the reason is simple.

It hasn't been long since Yuhabach's heartbeat has just recovered, and his consciousness has not yet recovered.

Probably, before he realized that something was wrong, he had already been completely killed by Guanyue Wuyi...


Then just rush past this person.

next moment.

Guanyue Wuyi floated in the air and kept dodging tentacles that looked like blood vessels.

She knew that once she was touched, her touch was under control.

On the other side, another wooden clone of Guanyue Wuyi was constantly attacking him.

Should I say that it is indeed the left arm of the Spirit King?

He actually realized that Guanyue Wuyi is the main body.

Only the avatar was attacked.

next moment.

Just when Guanyue Wuyi was about to fly by.

Penida suddenly tore through the clothes on his body, forming a huge arm that blocked the path of Moon Watching Dance Clothes.

next moment.

The world turned gray.

Time has stopped.

This is true whether it is Penida or Gerrard.

And the other side.

Guanyue Wuyi let out a breath, and smacked her tongue looking at the big hand in front of her that was walking in front of her.

"It's so risky, it's almost over. I haven't used this move for a long time... I really want to go back a little bit in terms of time?"

Guanyue Wuyi frowned, she felt that she could stop for three seconds at most now.

Is it because the world is different?

Or is it because I haven't used time to stop for decades, and my ability has weakened like selling fish?

Well, let's talk about these things later when I have time.

Guanyue Wuyi didn't say anything, walked to the gate, and moved her hand.

Open the door.

I went in by myself.

Close the door.

The next moment, time began to flow.

Penida's body like a giant hand clenched his fist violently, and opened it slowly after a while. As a result, there was nothing inside.

You can clearly see the look of surprise, doubt, and not knowing what happened in his huge eyes.

There was only one clone left in front of him.

That, I want to stop here, the person I killed suddenly disappeared.



Guanyue Wuyi looked at the room in front of her with a smile on her lips.

It was an empty, solid room.

In this wide room, there is a man wearing a black coat lying on the only bed in this room.

That is, the ancestor of the Quincy—Yuhabach!

On the door pushed open by Guanyue Wuyi, there are also these lines.

That is, Penida's tentacles.

Seal this door and the world inside.

However, it has no effect in static time.

The door was easily pushed open by Midara.

"I didn't expect that someone would come here at this time. Obviously, the future Yuhabach saw said that he would be safe and wake up without any twists and turns."


Guanyue Wuyi frowned.

Where is the sound coming from?

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