Giving Aizen time might be able to think of a better way.

But it's only 0.0001 seconds. If Aizen disagrees, Guanyue Wuyi will run away, and Truth will not help.

In that case, even if Aizen defeated this man's pincer attack between Truth and Moon Moon Maiyi, it would be over.

So there is no way.

It can only be signed.

This is the best way in a short time.

Look for loopholes in the contract later.

But for now... get rid of this guy talking first.


The battle lasted for a thousand days.

This is true whether it is Guanyue Mai, Aizen or that existence.

Even if he can't create anything in the void, he still has other weapons that he made before, plus his own immortal body, and various abilities.

It took thousands of years for Aizen and Moon Moon Mai to consume him to death.

It took one last blow to kill it.

If it weren't for this person who has almost no combat experience, it would be hard to say whether he will win or lose. Even if they are doing it all over again now, Guanyue Wuyi and Aizen would not dare to say that they will win.

At the same time, the two also lost almost all their strength.

It will take a long time to recover.

"Phew, I finally won..."

Guanyue Wuyi sighed, feeling the slowly recovering strength in her body, looked at Aizen and said

"You... what are your future plans?"


Aizen was slightly taken aback.

Yes... what to do next.

In fact, he didn't have the idea of ​​killing Guanyue Wuyi, that case, it would be too boring to be the only one in this space.

Now then...

There is nothing in my head.

There is no...anything that can control itself.

This feeling...

Ah...yes, it was the [-]th squad.

When I didn't know Yuhabach...the time when Mai Kanzuki didn't enter the Gotei [-]th Division.


He had such a feeling at the time.

Boring, I don't know what to do, so... the goal is to be the king of spirits. It sounds a bit far-fetched, but in fact it is just to make my life without any goals.

The same goes for being sealed.

At that time, I thought that I didn't know what to do, and what Guanyue Wuyi said...

Ah, it's not bad to be sealed by her.

Also a good opponent.

At the beginning, he just thought Moon Moon Dance Clothes was a bit interesting, so he left behind. Although he thought that she could travel across the world, he didn't expect there to be so many strange things.And... this behind-the-scenes presence.

For this existence, I just felt the crisis behind the scenes because of Guanyue Wuyi, so I thought about it and decided to smash this existence that might be on my head, so I made some preparations.

It appears to be successful now.

But... what to do after success...

"do not know."

Aizen said it directly: "I... don't know what I want to do... that's it. This existence doesn't occupy all the universe, it's just expanding its scope, maybe... in There are stronger existences in other universes...Forget it, let’s talk about it later, and I have to re-plan my future.”


"And you? What are you going to do?"


Guanyue Wuyi thought for a while and said: "Probably continue my journey...but this time the goal is not power or something, but for pleasure, do whatever you like, that's probably it, when you get bored I'm talking."


Looking at the curious Edward brother who came back because the battle was over, Guanyue Wuyi said, "What about you? What about you, the truth?"

"Are we..."

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