Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Mustang put the phone back and clenched his fists.



"Yo, how are you? Hughes."

The door opened, and the big president, who was holding something in his hand, walked in with a smile: "I heard that you were assassinated, it's really shocking."

"Your...your Excellency the President! You...what are you doing here?"

"Huh? Needless to say? Of course it's a visit. Your subordinates have already told me. You were assassinated yesterday, right? You're covered in blood. What's going on?"


Just as Hughes was about to tell what he knew, he suddenly froze...

The country is formed... Civil war in the country... Is this big president really trustworthy?

"...Three undead monsters. If it weren't for Mai Yi, I should have died...I don't know exactly what happened."

" the way, Thunder"

"Huh? She sent me back yesterday, what's wrong?"


Kim Bradley was silent for a while and said: "Aside from visiting you, I came here today to arrest the Alchemist of Thunder."

"Wh-what's the matter? Why arrest her?"

"Just yesterday, I received information that the Alchemist of Thunder is a traitor from Xinguo. Although I don't know the accuracy of this information...but it's better to verify it, but...why did it disappear? Is it..."

"Ah? This... I don't know..." Hughes said, cold sweat gradually dripping from his forehead... What the hell is going on?

"Well... don't be too nervous about you. I also believe that Lei will not be the traitor, but... it's better for her to come forward, so that I can have an explanation..."

Ring ring ring ring ring ring

Seeing the phone ringing beside his bed, Hughes was slightly taken aback.

"Okay, Lieutenant Colonel Hughes, take it, it's no big deal, just pretend that I don't exist." The president said with a smile.

But... Damn it!Who is this calling?Mustang?Didn't I say it all? Is there someone here?


Alicia—! ! ! ! !

hateful!The two of them should have been sent away!So what happened! !

"Alicia! Are you two okay? Gracia! Where's Mom?"

"Husband..." Gracia answered on the other end of the phone and said, "I'm fine...but...someone came in."

"Lieutenant Colonel Hughes..." A male voice came from the other side of the phone and said, "We have already protected your lady and child, and the enemy's assassination will definitely not affect this place!"

"Um... ah... is it..."

Hughes said that his body was covered in cold sweat.The clothes on the back were soaked... the wound that had been treated also began to crack, and blood gushed out.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hughes, your wound seems to have opened... Are you okay? Huh?"

As Kim Bradley spoke, he suddenly paused and looked behind him...


"Ah? Someone from the military department?"

Guanyue Wuyi, who had just sent Grazia away, watched the feet of the two soldiers standing at the door of Hughes's house move slightly, and appeared in front of the two of them, knocking them out with a slight force of his hand.

It's not safe here anymore. If someone wants to do something to Hughes, the two of them can run away at any time, but before's better to send Grazia away first...

It's best to wait for the city to calm down a little bit.

"What's wrong? Your Excellency the President."

"Hmm..." Kim Brad paused and said, "I seem to have heard something... what is it..."

Kim Bradley glanced at Hughes who was standing aside, and pulled out the long knife from his waist.

If it really doesn't work...

We can only arrest Hughes first...

Thunder Alchemist... this guy is a little too tricky.

In addition...the reason for not moving Hughes is also very simple...

He didn't want Mustang to just run away like this... This person is still useful, a candidate for living.

A rare talent.

But Thunder Alchemist is different...

If...the descriptions of Lust and others are true...even he is not sure of victory, so...let's clear her out first.

"Oh... what is the President doing here?"

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