Trapped in the mirror, trembling with Aizen's fantasy.


He met the arm of King Ling, and... didn't go in again.

I can't get into that room.

The surrounding area of ​​that room is covered with a layer of special texture.

Not only the surroundings, but also the ground and the ceiling.

And, always according to the idea that there are enemies, and the enemies are attacking in all directions.

And... no eyes.

This is to prevent him from being in the mirror, and in order to prevent the continuous attack of the thing that I don't know if it will happen or not.

At the same time, he was using his own ability to attack Aizen's body.


Aizen saw the ability of this person.

All the places touched by those blood vessels were forcibly controlled by him.

This is true of all.

Including... the Zanpakuto that he guessed let him touch.

The Flower in the Mirror and the Moon in the Water were forcibly broken at that moment.

But okay.

The broken Mirror Flower and Water Moon does not affect the activation of the ability.

Anyway, it's the beginning solution, not the swastika solution.

If you want to recover, as long as Aizen has enough spiritual pressure.


"It's really a dangerous ability. Even I almost fell for it. That big man is also... the Spirit King."

Aizen smiled.

The original plan remains unchanged.


To add a few more insurance procedures.

The means to prevent the Quincies from disrupting the situation, the means to deal with Guanyue Maiyi, and the means to deal with the two Quincies I saw in that world.

All of these have to be ready.

Even, what would happen if the destroyer of that world invaded the soul world?

What should be done before him, what should be done after him, what should be done at the same time as him.

What should I do when I come out when I have lost both sides in the fight with the soul world.

Everything has to be prepared.

All in all, worst case scenario.

Then... crush it!

Therefore, I must become stronger.

The boundary between death and imaginary must be broken...


How long have you been...

Has the strength not improved at all?

Only by breaking the boundaries can one become stronger.

just now.

The body of the Grim Reaper has seriously restricted him.


Guanyue Wuyi's eyes snapped open.

The Invisible Empire has been invaded.

And according to the information from over there...

If nothing else, it should be Aizen.

How did this guy do it?

What will happen next?

Come...kill her?

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