
"Dancing clothes—!"

"Vice Captain Guanyue—!"

Guanyue Wuyi slowly opened her closed eyes when she heard the noise in her ears: "Who! What are you doing!?"

She felt very irritable without getting enough sleep.

Both eyes are bloodshot, a kind of feeling that I really want to kill...

But... the voice is very familiar.

Guanyue Wuyi suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart and slowly sat up from the roof.

But... just had an interesting dream... had an interesting thought.

"Is it... huh? It's you."

Guanyue Wuyi scratched her head.

Just woke up, the blood supply to the brain is a little insufficient, ah... so confused.

It seems that I have been lying on the roof for a long time before...

"Ah, yes, I heard that you seem to be seriously injured so I decided to come and see you, but you seem to be fine."

"Well, it's okay."

Guanyue Wuyi picked up the Zanpakuto and inserted it into the white cloth around her waist, slowly stood up and jumped off the roof.

"Then, let's talk about something, Rukia."

"Ah, but are you really okay? I heard there was a lot of blood left."

"Well, it's okay."

Guanyue Maiyi waved at the fifth team member who brought Rukia in to indicate that he could go, and then walked slowly into the room with Rukia.

"Your place is still so empty, there is nothing."

"Well, what else can there be?"

Guanyue Wuyi threw herself on the tatami and hugged a pillow and said, "Ah...so tired, I don't want to move..."

"You, really, you are already the vice-captain, you have a bit of the majesty of the vice-captain."

"Well, that kind of thing is fine."

Guanyue Wuyi took what Rukia brought, looked at it, and found that it was some side dishes and some desserts.

I threw it into my mouth without thinking.

"Ah, it smells good, by the way, how are you doing recently?"

"well enough."

Rukia shrugged and said, "With a big brother, I feel... well, it's not bad, and he's taken care of."


Guanyue Wuyi swallowed what was in her mouth.

He took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet in the side room and said, "Do you want to drink?"

"I'll let it go."

Rukia waved her hand and said.

"Actually, I also have various troubles here. But fortunately, the captain is good, and he is as gentle as Captain Aizen."

"Oh, Captain Floating Bamboo..." That weak passer-by A.

"Ah, that's right, what is Chisen doing now? I didn't see her when I came here."

"Probably on business."

"Is that so... That's right, it's all your fault for leaving all the official duties behind... That guy, Hinamori, probably wants to lighten Captain Aizen's burden."

"Ah, maybe."

Guanyue Wuyi shrugged.

She knew that although Aizen was very diligent in handling official duties, most of his time was spent on his own experiments.

Therefore, most of the time, the one who handles official duties is a double.

Hmm... It is estimated that this person has been doing Aizen's double for several years. At least, Guanyue Wuyi doesn't know which of these two people is the double and which one is the real body.

【This is inspiration!You can write a book where the main character was originally Aizen’s double and ended up replacing Aizen (laughs)

"By the way, have you seen Renji recently? I haven't seen that guy for a while."

"Well, I saw you."

Rukia nodded. After all, she has to go back to the sixth team frequently, so it's normal to meet Renji.

"That guy is improving very fast. He's been training all the time, he's much more diligent than me, and he's improving much faster than me...Well, of course he can't catch up with you."

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