Obviously, Kushina's pregnancy was premature.

In the original book, when Naruto was born, the trees had already grown green leaves, although, maybe it was for such an expression at the time.

But... this also shows that Naruto was born around summer.

But... if there are no accidents now, Naruto's birth should be next winter.

Although it is still Konoha's forty-eight years, it has obviously improved for several months.

It is estimated... this time it is very likely that Sasuke was born earlier than Sasuke.

Obviously, Guanyue Wuyi put a lot of effort into these things.

The items in her sex shop make a big difference.

It is said... There were several times when the fourth generation went to Hokage's office very late. Obviously, it was squeezed dry by Kushina.

I'm really... envious...

Feeling the opening and closing of the "beep" acupoint below her, Guanyue Wuyi couldn't help sighing.

She wants it too.


Flashback version Minato Kushina ①

"Hey, Minato, what do you think of me now?"

Kushina, who had received the gift of Moon Watching Dance Dress, quickly changed into it, wearing various tools on her body, giving people a very strange feeling.

Don't say anything else.

Minato felt himself blushing a little.

Fortunately, while becoming Hokage, I can freely read the sealed book.

He chose a sealing technique created by the second generation on it and learned it.

The effect of the sealing technique is very simple, it is to isolate various investigation events.

As for why it does this...

Did you make such a ninjutsu...

According to the brains of some people, the first and second generation brother love books have been drawn

The reason for this enchantment is very simple.


"Minato... shall we... come and play?"


Single dog crit HP -10000

The single dog is dead.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Then, from now on you are my puppet."

Looking at the dazed fourth Mizukage in front of him, Obito slowly revealed a smile at the corner of his mouth.


"So...less than three months?"

"Ah, that's right."

Kushina nodded in satisfaction after eating a bowl of ramen. I don't know why she likes ramen so much recently.

"Originally, Minato planned to ask you to produce at your place, but after thinking about it, let's forget it."

"Huh? Why forget it? Isn't it a good thing? Here, it can be said to be the safest place in the world, and I can also deter Nine Tails. Is there anything to worry about?"

"Well, I know."

Kushina can't say it's because of those old guys, can he?

Although there are three-generation old men who have retired and read books at home and stole the crystal ball dedicated to Hokage, but...

Those guys who don't understand anything and daimyo are still afraid that she will take the opportunity to control Kyuubi or something. It can be said that their brains are all in their ass.

"Then, I'll go first, thank you for your hospitality."

Looking at the immediate Kushina Kanyue dance clothes, she shook her head, really, with a big belly, she dared to wander around among the leaves alone, and there were no guards, although Konoha was very safe ,but...

It can't be so casual.

Thinking about it, Guanyue Maiyi split out a wooden clone and sneaked into Kushina's shadow.


"Nine tails?"

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