Should I kill her or keep her...

No matter which one is so tempting, it is a difficult choice.


Time is passing smoothly.

day after day.

keep passing.

Guanyue Wuyi is also getting stronger in the process.

Reiatsu, constantly becoming more and more.

In the blink of an eye, decades have passed.

In a room that didn't know existed there.

Aizen looked at the door in front of him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


After learning that Guanyue Wuyi had gone to another world near the world of corpses and souls, Aizen searched for that world in the spare time of researching blur.

There is very little knowledge about this in the Lingshu corridor.


He still found out.

And worked out a way to open the door to this world.

Without relying on the Philosopher's Stone.

The one in front of you... is the gate to the new world.

"Well, it's also a personal hobby, let's go and have a look."

He... needs the unexpected to surprise his time.

Thinking of this, Aizen stepped in with one foot.


Slowly into a new world.

After an unknown amount of time, Aizen came back from the other side of the door.

There is a look of surprise, joy, interest, etc. on the face.

"The Exterminator."

Aizen smiled.

"I didn't expect such a world to exist in the shadow of Jinglingting, and that the Spirit King."

He remembered the aura of the two people who wanted to block his way before.

There was a smile on the corner of Aizen's mouth.

These two people... are undoubtedly related to the King of Souls.

So... that is to say, the Spirit King is indeed in a state of being torn apart.

The throne of heaven is vacant.

"Interesting, sure enough, very interesting. So, Guanyue Wuyi, what did you go to this world for? Who are you? How did you know the existence of this world? What is your purpose?"

Aizen said so with a smile on his face.

smiling happily.

"Interesting, there are more and more things I don't know. And... what is in that room?"

Aizen, after coming to the invisible empire, was also discovered.

Then, there was a conflict with Gerrard and a fight took place.


Being attracted by this Quincy Master, the soul king's heart.

Holding the idea of ​​​​studying the power of the Quincy Division.

Although Aizan arranged the mirror flower and water moon from the beginning, he didn't use it.Instead, he fought with Gerald Ping.

at first...

Very weak, which is the lowest captain level.

But... With more and more injuries, the body height, strength, speed, etc. are all constantly rising, and finally reached the point where Aizen had to face up to it.

no way.

Aizen, who missed the best chance to kill and didn't want to waste time, walked further inside.

As for Gerald...

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