighty immigrant movement, and the people of the Great Sword Continent were transferred to the Dragon Continent, and then gradually developed into a magical world, a world of sword and magic, and the most powerful knight is the Dragon Knight, When all the people in the Great Sword Continent left, the entire Great Sword Continent was transformed into a huge alchemy circle.

At this time, Liu Xu was able to mobilize the will of the world. Using the Sun Moon Treasure Box and the Alchemy Formation, he traveled through time and space and left the world of Great Sword.

Entering the space-time tunnel, what Liu Xu saw were dreamy circles of light.

Countless circles of light flashed in front of Liu Xu's eyes. Liu Xu's eyes were sharp as lightning, looking for the world of Digimons. Finding the digital world is actually not difficult, as long as you look for the circles of light that are all made up of 0s and 1s.

The endless light covered Liu Xu's eyes, which made him feel extremely shocked. This was the first time Liu Xu traveled through time and space while conscious.

After watching it for a while, Liu Xu, who is as strong as Liu Xu, also felt a little overwhelmed. The power and rules at this level are not comprehensible to him now. He only felt his mind was blank, and then Liu Xu couldn't help but quickly closed his eyes, and the light disappeared. , The uncomfortable feeling in my head gradually disappeared without a trace.

Suddenly, Liu Xu felt a breeze blowing over his cheeks, as if a woman's little hand was stroking. His black hair fluttered in the wind.

With his eyes closed, Liu Xu took a deep breath of air.

The air in the two worlds is somewhat different.

In the Great Sword World, there are many forests, the air is very fresh, very ancient, and has not been destroyed or polluted.

But in this real world, although Liu Xu has his eyes closed, the air is worse than the air in the Great Sword World, and the oxygen content is not that high.

This is not the Digimon world, or this is the real world of the Digimon world.

When Liu Xu opened his eyes, he saw the passing red car, and in front of his eyes, there was a crossroad, and beside the place where he was standing, there was a convenience store on the right side, which was similar to a small shop in Tianchao. The supermarket is not very big, but it is much bigger than the canteen.

"Finally home."

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