Changes emerged.

The surrounding space began to emit a strange and dangerous message.

Stripes of small black hands appeared on the ground, and an eye slowly emerged.

The next moment, Guanyue Dance Clothes appeared in a pure white space.

In front of her was a pure white figure with a figure similar to hers, but without a face.

"Yo! Welcome, visitor from another world."

"Huh? You know me?"

"Of course, I am the world itself, or the one, or the whole, or the god, or the truth, or the universe. I have already understood this matter the moment you came into this world. What do you want to do? I understand everything, and I probably know what you are thinking."


"Ah, you sealed a part of your brain with the energy of that other world, but the part that was left free was intentional. Well, I will give you the truth as you think! Correspondingly, you have to give me the truth. The knowledge of your closed world."

"What? Don't want my hands, feet and body?"

"Don't! Anyway, you can force it to grow, and give human arrogance a proper despair... But I don't have the ability to give you despair, so I won't give it at all! I want your knowledge, and I will give it to you too Knowledge!"

"Um... is it..."

It's different from what I thought, but... well, there's nothing to hide... knowledge of another world.


"Hey—then take it! Your truth!"

next moment.

Wu Yi was dragged into the door, and a lot of knowledge was absorbed by Wu Yi.poured into her brain.

Alchemy, which he knew little about at first, began to develop quickly, completely ignoring the requirements of talent.

This is equivalent exchange.

She... got the truth (her share.)

Chapter 6 Even if I am all, the world is one.

"Then... goodbye, I hope you can bring more knowledge of the different world when we meet next time."

Guanyue Wuyi slowly opened her eyes, and she heard wailing in her ears.

That is...

The product of the human body.

"Well... let's deal with it."

Guanyue Wuyi clasped his palms together as he spoke, and then pressed them to the ground.

The next moment, a long knife appeared.

"Oh... What a useful ability..."


Hack and dispose of the artificial humans who are not yet dead.

She felt... a change in herself.

There is a lot of knowledge in the brain, and... I don't use her to study at all, I understand everything completely.

The composition of the world, the principles of everything, she feels as if she can do everything.

That is... the hallucination, the sense of expansion when the power is not controlled by oneself.

Just wait until you get used to it.

This is not physical strength, but spiritual strength.

She felt... She gained a lot of knowledge.

The books on alchemy that I "brought" on the side were half-understood before, but seems to be dealing with elementary school students' subjects, and of course...occasionally, it is a little difficult.

"Is this alchemy..."

Understand knowledge, and then decompose and reassemble it.

Understand the world...then...master it.

With this kind of ability...she will be able to better understand the theory of a world, and then...take advantage of the world's loopholes, and in other worlds, she can use the power that was originally suppressed in her body in the previous world .

She was completely wrong!

Originally, the power of learning just for fun has achieved an effect that I didn't expect at all.

It's...not power, it's theory, knowledge.

It is also completely usable in other worlds.

Because...she has the door of truth!

The door of truth is forged with one's own knowledge and one's own future.

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