"Hmm, since you've said that, Xiao Fu, then fine." Concubine Lin reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"I won't complain about that ghost animal king for now. I have no objection to the alliance."

"Then it's absolute. 'Team Scarlet' and the 'Four Gods' form an alliance here!"

Mu Hantian and Xiao Fu shook their fists to signal each other.

"Speaking of which, Xiao Fu...do you know where Sheila Kahn is hiding?"

"As long as there is a sacrificial hall and a spring full of the divine spirit, Her Highness Concubine Lin can use the magic of 'Nianshi' to grasp the location of the enemy."

"You said 'Nianshi'... I remember it was the highest ritual magic, right? This kid is really amazing."

"Hehe, I know how powerful I am... Hey! What kid, I am sixteen years old!"

Her Royal Highness complained with tears in her eyes, and threw


Well, Mira is definitely more mature than her.Mu Hantian thought in his heart.

"Since you need a temple and a spring full of the Holy Spirit—then I think it's better to go back to the 'stronghold' first." Alice suggested.

"Okay, then I'll call Claire and the others. Please, Alice, take the two of them to the 'stronghold' first."

"no problem."

After bidding farewell to Alice and the others, Mu Hantian immediately ran towards Claire and the others.


At the same time, Claire and Rinsley, the pair of crows, are also searching the forest to the west.

The two call out Scarlet and Fenrir respectively, trying to track down Fianna's signs of divine power and find someone.

"It looks like they did pass by here before."

"Yeah... But, the next search may be very difficult. In short, it's better to meet and discuss with Han Tian and the others first."

——At this moment.

"It's really surprising, I didn't expect to meet you here."


The two of them couldn't help but tremble when they heard voices coming from the dark night, and immediately put on a posture to meet the enemy.

"How is it possible! We didn't feel the breath of the comer at all."

With the facts before her eyes, Claire was alerted that the situation was not good, and the alarm bells rang in her heart.

"Who's there?" Rinsley snapped.Immediately, he unfolded the magic bow of the elf magic outfit in his hand.Without waiting for the opponent to answer, he immediately shot an arrow as a diversionary attack.

The ice arrow shot out, dragging a comet-like tail in mid-air.

"Your upbringing needs to be improved, Miss Lauren Frost."

A red lotus flame burst out from the darkness, instantly devouring the attack of the ice arrow bullet.

The flames flickered, illuminating the figures hidden in the darkness.

"Oh! You...you are...!"

Seeing the other person's face, Claire felt a chill running down her back.

"Cheating... no way..."

Rinslet also froze on the spot while maintaining her posture after shooting.

Under the reflection of the flames of the red lotus, a bright red mask emerged from the night.The pitch-black hair fluttered and fluttered in the hot wind.

"You are... Lian Ashbel——!"

Claire murmured the name as if in despair.

How come, why did she appear here?

Doubts appeared in my mind.

However, now there is no such leisure time to think about the reasons.The fact is in front of my eyes, at this very moment, the strongest elf envoy of this year's 'Elf Sword Dance Festival' appears in front of me.

"What should I do, how should I deal with it now?"

Claire's cold sweat slid down her feet.

It is absolutely impossible to confront her head-on, so the remaining choice is to see if we can find a chance to escape.At this moment, Claire suddenly noticed something.

About the reason why "the strongest sword dancer" appeared here at this time.

So far, 'Apostle of Purgatory' has taken the initiative to find trouble with 'Team Scarlet' several times.

To say that there is nothing strange in it... that may not be too optimistic.

"Could it be...you are the murderer behind the kidnapping of Fianna!" Claire asked sharply, enduring the fear brought about by the powerful presence in front of her.

"You said I kidnapped the princess of the Ordesian Empire?"

"No...isn't it? Changing into Han Tian's appearance...is a good thing you did, right!"

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