King Ling's left arm.

Chapter 21 Juhbach


Gerald growled loudly.

Different from others.

His strength was not given to him by Yuhabach, but in himself!

"Hey! You guys! Didn't you eat! Give me more attack power!"

Gerrard was covered in wounds, and he could see the internal organs in his chest. His legs couldn't stand anymore, and he was lying on the ground.

Now, he can display his "miracle" power at any time.

But not enough!

not enough!not the right time yet!And get more serious injuries————————


"That...sorry, excuse me."

Guanyue Wuyi looked at the existence in front of him, waved his hands, and then took two steps forward.

The next moment, her body moved slightly, and she jumped backwards.

"Really, can you save me some face? If possible, I don't want to fight with you."

See, above the earth, one after another veins appeared there.

Wherever these things appear, whether it is the earth or the human body, he will control them.

This is the man.

The left arm of the Spirit King, the ability of Penida Pakaja.


At this moment, a loud roar came from behind Guanyue Wuyi.

"Damn guy! Watch me kill you!"

I saw a tall man, the ground trembled every time he took a step, and the surrounding buildings were collapsing.

It is tens of meters high.

This person is running towards Guanyue Wuyi!

"Ah...things are getting more and more troublesome..."

Both of them are very strong, it goes without saying.


She didn't come here to kill these two people.

Even if these two people are killed, it will be of no benefit to her. After all, are they the subordinates of her future self?


The art of wood escape and wood avatar.

The next moment, two wooden figures appeared beside Guanyue Wuyi.One immediately ran towards the giant Gerald who was running towards Midara.

Wood Dun·The tree world is coming!

In the next moment, countless trees appeared out of nowhere from the ground, winding towards Gerrard.

"Get out of the way! Don't get in the way!"

See, Gerald just waved his hand forward, and the giant shield cleared a large area of ​​trees in front of him.With a wave of the long sword in the other hand, countless trees were cut off.

But, that's all.

Gerald will only become stronger when he is injured. Gerald is okay now, those Quincy divisions are too weak, although the damage they cause is still a lot, but it is only a one-off, as long as there are no new injuries in the future, it is not bad So strong, at most it is equivalent to a larger version of Yami, if it is no longer injured, it is not a cruel product, but... once it is injured more, and it dies twice, it is over.

The one-vs-three giant in the Millennium Blood War chapter will come out soon.

And it's an upgraded version of the trio.

So, it's better not to let him get hurt.

The next moment, countless trees were still entwined around Gerrard's body.

Come back when you're crushed.It seems endless.

It's just entanglement, but it doesn't attack!Just do no harm!mad at him!

Guanyue Wuyi probably felt that the chakra in the wooden clone could last for about five minutes.

However, it is enough.

She doesn't need that clone to last long.

As long as she sees Yuhabach, the battle will be over in a short time.

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