Tiandao Payne looked at Obito wearing a mask in front of him and frowned.

"What do you mean? Anyway, Nine Tails was the last to be caught, so why worry?"

"Do not."

Obito shook his head and said, "No, Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is Kushina, the wife of the Fourth Hokage, and friend of Kanzuki Mai. At that time, it will be very difficult for me or you alone."

Moon watching dance clothes...

Tiandao Payne was expressionless, but the corner of Nagato's mouth in the distance evoked a slight smile.

He knew that this person was strong.

So... he will feel happy.

Because we are friends.

But... this time for my dream, I'm sorry.

Looking at Yahiko who was still sleeping soundly at the side, Nagato's eyes showed a trace of sadness.

In the end... when will you wake up?


Nagato exhaled slightly and no longer cared.

If he cared about it, he felt as if he was looking at the notebook specially sent over by Yue Wuyi before.

PS: I am relieved to see you and Yahiko are so affectionate, this is for you two, keep it.


Payne looked at Obito, nodded and said, "I agree...I'll temporarily stop Guanyue Wuyi, and I'll leave the rest to you."


Look at it, Mai.

Nagato said with a smile.

This is the result of asking me to read such a book before retaliating against you.


"Indra... Are Asuras all reincarnated..."

Look at the two lives in Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto's stomach at that time.

Liudao Heijue slowly narrowed his eyes.

When the two wills are reincarnated, even Liu Dao cannot control them.

After all, if the two of them could be resurrected, they would be no worse than the Immortals of the Six Paths in terms of strength alone.


It is the accumulation of countless lifetimes.

But there is one thing.

That is, the two of them can never be resurrected.

It's different from Sage of the Six Paths.

The two... just some chakra and will left.

especially the will...

It has long been washed away by countless hosts in countless reincarnations.


In the first reincarnation, the two are most like Indra and Asura.

Reincarnation after reincarnation gradually became more and more different.

Gradually, the differences increased.

But...it also means more possibilities.

"Naruto... Sasuke...?"

The names of the two have already been determined.

For one, Minato Namikaze directly uses the name of the protagonist of Jiraiya's only serious novel.

Another one... Uchiha Itachi's name.

He seemed to have seen the excitement of Itachi Uchiha when he got this opportunity one day.

Of course...in the eyes of their parents, they must be male first, but...in the eyes of the Sages of the Six Paths...

He hasn't seen the female version of Asura and Indra yet...



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