Jianba's strength release speed can't keep up!

If Kurosaki Ichigo had exerted that level of power from the beginning, it would not be certain who would win.

Of course...Kurosaki Ichigo may still win, after all, there are many hangs.

And how much Kurosaki Ichigo's final strength is also a mystery.

After all, the swastika will be broken when it is untied, and in the end you have to cut it upwards with a kitchen knife.

It can only be said... that it looks awesome, but it is actually useless.

"I also wanted to help you push it away, but it seems to have failed." Aizen said with a helpless smile.

"And his strength is much stronger than mine, you have to be careful."

"Captain Aizen."

Guanyue Wuyi sighed.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Azure smiled and said.

"I'm your subordinate now, right? Can you throw away the unnecessary disguise?"

"Really..." Lan Ran smiled: "But, Wu Yi, this is not some unnecessary disguise."

Aizen said, smiling and nodding to the gods of death passing by, without the airs of the captain at all.

"It's still...very useful. Here we go, Team Five."

"Captain Aizen!"

"Captain Aizen!"

"Ah, what are you doing here?"

Aizen looked at the gods of death at the door and said with a smile.


"Really." Lan Ran smiled helplessly and said, "Then, come back early."



"Thank you! Captain Aizan!"

Looking at the leaving team members, Lan Ran said to Guanyue Wuyi, "Look, it's just some changes in expressions and words, these people will be grateful to Dade, so it is necessary to pretend."

"Captain Aizen, there are other people nearby. If you say that... aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

"Ah, it's okay, don't worry." Lan Ran smiled and said: "They can't hear it. After all, my Mirror Flower and Water Moon has activated."

Guanyue Wuyi's pupils shrank slightly.


Even when watching anime.

When did Aizen activate the mirror flower water moon completely invisible!

This guy--!

"Haha! I can feel it!"

At this moment, a beast-like voice sounded from the fifth team's team building.

next moment.

A tall man wearing the captain's uniform rushed out of the team building of the fifth team!

"Then it's you."

The man who rushed out, Zaragi Kenpachi looked down at Mai Kuzuki next to Aizen and said, "You...are Mai Kuzuki, right? That Zanpakuto's ability can be strengthened by pain. guy."

A smile cracked on Saraki Kenpachi's face as he spoke.

That is, the excited smile of the beast seeing its prey.

"That's great, with this ability, I can fully enjoy the fun of fighting, nah."

Zaraki Kenpachi lowered his head and approached Mai Kanyue and said, "Let's have a fight!"

There was no discussion or inquiry in the tone.

But there is no order either.

Zaraki Kenpachi.

This guy is just stating a fact.

He wants to fight!


Oppressive force, strong oppressive force.

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