As for Yin Yang Dun... even if she used the levelless cultivation talent, it was useless.


Because she paid more attention to alchemy, so... even the levelless cultivation talent was used.

There are eighteen hours left for AA grades, and fifty-three points for no grades.

Use the rest.

But even so... it's worth it!

Even if the system does exist and conspire to use these talent-type abilities, it doesn't matter to her, because... even if it is deprived of the talents conferred by the system, it doesn't matter, anyway... the knowledge has already arrived, unless the power is far away It is far stronger than her erasing the memory, otherwise it will not work...


In fact, she really wants to meet a strong enough opponent...

At that time... see if the system's blow can work... and you will be able to understand... the specific strength of this system...


As if countless birds were chirping, thunder and lightning... gathered in the hand.

"'s pretty powerful."

There was a smile on the corner of Hughes Lieutenant Zuo's mouth, he didn't expect that he just came over casually to take a look, and he saw such an interesting scene...

And... still such a woman...

Well, there is no meaning of looking down, just pure surprise.

The big president slowly opened one of his eyes...

"Is it possible to use lightning's... alchemy? How on earth can it be done?"

Guanyue Wuyi looked at the thunder in his hand and smiled.

Chidori, the ninjutsu of this Naruto world appeared in this world in a way that does not use any chakra at all.


All the other alchemists nearby looked at her with expressions of envy and fear, the thunder and lightning...beyond their imagination.

Unlike Brother Elric.

Guanyue Wuyi didn't go through the back door to take the exam alone, but...with other people...

Well... But if this is the case... the reputation will be released faster...



"Thunder Alchemist... This is your name, how is it? Do you like it?"

The big president said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah, I'm very satisfied...Lei, so...Is there anything else? The president actually gave me this thing himself."

"Ah...not anymore, but...let me ask, do you have any thoughts after becoming a national alchemist? Is there anything you want to do? Look at your appearance... If I remember correctly, you should Are you a [new] Chinese? What are you doing here?"

"Oh... so many questions... But forget it, answering you one by one, it's really nothing... It's just boring in one place, so I'm traveling the world, here... yes My one stop, if I stay enough, I will change places and continue to play, it's that simple."

"Oh... play... then. Then, why become a national alchemist? Isn't that less freedom?"

"'s nothing, it's just that there is more money."


Looking around, this room can be said to be of general knowledge, the President smiled: "Haha, so that's the reason, very interesting reason, don't worry, the national alchemist has a lot of money, don't worry at all."

"Ah, it's just because of this."

"Then, I'll go first."

"Yes, it's really embarrassing to ask the president to come in person, but I won't send it off. Goodbye."

"Haha, interesting guy."

The big president said, opened the door and left.

The moment the door was closed, the President's face became slightly gloomy

"Ray... is it... interesting."


Looking at the money in his hand, Guanyue Wuyi showed a mocking smile, this thing, I have as much as I want, if it is not enough, everyone on the street is willing to lend me some.

"Really... It's enough to live in such a dilapidated hotel... Go and buy a good one. After all... I'm a national alchemist."

Do it when you think of it.

The next day, Guanyue Wuyi began to look for a good was so hard...

"Well... this is not bad."

Looking at the house in front of her, Guanyue Wuyi smiled with satisfaction.

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