Can't beat it.

Even Mako Hirako, who was added by himself, was crushed when facing Aizen.

The best result is to leave the soul world and become a member of the Masked Legion.


This is not in line with her original intention...

Now she is not ready to leave Soul Soul Realm.

In other words, she has never wanted to leave Soul Soul Realm.

She also wanted to let herself appear earlier.

So... what to do next.


"Okay, then join Captain Aizan under your command, because it looks very interesting."


Lan Ran stretched out a hand and said with a smile: "Welcome, Guanyue Wuyi, from now on, you are with us."

"Ah, hello, Captain Aizan."

Guanyue Maiyi walked forward slowly, passed Hirako Mako, said, held Aizen's outstretched hand and smiled.

It's definitely fun to give him a knife at this time.

This is Guanyue Wuyi's inner thoughts.

But after thinking about it, I gave up.

After all, the current self is still too weak, it's better not to die as much as possible...

"So, next... what are you going to do? Captain Hirako."

Aizan looked at Mako Hirako, who was dripping cold sweat from his forehead on the other side, and said with a smile.

"By the way, do you want to arrest him without a fight? If that's the case, Room [-] will definitely give him a lighter sentence."


Mako Hirako smiled and said, "What are you talking about? Don't you think I don't know? The so-called Central Forty-six Rooms should all be your pawns. Why are you still talking about this at this time?"

"Really, I see."

Aizen smiled and said: "Then, Captain Hirako, let's see each other again. I hope you can change your opinion when we meet again next time."


Hirako Mako looked a little ugly, he felt that he was surprised more times today than in the past few years combined.

The only thing that can compare to this day...

Yes, someday Aizen will be there too.

There is also blurring.

But it's Hirako Mako and the others who are virtual.


what happened?

Why did you give up such a good opportunity and leave?Any more calculations?

"Interesting, it looks like you are saying 'why I didn't want to fight you but leave...'" Aizen smiled and said, "It's actually very simple. Kisuke Urahara hasn't shown up until now, it should be What are you planning, maybe...there may have been some arrangements in the surrounding area, fortunately it is not good for us, now is not the time for a decisive battle with you, wait until the next meeting, let's talk about it."

As Aizen said, a door slowly appeared in front of him.

That is the gate to pass through the boundary.

"Goodbye, Captain Hirako, and... Kisuke Urahara."


Seeing the four Aizen people slowly disappearing, Hirako Mako's complexion is a little ugly!

"Damn it——!!"

"Have you left... Aizen?"

Aizen Urahara Kisuke who watched disappear suddenly appeared in front of Mako Hirako.

"Kisuke?" Hirako Mako was stunned and slowly calmed down: "Really, why did you come here?"

"Ah, sorry sorry."

Kisuke Urahara waved his hands with a smile, and then his face slowly became serious: "Yeah, when I saw that woman blurred out, I thought that Aizen might have appeared near here, so I went to prepare for the second move." After all, the enemy is Aizen's backhand. It's better to prepare a few more. I guess, it won't be long before Miss Yeyi and your masked army will arrive. And the backhand I arranged..."

"What? Is the backhand finished?"

"Ah, it's done."

It's actually only about halfway done...

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