"Ha——Isn't that of course, I'm a genius."

Guanyue Wuyi said unceremoniously and threw the dessert in front of her into her mouth.

"Well, it seems that you have been doing well recently."

"you too."

Rukia smiled and said the same way: "By the way, do you know? Recently, Soul World..."

Time passed slowly.

The sky also gradually darkened.

Rukia looked at the dark sky and left without staying. As for whether to return to the [-]th division or the [-]th division, she doesn't know.

Looking at the back of Rukia leaving, the corner of Guanyue Wuyi's mouth slowly curled into a smile.

"Interesting, I thought of it, let's just do this, the reason for becoming a BOSS, and the way to do it in the future, all are there!"


[Inspiration is like a wave!Damn it!Originally sitting in front of the computer today, I didn’t know what to write, thinking, ah, forget about the water chapter.Then when I wrote more than [-] words, I couldn’t write any more. I had no choice but to lie on the bed and start to be in a daze. I fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up... the inspiration was like a wave!What is the reason for the protagonist to be the BOSS, how the plot progresses in the later stage, how to deal with the Millennium Bloody War Chapter, everything is here!This feeling - so cool! 】

[Here I would like to thank my inability to work from time to time as the main source of inspiration - dream. 】

【at last!Chapter push a book!Sister Bai's "The Stars of the Sun in the White Night" is very well written, um, I just feel really good after reading it.Probably Shiroyasha left Hakoniwa and came to Gensokyo where Tsukiyomi had not yet been born, and the godslayer who was summoned as the god of disobedience.The first few chapters are all about Hakoniwa. There are three chapters in total. If you don’t like to read it, you can skip it.Of course, the character of the main character is the same as that of Shiroyasha... After all, it is the real body of Shiroyasha...]

[The children who haven't seen the problem don't know the character of Shiraiyasha?It doesn't matter, the main character is a pervert...it's the idiot version of Lori. 】

[As a rare female author for a scholar, she still writes such a novel, which is not bad!If you don’t watch it, what are you waiting for→_→]

Chapter 20 The Invisible Empire

Chapter 20 The Invisible Empire

The clock is ticking.

The same is true for Guanyue Mai, who once again fought twice with Saraki Kenpachi, and after each fight, the Reiatsu will grow to a certain extent.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

Soul Realm.

Guanyue Wuyi was lying in her room, quietly feeling the...


Something is hiding in the shadows of Soulworld.

That was the location of the big boss that appeared in the Millennium Blood War chapter later.

invisible empire


This boss really wanted to be a little brain-dead, obviously having such a great ability, but in the end he died so aggrieved.

Well, but none of that matters.


For more than ten years, he has been using alchemy to analyze the world.

She has discovered the location of the invisible empire.

next moment.

A figure appeared in front of Guanyue Wuyi.

That is.

The moon-watching dance clothes of the flesh.


Guanyue Wuyi exhaled slightly, and with a slight movement of her body, she entered the flesh.

next moment.

The body of Guanyue Wuyi, who was lying on the ground without moving, slowly opened his eyes.

"Body... so blunt..."

Guanyue Wuyi moved her body and felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, this body has not been used for a long time.

But fortunately, this feeling began to recover the moment Chakra started to work.

"Well... it won't be long. There shouldn't be any accidents."

Just yesterday, she just fought Zaragi Kenpachi again, so it is not impossible for her to be unconscious in this room for a few days.

Make a dummy and throw it here, as long as you don't watch it seriously, no one will find out.

Guanyue Wuyi thought that a sage's stone appeared in her hand.

This time, the injuries from the battle with Saraki Kenpachi have all recovered by relying on this.

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