After all, the lightning from the Moon Watching Dance Clothes remained at the wound...

It's impossible not to completely eliminate that lightning...

"What a great guy..."

Enwei changed into a human form and said with some sighs: "The three of us failed in a short moment... Hey, is that guy really human? And..."

Envey paused and said, "We seemed to have died so many times just now..."

"Ah, yes..."

Rust nodded and said, "Every time the thunderbolt recovers halfway, it will come out and kill us...until it's exhausted...I probably died about four times..."

"Rust...what to do?"

Gratoni said with a crying voice: "We didn't catch him, Father will scold me."

"Hmmm... that's no way... Some things may be known at random... But it doesn't matter, Father's plan is absolute... will not be interrupted by any reason... Let's see if we can convince them to join this side...if not..."

"Ah... If it doesn't work, we can only let the army take action... It's really troublesome."


"Okay, this is my home."


Guanyue Wuyi nodded and followed Hughes up.

"Dongdong—Gracia, it's me."


After a while, the sound of opening the door came out: "Why did you come back today... What's the matter with you? My dear!"

Seeing Hughes Gracia, who was covered in blood, her complexion suddenly changed.

"Ah...a little's not a big the way, it's—"

Before Hughes could finish his sentence, he fell forward and fell into Gracia's arms...

"Hmm... Hurry up and bandage it, it seems that there is a little more blood loss."

"Well, thank you, may I ask... who are you?"

"Me? I'm the national alchemist, I can be regarded as his friend... Take charge and protect your family."

"Really...then... please!" Gracia said and saluted.

"Haha, it's not a big deal."


Talk about a new book.A sudden brainstorming work, the update time is uncertain, so I posted it when I thought of it, but I personally like this idea very much.

Title: "Ordinary Journey to Cultivate Immortals"


Ordinary life, ordinary alien world, ordinary cultivating immortals.

An ordinary person traveled to a different world where he cultivated immortals.

There is no cheating, no deep hatred, no hatred that must be killed.

This is, an ordinary story.

You can take a look if you like, that's all.Should be able to pass the review tomorrow, probably...

Chapter 10 Face Again

"Then... then I'll leave it to you Lars. Hughes and that woman... it's better to kill them all..."

"I know."

The President, Kim Bradley looked at Ruster in front of him and said, "There is a can be done in two days, it's no big deal, things are still under control..."


"In other words, is this country planning something..."

In the phone booth, Mustang frowned and looked at the map in front of him and said, "Hughes, do you know what this is?"

"No, I don't know." Hughes on the other end of the phone said, "I'm not an alchemist after all, that's why I called you. I don't know the specifics. So, what is this?"

"Is that so..." Mustang looked at the map in his hand and said, "This is... the country's territory has been forged into formations!"

"The country is formed into an array??"

"Ah, that's right, Hughes, you should stop investigating the next matter. This matter is very dangerous. Besides... where are your wife and daughter?"

"Ah...the two of them are safe, I have asked Mai Yi to send them to a safe's okay."


"Sorry." Hughes on the other end of the phone exhaled and said, "It seems that someone has come to the door... Hang up now, and talk about something later."

"Hughes! Hughes!"

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