"I want to defeat you. But you are not the only one I want to surpass. I want to surpass Kiba who is my fellow follower, and I want to surpass Saji who is my friend. There are many, many people I want to surpass."

"Me too. I also have something to defeat besides you. How strange. Now I have a more important purpose and goal than the fateful confrontation between Sekiryuutei and Hakuryuuu. For sure, this time I will be with you." You're all a strange red and white dragon. It's okay to be like this once in a while. But, one day..."

"Ah, let's have a showdown, Vali, I will definitely knock you down, not just because of fate. I just want to knock you down."

"That's it, I'm looking forward to it." After saying this, Vali and Meihou entered the dimensional rift, while the man in the suit looked at Gerova and Kiba, and said, "I am Holy King Sword The owner of Asa, the descendant of Asa Pendragon (pendragon). Just call me Asa. I will fight against the holy sword one by one in the future. Farewell." After finishing speaking, they also entered the dimensional gap, and the three of them Just left.

"Let's go too." Mu Hantian said to the people behind him after glancing at the disappearing dimensional rift.

"Well, after all, there are still a lot of funeral affairs to deal with." Suzeks responded, and the others nodded.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This is Kuoh Academy during lunch break.Mu Hantian ate bento with Aisha, Kiryu, Jerova and Irina.

"Speaking of which, we are about to go on a school trip, so we have to decide on the grouping quickly." Irina said while holding a fried egg.

"Yeah, we're going on a school trip soon. Our second graders are going to Kyoto, and there's been so much going on recently that we've forgotten about it. After the sports festival, the second grader's school trip will be ushered in."

"Well, it seems to be a group of 3 or 4 people."

"That's right. As for the accommodation, it seems like 4 people share a room."

"Han Tian, ​​why don't you form a team with us during the school trip? But there are 4 beautiful girls having sex." Kiryu suggested.

"Don't say something dirty with a dirty face!"

"Han Tian, ​​would you like to be with us?" Aisha asked with a smile.

"All right!"


"You guys, the relationship is still as good as ever. When talking all day long, the light of kisses is released." Kiryu pushed his glasses and said.

"Hehehe." Mu Hantian just smiled at Tongsheng's words and didn't say anything.

"That's how it is. The five of us will act together during the school trip. Kiyomizu Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, and Ginkakuji Temple are waiting for us." Kiryu's glasses flashed and made a declaration.

"Um, well, can I be the only boy?"

"Big man, cute big tits, we don't mind, what are you afraid of." Tong Sheng patted Mu Hantian's shoulder and said.

Ever since, the grouping of the trip was decided like this.Mu Hantian, Aisha, Xenovia, Irina, and Kiryu are five people in total.


The club room after school.

As the end of get out of class was approaching, members chatted about school trips while sipping tea.

"Speaking of which, it's time for the second-grade school trip." Rias said gracefully, sipping black tea.

"Well, by the way, Lias, Junai, where did you go last year?"

Zhu Nai answered Mu Hantian's question. "We are also in Kyoto. We visited famous places such as Kinkaku-ji Temple and Ginkaku-ji Temple with the minister."

Lias nodded and continued: "Yes. What I didn't expect is that even though there are 4 days and 3 nights, the places you can go are very limited. Don't expect too much, it is better to set a detailed time first It’s better to start again. If you don’t take the time for traineeships and meals into account, you will suffer a lot. Although the main modes of transportation are buses and subways, the time spent on the road is extraordinarily large. "

"It's okay not to calculate the traffic time carefully. The minister really wants to see this and that. In the end, he didn't have time to go to the original plan of Erjo City. He was still stamping his feet on the platform of the station with regret." Zhu After Nao finished speaking with a slight smile, Rias blushed.

"Ah, didn't you agree? I'm too excited. For me who likes Japan, it's Kyoto that I yearn for, so my eyes are drawn away by the city and souvenir shops." Lias relished recalled honestly.

"Didn't you go to Kyoto before the school trip? I think it's enough to use the magic circle to move." Ise said.

Rias shook her head and said, "You don't understand, Ise. It's the right time to visit Kyoto for the first time during a school trip. There are also things like using magic circles to move, I won't do such tasteless things Well. It is precisely because Kyoto is my dream, so I want to walk there with my own feet and feel the air there.”

After finishing the tea in the cup, Rias changed the subject. "Traveling is good, but we have to discuss the program that will be presented at the school festival."

"Ah, the school festival is coming soon. Our school's sports festival, school excursion and school festival continue after a short interval. Thinking about it, we second graders have worked hard enough."

Rias took the copy from Junai and put it on the table.It seems that the program of the Supernatural Research Association will be written on it and handed over to the student union.

"So, take advantage of this time to discuss the school festival and prepare in advance. If you can make a decision first, the third and first grades can start preparing during the time of your trip. There are many members this year, and things are easy to manage. too much."

"School festival, I'm so looking forward to it." Aisha looked excited.

"Well, I'm also looking forward to the school festival, the sports festival is great." Xenovia still had no expression on his face, only his pupils were shining.At the sports festival, Jenova made a big fuss. She snatched many first positions in various competitions. After the competition, all the girls' sports clubs came to try their best to poach the corner of the Supernatural Research Association.

"It's also the first time for me to catch up with this kind of thing. It's really exciting. The time for me to transfer schools is just right! This is also the guidance of Master Michael!" Irina said in a pose of praying to the sky .

"Remember it was a haunted house last year? I wasn't a member at that time, but its 'realism' became a topic."

"Yeah, because it is a real monster, of course it will be scary." Rias said such a sentence in one stroke.

"Is... the real thing?" Aisha asked in astonishment.

Rias replied with a calm smile: "Yes. I entrust those monsters who will not harm humans to play the "role" of scaring people in the haunted house. It happens that those monsters are worried that they have no work to do, so this is good for both parties , thanks to its unprecedented grand occasion."

"After that, I annoyed the student council. Sona, who was the vice president at the time, was furious and said, "There is a limit to using genuine products, and there is a limit to ignoring the rules."

"What about this year? What to do?"

"Anyway, I'm going to try a new trick..." Just as Lias said this, everyone's cell phones rang at the same time.

Everyone knew what that meant and looked at each other.

Rias adjusted her breathing and said solemnly, "Let's go."

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