The two looked at each other and smiled and said, "Of course I'm going to learn more knowledge!"

"Ah, that's right, this endless world is so interesting, there must be knowledge that we don't know, we must be able to meet all kinds of people, we must be able to meet all kinds of things, we are looking forward to it!"

Truth looked at a few people and said, "I... I am just the truth, you are yourself, I have no wishes, no ideas, I will help this time, and I am just purely punishing arrogant human beings. So..."

"Yes, I know."

Guanyue Wuyi waved her hand and said, "When we were arrogant that day, maybe you would do it even if you broke the contract." means death.

But for truth, death itself does not exist.


"So, what is our arrogance?"

"I don't know, but it must be a feeling. Well, when the time and I will all know. So goodbye to humans. Farewell to humans. Maybe we will never meet if possible. "

Speaking of the truth, it slowly melted and disappeared.



Years have passed since the battle.

Aizen also seems to have found out what to do in life.

But Guanyue Wuyi didn't care.

Brother Edward is also traveling in one world after another, learning to be a deacon.

Although the two of them did not gain control of the world, they should be rewarded for the two who helped in the final battle.

The lifespan is also nearly unlimited.

As for the moon watching dance clothes...

She is looking for an interesting world.

I kept flipping through the plots of one world after another, and went in to play if it was interesting.

Anyway, the world is full of it.

There is also plenty of time.

"Huh? This is not bad!"

Guanyue Wuyi looked at the world in front of her with a gleam in her eyes.

Click on something like the computer screen that I set up, because I am used to it, so this thing looks more convenient.

Even if it is something that can be done with a single thought.

"First, design my identity in this world, and then - OK, time travel."

The next moment, Guanyue Wuyi disappeared in place, and started her journey to the endless world.



Then this book is over. The following is the introduction of the new book. The name has not yet been decided. I will post it when I wake up today. Of course, I don’t know when it will be approved.


"In the beginning, there was a man named [Shun Cen] who liked to play games, watch anime, and read novels. Because there are too few good novels, or the update speed is too slow, he is in college. Feeling bored, he prepared to write a novel by himself, and then wrote an idea into it."

If the world of this novel really exists, you as the protagonist, if you can, take me through it together.

Shun Cen thought in his heart.

"That's right, that's it." The man smiled and said as if... no... he had seen through Shun Cen's heart and said, "If possible, I hope that you, the protagonist, will give yourself a chance to time travel."

"Then, one day in the future, the protagonist came to [Shun Cen] and gave him something similar to the main god's space, allowing him to travel through it by himself, and to strengthen himself by obtaining the origin of the world, In the end, I don't know how long it took, this [Shun Cen] finally reached a point, that is [Transcendence]. "

"According to your fantasy, the so-called detachment should be that all the time and space are all one and then detachment. This is correct and wrong."

"In the universe you live in, there are indeed countless you in countless parallel spaces. Once you transcend, all of these you will become one and become the only one. But you in other universes will not. Still will Exist, what should be done and changed.”

"Thus, [Shun Cen] made a promise in order to help [himself], and maybe also to find some fun in his endless time. That is, to find [self] from other universes to lead him to detachment, and then this detachment My [self] and go to other universes to find another [self].”

"It goes on and on like this. At present, I am the 9896th detached [Shun Cen]. I also just detached some time ago. As the cause and effect of the last [me] helping detachment, I looked for a person from another time and space. I, that is you. And my task is to help you detach yourself."

"And on the day when you transcend, you can help a [me] who is not transcended in other time and space to transcend! This period of cause and effect is over. It's over."

"Do you agree?"

〇Short extras

Two Ritual Short Stories [The text has been completed]

Two Ritual Short Stories [The text has been completed]

[The new book has been released, the title of which is "Infinity Begins with Giants"]

[What is the character of the two rituals?Have no idea.There is no clear word that can describe Liang Ri's character, at least I can't think of one, but, because of this, Liang Ri is unique, no matter how similar other people are, they are not Liang Ri, so Liang Ri is unique. 】

"Oh, lucky."

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