In "Fullmetal Alchemist FA", Edward sacrificed the entire Gate of Truth in order to regain his younger brother, but...that was just the future at that time. If the knowledge at that time...has been accumulated again ...


Given the corresponding despair as punishment for arrogant human beings, there is also a corresponding reward...

That is... to give "possibilities" to humans.

One is all...all is one.

Self is whole, the world is one.

This is... the alchemy of the moon-watching dance suit.

"Huh—I didn't expect to get such an interesting thing... There are so many... If it's okay to understand..."

Guanyue Wuyi clasped his palms together, and then pressed on the ground.

The next moment, a pink ball with something attached to its tail appeared in the hands of Guanyue Wuyi.

"Sure enough...the thing I understand the most is this kind of thing..."

hum ——

Look at the ball that is obviously starting to bounce.

Guanyue Wuyi exhaled in satisfaction.

"By the way...system, why can I use your power but not mine? Why...your power won't be suppressed by the world."

no reply...

But... Guanyue Wuyi is even more convinced of one thing.

And...the dangers of this system...

It is the most correct way to not rely on this system to become stronger... Otherwise...

"Well...don't worry about the mastermind behind the scenes...then...what should I do?"

By the way... let's learn about alchemy...

This thing may help me understand the world in other ways...


Are you going to Xinguo?

"It's Just go and be a national alchemist."


Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was more than a year. Wu Yi left Xinguo and returned to this land.

The center of it all.

Amestris, now... the storyline should have begun.

This is the result of my own assessment.

As for why I came back so late, when the plot had already started... The reason is very simple, that is, the National Alchemist's assessment is about to take place.

Once a year, the national alchemist's assessment.

At the same time, it is also the time for other national alchemists who have passed the assessment... it's time for that scene with Scar and Nina...

But...the number of people is a bit small, which is completely different from the number of people in the information I received before I left.

Now, there are only one or two hundred people, her memory...usually thousands of people will be paid at this time, of course...most of them are three-legged cats. A bit of theory...

"Um... so what's the goal?"

Looking at the people who were being assessed around, Wu Yi sighed in her heart.

National alchemist's examination.

It has always been the yearning of almost all alchemists in this country, even if... they are regarded as lackeys of the army.

And then think about your name again...

Well, even though this was posted directly, ah...

What kind of alchemy is used during the assessment will also have a certain effect...

"Then... just use this."

Looking at the gloves with alchemy engraved on her hands, Mai Yi nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, she can use alchemy as long as she puts her hands together without wearing gloves, but after all, it has been exposed that she was a woman when she sneaked up on that father, and she also said that she wanted to refine the human body, so... ..pretending to be forceful... I don't want to leak it so early...

Compared with the knowledge I got when I was on Earth, the knowledge I got when I was in Naruto World is actually more helpful to my alchemy learning, and I have a better understanding...

Fire, water, thunder, earth, wind.

So she also prepared five alchemy... no... alchemy + alchemy results formed into a formation.

But... her best thing is Ray, so...

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