Liu Xu narrowed his eyes and sighed inwardly.

This world seems to have not been destroyed yet. Liu Xu remembered that when he traveled through, the Digimon army had already entered the light gate, but it seemed that they were also lost in the space-time tunnel by the Sakyamuni.

"The time now is..."

Liu Xu looked up at the big sun in the sky.

At noon in Tokyo, the crowd suddenly increased a lot, just like millions of ants suddenly popping up in the wilderness.

Liu Xu didn't know where Jiaer Yagami's home was, but he knew where she went to school.

After asking someone, Liu Xu walked in the direction of Yagami Jiaer School.

Turning a corner, a beautiful figure in a snow-white kimono appeared in front of her eyes. She fell to the ground, half of her snow-white thigh was exposed, and on her calf, a bruised wound was bleeding out. Injured after falling.

A kraft paper bag scattered on the ground, as well as pears and apples scattered out of the paper bag, also proved that she fell accidentally.

Seeing how beautiful the back was, Liu Xu immediately walked over quickly.

"Miss, are you alright?"

The woman turned her head, and before she could speak, Liu Xu's eyes lit up with that dusty face.

She is no more than twenty-five years old, and her chin is not the usual rounded chin of the eldest son of Japanese girls. On a standard oval face, the sharp chin line is as simple as a knife, and the long eyelashes are like a fan. Big, like a quiet spring of clear water.

From the perspective of the whole facial features, she is very in line with the delicate and soft characteristics of Japanese beauties, and she is wearing a beautiful snow-white kimono, which makes him feel hopeless and eager to move.

There was a slight pain on the beauty's face, Liu Mei frowned slightly, and said reluctantly: "Ah, it doesn't matter, I can get up by myself."

Liu Xu exposed her with a smile and said: "Your ankle is bent, it must be painful when you move it? This is much more serious than your skin trauma. If you don't treat it quickly, it will swell up in an hour. It will take at least half a month to return to normal."

The beauty raised her nose and said with a smile, "Are you a doctor?"

"That's right!" Liu Xu raised his sleeves, leaned in front of her and said, "Anyway, simple bruises won't trouble me."

"Okay, then thank you, please help me up, and take me to a nearby clinic for a bandage!"

Liu Xu took one of her hands and let it pass through his head and neck, then he helped her up vigorously, and wrapped his arms around her waist, which was as smooth as creamy fat.

"If you have commonly used disinfectant and gauze at home, you don't need to go to the clinic. This broken bone belongs to the scope of family self-help. I can help you."

The beauty thought for a while, then refused: "No need, can you help me go home to get something first, and then drive me to the clinic?"

ps: New world, start.

Chapter 1129 Kiryu Yuko

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Two people who didn't know each other met by chance. Her beauty didn't believe Liu Xu, that's for sure.

After all, she is still very confident in her beauty, which is the self-confidence of a beautiful woman, and she never underestimates herself.

Liu Xu didn't blame her, it was entirely human's instinct to protect himself.

And the premise for him to help her is only because she is very beautiful and fits his appetite.

Otherwise, in these days, helping the fallen elderly is something that local tyrants can do.

"it is good!"

Liu Xu bent down, put the scattered fruits around in the kraft paper bag, and looked at it a little. Except for the fruits, there were some flour in it, and the amount was not much.

There was a hint of admiration in the beauty's eyes, and it passed by, letting Liu Xu support her and walked into the street.

Liu Xu was afraid that she would not have enough strength, so he deliberately controlled his strength to surround her, making her light female Qiao body lighter, and it was more suitable for him to move slowly with one foot.

But even so, it took ten minutes for them to walk a distance of fifty meters.

In fact, the beauty also knows that the best way is to let Liu Xu hug her by the waist, so that even if she saves effort, it also saves him effort and speeds up.

It's just that she is a traditional woman who guards against men and women very much. For a person like this, having a young man support her and hug her willow waist is the bottom line to the greatest extent. Other men had more intimacy.

Liu Xu felt her soft and slender waist and the female Qiao's body exuding the fragrance of a mature woman. In addition to admiring her, he was even more moved by this charming young woman who was obviously married.

"My home is right in front, Nuo, it's that white house." The beauty said slightly with a sigh of relief.

"Please come in!" The beauty took out the key and opened the door of the house, smiling.

Standing in the porch, Liu Xu hesitated for a moment, and said embarrassingly: "Why don't you go in by yourself, take your things and leave? On the floor at home, as long as you are careful, you can walk slowly by yourself. "

The beauty showed a mischievous smile that didn't match her age, but it was equally thrilling.

"Now I suddenly don't want to go to the clinic anymore, it's so far away, I don't want to go that far."

Liu Xu immediately understood what she meant. His play hard to get just now made the beauty's guard lessened a lot.

Liu Xu, who was full of evil thoughts in his head, did his part. Since everyone said so, he was not polite. After taking off his shoes, he still sat down at the small wooden table in the living room with his arms around her.

