"Long time no see, everyone."

"Isn't it the figure of an old man before? This time it's a beautiful girl-sama. It's amazing. What are you planning—Orpheus."

"What! She is Orpheus!" Except for those who already knew the identity of Orpheus, they were all taken aback.

"The purpose of my coming here is him. Saying that, I pointed at Mu Hantian with my finger.

"Find me?"

"Yes, people from another world, let's work together to defeat the 'Great Red' and help me regain the eternal silence."

"why me?"

"Because there is something about you that scares me, scares me."

"Sazeks, I'll leave it to you to deal with this, and I'll lure her away." Said lightly, Mu Hantian disappeared.

"Interesting, let me see your value." After seeing Mu Hantian disappear, Orpheus also disappeared.

"Lord Orpheus!" Diobel yelled, but it was Rias' magic bullet that greeted him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Aren't you going to run away?"

"Why should I run? My purpose is just to lure you over and cooperate with you." Mu Hantian said with a faint smile.


"That's right, cooperation! Because my goal is the True Red Dragon God Emperor, and your goal is to go home, and you also need to defeat the True Red Dragon God Emperor, so there is no conflict between us, is there?"

"Then, let me give you strength and drink my 'snake'."

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha!" After hearing what Orpheus said, Mu Hantian laughed out loud.

"Why, laugh?"

Facing Orpheus who tilted his head in surprise, Mu Hantian explained: "Your 'snake' is indeed very powerful. But unfortunately, that is not acceptable."

"Why? My snake, if you drink it, you will gain great strength immediately."

"I'm sorry, Orpheus, although my strength is not as good as yours, but I am stronger than Suzeks and the others, so the effect of your 'snake' on me can be ignored. And most importantly, I You don't want to be controlled by others, but if you drink your 'snake', you will be under your control, right?"

"Indeed, but..."

"Needless to say, I just want to ask you one question, whether you want to join forces with me, or if you don't, just pretend I didn't say anything." After speaking, Mu Hantian turned around and was about to leave. After all, there were still many things to deal with.


"Crack... bang!" Just as Orpheus was about to say something, the space suddenly collapsed, and a huge cave appeared in the space.

"Great.red (True Red Dragon God Emperor) has been gone for a long time."

Orpheus made a gesture of slapping and firing a gun at the true red dragon god emperor with his fingers.

"One day, I must hold silence in my hands." After speaking, he looked at Mu Hantian again.

"What I just said, I promised, I will come to you." After saying this, Orpheus disappeared.

"You shouldn't be in this world."

"Sorry, True Red Dragon God Emperor, I have a reason to do this."

"Ah, the silence of the world is ruined again."



"Well, but I encountered some troubles. Kruzenil Asmodeus and others from the Old Demon King faction suddenly appeared and attacked us, but fortunately, they were resolved." Sazeks replied to Mu Han Tian asked.

"Then everyone, you're not hurt."

"It's okay, it's okay. But then again, are you okay, it's Orpheus after all."

"I'm fine, but it's not just Orpheus, I also met the True Red Dragon God Emperor just now."

"What!" Those who knew the existence of the True Red Dragon God Emperor were taken aback, while those who didn't know were full of doubts.

"There are two types of dragons called 'Red Dragons'. One is the Welsh Dragon, an ancient Welsh dragon that resides in you. It is also called the Red Dragon Emperor. The White Dragon Emperor is also from the same source as this one. .However, although there is only one, there is another 'Chiryuutei'. That is the red dragon recorded in the book of apocalypse. The great dragon of the dragon. I live in the narrow gap of the dimension, and I will continue to fly there forever." Vali suddenly appeared in the air and said, beside him were a beautiful monkey and a man in a suit.

"Walli? What are you doing here?"

"The purpose? This time we came here to confirm that. The rating game field opened a barrier in the corner of the interdimensional gap and opened the inside. This time, Orpheus' real purpose is to confirm that. Sharupa Their battle doesn't matter to us at all." Regarding Yicheng's question, Vali thought for a while and said.

"Walli, as far as I know, in your organization, the only major force other than you is the 'Hero faction' composed of human heroes, descendants of braves, and owners of artifacts, right? .”

"That's true, but I didn't expect you, Asachel, to even grasp the existence of those invincible guys."

"Oh, it sounds like you don't like them very much."

"Of course, those descendants of so-called heroes and brave men are very proud."

"Oh, it seems that you are not very peaceful, hahahaha." Asachel laughed.

"Let's go!" Wally's voice said.

He had already run to the immediate front of the dimensional rift that should have been created by the man in the suit.

"Hyoudou Issei.—Do you want to defeat me?"

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