Urahara thought to himself.

Because he was not sure whether Aizen had left or not.

After all... the clothes that Aizen is wearing must have been invented by him, and he hasn't figured out the corresponding countermeasures yet.

It is entirely possible that Aizen pretended to leave on the surface, but in fact he was still ambushing all around. If his backhand hadn't been properly arranged, Aizen should have attacked by now.

The way to deal with the mirror image is not ready yet,

Aizen's own strength is also extremely powerful, far exceeding the general captain level.

Can't be careless.

After all.

His current way of dealing with blue dye has not yet been developed.

Time is still too fast.

"Let's go, Yin, Yao, Wuyi."

Aizen, who was really hiding aside, had a slight flicker in his eyes.

He wasn't sure whether Urahara Kisuke had completed his arrangement, so he stayed to take a look, and now...Although there are still some various problems, he should be careful.Now is not the time to act...

Wait, after the research is over.

At that time, it is time for him to stand above the sky.

The moon-watching dance clothes were wrapped in a black robe that was wrapped around her body.

It seems that Aizen is well prepared...

Even the coat is ready, it seems that she has fully calculated that she will join Aizen...

Just now, Aizen first opened the portal to leave, and then used the black cavity inside to come back.

That's right... black cavity.

During the whole process, Urahara Kisuke and Heiko Mako didn't notice at all...

However, these things have nothing to do with her for the time being.

The next thing she needs to think about is...

What should she do next?

How to complete your own ideas, or in other words, just give up.

Aizen is too difficult to deal with compared to Moon Moon Dance Clothes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

the present.

Guanyue Wuyi lay on top of a building, looking at the sun in the sky felt a little boring.

She didn't actually return to Soulworld.

After walking for a while with Aizen in the broken world, he came out.

The reason is very simple.

Her real residency period has not yet arrived.

No matter how reluctant she is, she still has to come back here.

Well, although both sides are so boring.

And... she is now Aizen's subordinate.

Although I don't want to.

But the situation is stronger than people, there is no way.

Just don't know... what to do next...

"So, miss, do you want me to think of a way for you?"

At this moment, a strange voice appeared behind Guanyue Wuyi.

Guanyue Wuyi frowned slightly, and slowly returned home.

this dress?like this?

Although I have never seen it, I have never heard the sound.

But this man...

"Kisuke Urahara?"

"Oh, I didn't expect that the vice-captain of the famous genius fifth division actually knew me. It's really an honor."

"So, do you have anything to ask me? An exile from the soul world."

"I didn't expect to know so much." Urahara Kisuke said with some sighs, "Don't worry, I have already set up an enchantment around me, don't worry, I think we should have a talk."

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