
"Yin, yes, you guys look at the screen."

Aizen walked out while talking: "One of the reasons why I deliberately let Guanyue Mai return to reality is because his mission has not been completed, but it is also to investigate Urahara Kisuke."

"If Urahara Kisuke appeared near Kanzuki Mai, they should talk about some interesting topics, such as...helping Kanzuki Mai get away from me or something."

Urahara Kisuke saw that Guanyue Mai's reluctance to join Aizen's gang, and Aizen also saw it.

But so what?

Everyone in this team originally had their own ideas.

Dongxian was fooled by him.

Silver came with the purpose of killing him.

Guanyue Wuyi also had the idea of ​​using him.

He knows all this.

But he doesn't care about these.

No matter what these people think, it will do him little harm.

Compared with these harms, in his eyes, the fun brought by these people must be more interesting.

On the screen, Guanyue Wuyi was still lying there, staring blankly at the sky without moving.


"You said you... don't know how to cast an enchantment?"

"Ah, that's right."

Kisuke Urahara helped his hat and said, "You, you probably don't want to join Aizen's team just to save your own life, right?"

"I don't know, so what? If not?"

Urahara Kisuke smiled and said: "Don't be so vigilant... Don't worry, Aizen and the others here really can't see it. I'm still a little confident about this. For example, you shouldn't be aware of it now." It’s the breath of surveillance that is always there.”

"do not know."

Guanyue Wuyi said and slightly turned her head away.

In the pupil, a white eyeball appeared.

Rolling eyes——

The next moment, the surrounding situation came into view.

Sure enough, a layer of transparent enchantment appeared around at this time.

Everything up, down, front, back, left, and right is blocked.

Not only that, Moon Watching Dance Clothes can see that all kinds of information are collected and reflected back.

This should be the trajectory of information transmission...


Indeed, I may not have any monitoring right now.

Thinking of this, Guanyue Wuyi exhaled slightly.

Who is Kisuke Urahara?

What Aizen said, the only enemy that I agree with in terms of intelligence...

In other words... this person has a chance!

So...maybe be able to trust him.

"What about now?"

Urahara Kisuke smiled and said.

"So... what do you want to say?"

Mai Kanyue turned her head slowly, looked at Kisuke Urahara and said with a smile.


Kisuke Urahara breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The moment Guanyue Wuyi joined Aizen's gang, she felt a little unnatural.

Although it is very faint, it does exist.

In other words.

She is likely to be dissatisfied with being Aizen's subordinate.

But he was powerless to resist.

So this is his chance.

Turn a member of the enemy into his undercover agent.

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