Looking at the Zanpakuto at Lanran's waist, Guanyue Wuyi frowned slightly.

Aizen's Zanpakuto.

Mirror flower water moon.

Naturally, there is a swastika.

In this world, Urahara met her not once or twice, so he also knew Aizen's swastika.

Of course, in the eyes of Guanyue Wuyi, it is more likely to be fake.

In the eyes of others, the initial liberation of the mirror flower and water moon can disturb the sight, but after the swastika is released, the fog becomes thicker, and the hands and fingers become invisible, and the sound of water flow can be heard in the ears.

In this way, even the sound of Aizen's walking could not be heard.

A weak swastika solution that is generally considered weak.

Although it is tricky, it is only a tricky range.

But... this is definitely not Aizen's swastika.

You know, his Zanpakuto can control all the five senses with just Sijie, so what is the swastika?

It is estimated that the swastika shown in front of other people is just an illusion.

As for the increase in spiritual pressure after the swastika, Aizen only needs to release a little more spiritual pressure.

After using the Zanpakutō, in front of others, even if they say that their swastika is a flame, people will believe it.

After all, sight, hearing.All things tactile is saying, this one is literally flame.

But in fact, all of these are just one of the abilities in Aizen's original solution!

"By the way, someone asked you to do something."

"Huh? Who?"

Aizen smiled mysteriously and said, "We'll know when you meet each other."

"Well... the more you say that, the more curious I am."

"It's nothing, it's just...probably envious of your ability."

[Still 4000 words, is it short?Where is it short!Obviously so long! 】

Chapter Seventeen Zaraki Kenpachi

"Envy my ability? What is there to envy about my ability?"

Guanyue Wuyi curled her lips and said.

Your abilities are the envy of others.

What a bastard... What a bastard's ability.

Except for those that appeared in the novel, no one in the original manga dared to say to Aizen: 'Your tricks are useless to me'.

The grades are too different.

"who is it?"

"You'll know when you meet."

Lan Ran smiled and said: "Since he knew your ability, he has been running to the fifth team every day, and when he heard that you came back today, he ran over early in the morning and said that he would fight you no matter what. "

The corner of Guanyue Wuyi's mouth twitched.

She probably already guessed who this person was.

She is so belligerent, and when she heard that her abilities were interesting, she wanted to come and fight.

There is no doubt that it is definitely Kenpachi Saragi!

"I told him that you might not be his opponent. Guess what he said?"

"say what?"

"'It doesn't matter if you're not the opponent, just cut two more knives', that's probably how it is..."

"Ha...haha, that's really bad..."

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Guanyue Wuyi's forehead.

Indeed, if it was Zaragi Kenpachi, it is indeed possible to say such a thing.

At the same time, Saragi Kenpachi is also a person who restrains her to a certain extent.

It can also be said that she restrains Saragi Kenpachi more, in short, it is mutual restraint.

Saragi Kenpachi is super powerful.

He will identify the enemy's strength after colliding with the enemy at the beginning, and then subconsciously limit his own power to the same level as the enemy, and then he will improve his own strength as the enemy improves.


Kurosaki Ichigo would win in the first place, the reason is definitely because he was too weak at that time!

After that, the strength suddenly increased too much.

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