There was a smile on the corner of Aizen's mouth.

"Interesting, it seems that Urahara Kisuke should have researched something to shield our equipment."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"It's very simple." Aizen smiled and said, "With Kisuke Urahara's character, he will definitely go to find Moon Mai who is most likely to join them. Now, Mai Kuan's performance is a bit too normal. However, being too normal means abnormal, but I just don’t know what Kisuke Urahara is thinking?”


Sunrise and sunset.

Guanyue Wuyi now wanders around every day, occasionally to deal with Xu, and wanders around in "Yiku" at other times.

Yes, it is "Yiku".Even Aizen thinks so.

In fact, the moon watching dance clothes are just taking out your own body and putting them on.

But it's normal for Aizen not to believe this.

He hadn't thought about it at all, that some people would still have the same body as before.

Guanyue Wuyi is constantly adapting to the world with her body while feeling the power in her body.

The amount of chakra has become more.

It's normal to think about it.

Chakra itself is a collection of body and spirit,

And the spiritual pressure practiced by Guanyue Wuyi these days can also be understood as a kind of spiritual power.

It is also normal to be able to increase one's own chakra.

No big deal.

At the same time, she also experimented, for example... can she use Zanpakuto when she has a physical body.

The answer is obvious, yes.

After that, when it’s okay, try blurring——

In fact, her bokeh is still perfect.

The blur time is measured in minutes, not seconds.

It hasn't reached the hour though.

[Bai has just been able to blur and can persist for fifteen hours without training...Is it because of IQ? 】

Then, last, and most importantly.

Zanpakuto's swastika solution.

Still have no idea.

Now she is still a little worse.

Many methods of using Zanpakuto have not been perfected.

Or... don't want to?

cough cough.

Although other usages of this Zanpakuto are quite interesting, but after all, it is not as good as a certain feeling, isn't it?

Now that the tentacle suit can't be worn...

As for other uses... This is very simple, if you want to think about it, there are a lot of them.

"Ha...why are you here again?"

Kanyue Mai looked at Kisuke Urahara who suddenly appeared behind her and said helplessly.

"Don't say that, I also have my own business, this is just a drop-in."

"Is that drop by so many times."

"Hahaha, so so so"

In a blink of an eye, time passed.

The time of this world also slowly passed.

Although, Japan is a bit boring now, but... it is still better than Soul World.

So, with such a trace of reluctance, Guanyue Wuyi opened the world-transmitting gate and returned to the Soul Realm.

"Welcome back, Mai."

"Huh? It's Captain Aizen. I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect Captain Aizen to welcome me. It's a great honor."

"Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal."

Aizen smiled and said, "So how is the mission going? Have you encountered anything interesting?"

"Are there interesting things...No. Really, it would be great if there were really interesting things."

"Really...that's really a pity."

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