"His Royal Concubine Lin, please step back behind me."

Hearing this, Mu Hantian frowned.

What's wrong, something seems wrong?

What puzzled him was why the 'four gods' left the 'stronghold', and why did they appear here and now?Moreover, the configuration of only Xiao Fu guarding Concubine Lin alone is also very unnatural.

"Hmph, I didn't expect to meet in this kind of place..."

Xiao Fu clenched her teeth, showing the look of desperately trying to protect Concubine Lin.

It seems that they seem to have some difficulty.

"Xiao Fu, actually... I don't want to fight with you right now, I guess you should do the same?"

"Hmm... um..." Xiao Fu lifted her attacking stance with a look of surprise.

"I don't want to fight with you now. If I can avoid this battle, it will be a big favor to me." She breathed a sigh of relief as if she had let go of her heart.

After careful observation, it was discovered that the dress on Xiao Fu's body had become tattered, and there were countless scars on her hands and feet.Those were not wounds from this morning's fight.

"Someone can injure a powerful elf like you like this? Is it a guy from another team?"

Hearing Mu Hantian's question, Xiao Fu held back her remorse, bit her lips tightly and said shocking words.

"Our 'Four Gods' fell into the witch's trap and have already disintegrated."


Everyone moved to an open space not far away, listening to Xiao Fu and the other two tell what happened.

Searching for Fianna is of course a top priority, but Mu Hantian is also very concerned about the information on defeating the witch of the 'Four Gods'; because the way that guy destroys the 'Four Gods' is to disguise himself as a team member, so that Concubine Lin and the others fall. into the trap.

Mu Hantian was very concerned about this trick of Yi Rong to deceive the enemy.

That guy is probably the same person as the elf envoy who kidnapped Fianna.

Mu Hantian stooped and sat beside Concubine Lin, but Concubine Lin avoided him and kept a distance from him.Although the two sides are hostile identities, her vigilance is too high.

Concubine Lin raised her eyes, waited fiercely for Mu Hantian and said, "Um...Mu Hantian! Are you trying to force your bow against the overlord of this palace!"

"Who would do that kind of thing! Please... I'm not that kind of person!"

"Hmph, I have heard rumors about you in my motherland for a long time. It is said that the eyes of the devil king Mu Hantian can lure innocent girls, and just touching them with fingers will cause the virgins to conceive evil seeds!"

"This rumor is too outrageous!" Mu Hantian held his forehead speechlessly.

"Han Tian, ​​is what she said true! What, what should I do, how should I report to Father—"

"Alice, why do you take it seriously?"

The gossip seems to be snowballing like a snowball.

"Forget it, tell me what happened to you first."

Mu Hantian sighed heavily, and urged Xiao Fu to continue the original topic.

Xiao Fu nodded, and said eloquently: "After defeating the battle with the sword dance with you, on the way to retreat, that guy showed his fox tail by himself."

Full of remorse, she described to Mu Hantian the situation when the 'Four Gods' were defeated.

It seems that during the sword dance competition with the 'Scarlet Team', the beast elf envoy of 'Suzaku' has already been transferred into an impostor pretended by the enemy.After the opponent showed his true colors, he drove an army of hundreds of demon elves lurking in the forest to attack the 'Four Gods' in one fell swoop.

The members of the 'Four Gods' were all exhausted after fighting the 'Scarlet Team', unable to resist any more, and could only let the enemy slaughter them: In order to protect Princess Lin and Xiao Fu, the elf envoy Lao Ling of the 'Blue Dragon' Let them retreat completely, even at the cost of sacrificing themselves.

"The guy who turned into Li O is Sheila Kahn from 'Apostle of Purgatory'!"

When Xiao Fu mentioned her name, she showed a grinning expression.

"It was her..."

She is the elf envoy who sent the servant elf who turned into a snake to the 'enchantment' to scout this morning.

"I think, the murderer who changed into your appearance Han Tian and kidnapped Fianna must probably be that witch." Alice muttered solemnly.

Mu Hantian nodded, then turned to Concubine Lin and Xiao Fu's direction——

"What about you, what are you going to do next?"

"Hmph, idiot! Do you even need to ask? Of course, I'm going to settle accounts with that witch and snatch back the 'Magic Stone' that was taken away from my friends. Shi' can't bring the eliminated people back, but at least it can comfort their spirits in the sky."

"What is the spirit in the sky, they are not dead yet, okay. Don't use words indiscriminately." Mu Hantian squinted his eyes and complained.

"I also want to get back the 'magic stone' of my comrades. Part of it is to avenge one arrow, and if I continue to stand still, I won't be able to win in the 'Elf Sword Dance Festival'."

"That's, that's it! With the prestige of my great motherland on the line, I swear to defeat the 'Apostle of Purgatory'!"

"I really admire your aura, but...with the only combat power left by the 'Four Gods', is it possible to do it?"

"Well... this, this..."

When Concubine Lin heard this, she faltered and couldn't answer why.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Mu Hantian, I have a proposal. Why don't our two teams form an alliance?"

"Xiao Fu...what's the reason for this!"

"Your Highness Concubine Lin, no matter what, I can't defeat that witch with my own strength. Moreover, after Weichen and Mu Hantian fought, I found that he is not the evil king of ghosts and beasts as rumored."

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