The decoration of this kind of house is very elegant, and the murals hanging around are also very tasteful, but the colors are all light toned, which looks much more monotonous.

"What do you want to drink?" After the beauty sat down, she breathed a sigh of relief, and a lazy look appeared on her tired face.

"Let's enjoy it until I finish my business!" Liu Xu stood up, "Where's your medicine box at home?"

Soon, under the guidance of the beauty, Liu Xu found a large medicine box.

The beauty revealed a snow-white and nimble jade foot. On the originally beautiful jade foot, the ankle was red and swollen slightly.

After Liu Xu washed his hands in a calm manner, he took out some disinfectant, dipped some cotton in it, and first applied it up and down on the wound on her calf, causing her to gnash her silver teeth lightly in pain.

Then put on the cotton wool and gauze. Seeing Liu Xu's skillful and undivided attention, he didn't bother to look at the softness of her calf and the snow-white thighs looming in the kimono. The beauty let go of her last trace of worry.

Liu Xu put her jade foot in the palm of his hand, and watched her reaction while touching it with the other hand.

"Well, it's okay, just take a day off and you'll be fine."

"Thank you!" the beauty said softly.

"You don't have to thank me, just don't blame me later." Looking at the surprised eyes of the beauty, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Although it's just a soft tissue injury, it still hurts when you press it."

"Is it okay if I don't?" The beauty blushed in embarrassment, "I have been afraid of pain since I was a child."

"It will take at least a week to get better if you don't follow the rules."

The beautiful silver teeth bit her lips lightly, and after a while, she finally made a decision.

"Then it will trouble you."


Liu Xu supported the beautiful woman's jade feet with one hand, and slowly rubbed her ankle with the other hand.

The beauty's jade feet are soft and boneless, and her skin is as smooth as fat. From this point alone, she is a well-deserved role as a beautiful young woman. The inner beauty of the moon body must be the same as her appearance. It is extremely mysterious!

Liu Xu is a normal man. It is normal for him to have some associations in his mind when he comes into contact with a beautiful woman so close.

"Hmm...doesn't it hurt?" The beauty had closed her eyes a long time ago because of fear, but now she opened them again and whispered softly.

"It's because you've only had a slight sprain."

A few minutes later, Liu Xu smiled and let go of her hand, touched her five jade-like toes, and then turned them in a medium circle.

"How is it, is there any special pain?"

The beauty closed her eyes, felt the area around her ankle seriously, and said after a while, "It seems that the pain is gone, and the area around the ankle is still warm and very comfortable."

"That's good." Liu Xu put down her jade feet, "Don't move around too much today, and don't take a hot bath first, don't let the water touch the injured area, sleep, and you can go back to normal activities tomorrow."

"Thank you, you are such a warm-hearted and kind person." The beauty said gratefully: "Just now I suspected that you had other plans, I am really sorry."

"It's nothing. You should be a little wary when you meet strangers. It's understandable." Liu Xu stood up, "But you can't cook for your husband tonight. Ask him to cook a bowl of millet porridge for you." Well, this is good for the body."

"My husband?" The beauty's smile dimmed immediately, "I also want to cook for him every day, but I don't have this chance anymore..."

"He..." Liu Xu asked suspiciously.

"He has passed away." The beauty stared at one place melancholy.


"Okay, let's not talk about these unhappy things." The beauty forced herself to smile, "I don't know your name yet! My name is Kiryu Yuko."

"Good name... Kiryu Xiko... Kiryu Xiko?" Liu Xu suddenly called out.

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Chapter 1130 The Best Lolita

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Kiryu Xiko looked at Liu Xu in surprise.

Liu Xu coughed and said awkwardly, "Good name, really good name."

Unexpectedly, this woman turned out to be Yuko Kiryu, the woman in Tram Wolf R.

Kiryu Yuko (ゅうゆうこ), height: 160cm, measurements: measurements: 94/60/88, personality: gentle and mature.

In the game, she is the mother of Kiryu Aika and Kiryu Cang, a senior executive of a publishing company.

Widowed in her early years, she raised her two daughters alone and loved Aihua and Cang very much.

It is the most feminine character in the game, a representative of mature women.

Liu Xu didn't expect to meet her, but the digital world is the main plane world, and it's not surprising to meet a woman in the world of dimensional fragments.

After healing Xiko Kiryu's leg, Liu Xu left. Before leaving, he asked Xiko how to get to Odaiba Elementary School.

Originally, he asked about the route, but when he sent Xizi home, Liu Xu lost his way again.

He's never been a man with a sense of direction.

As a result, when he arrived at Odaiba Elementary School, Liu Xu found that there was no student in the whole school except the security guard at the gate.

Because it is now summer vacation, all the children are going to summer camps, so there are basically no people in the school now.

"I didn't expect this!"

Liu Xu patted his forehead, but according to common sense, Yagami Jiaer's home should not be far from the school.

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