"Damn... Hyoudou Issei!"

Wally's voice!Vali, who was bitten by the Fenrir wolf, spoke to Ise.

"Loki will leave it to you."

"This mother Fenrir wolf - let me kill it for sure."

Loki's laughter rang in his ears.

"Wahhahahaha! What are you going to do! Aren't you going to die soon! Won't bragging rights insult the White Dragon Emperor's reputation?"

"Don't underestimate the White Dragon Emperor, underestimate Wali Lucifer!" After glancing at Loki with cold eyes, Vali said quietly.

At the same time, Vali radiated a sacred aura!Each precious jade on the armor reflects the light of seven colors.


"I, the one who wakes up is—"

'Dissipate! ''Dissipate! '

It wasn't Vali's voice that sounded...it was the thoughts of the past owners of the White Dragon Emperor.

"The principle of usurping the hegemony is the cause of the two heavenly dragons!"

'The end of dreams! ''The beginning of fantasy! '

"The body is infinitely jealous, and the heart seeks dreams—"

'all! ''Of course, offer everything! '

"I, the domineering of the extremely white dragon—"

"Let you fall to the limit of innocence"

"jugger naut driver!!!!!!"

Illuminating the entire area of ​​the quarry, a powerful light emerged from the mouth of the Fenrir wolf, and then swallowed the wolf itself.

"Asa! Teleport me and the Fenrir wolf to the predetermined location!"

The radiant Vali shouted at Asa.After Asa heard it, he moved his hand towards the air on Vali's side.The chains that restrained the Fenrir wolf were also passed on to Vali!

With a huge ray of light, the transformed Vali and Fenrir Wolf were heavily wrapped in something like a belt of magic power.Immediately, Vali and Fenrir wolf merged into the night and disappeared from here!

"Really, I didn't want these guys to come out, but forget it, let them be your opponents."

The shadow under Loki's feet stretched out, and then a huge snake appeared there!No, a few slender dragons appeared!

"Is Yermungandr also in mass production!" Tanning angrily rebuked Loki.

The mass-produced guys spit out flames together.

"To that degree! A copy is always a copy."


The flames of the mass-produced Jormungandr were blown away by the Tanning flames.

"Damn it, I must get rid of you." Loki said as he unfolded his cloak, expanding his shadow again!From there - another bunch of mass-produced yermungards appeared, five this time!

Just when everyone was about to make a move... darkness was reflected in their line of sight.


The black flame-like existence rolled up from the ground, turned into waves, and swallowed Loki and the five mass-produced Yemengade!

"This dark aura! Is it 'Dark Evil Dragon King' Vrito?" Tanning shouted.

"Vrito? Is it Sato! It seems to be very similar to Sato's aura. However, it doesn't have flames."

A huge magic square appeared on the ground.From that center, the black flames transformed into the shape of a dragon.

"Everyone, can you hear me? I am Shem Hasa, the vice-governor of the fallen angels."

From the emergency earphones hanging on the ears, came an unfamiliar voice.

"Ah, hello. Is it Mr. Shemhasa who brought the black dragon?"

"Yeah. Because Asachel said that when Saji-kun's special training is over, he will be teleported here."

"Well, it really is a spoon!"

"Hey, Asachel seems to have miscalculated a little bit. After the special training started, it became like this. When the time came, it was sent over in this state. Well, fortunately, the difference between the enemy and us is still the same. It's clear."

"Did something happen to him?"

"He and Vrito's artifacts are all added together."

"It's really the same nonsense as always." The corner of Yicheng's mouth twitched slightly.

The vice-governor continued to speak to Ise, who was twitching at the corner of his mouth: "When I got rid of Vrito and sealed him into the artifact, I divided his soul into several pieces. Therefore, there are many owners of Vrito's artifact. However, there are four types: 'Black Dragon's Vein', 'Evil Dragon's Black Flame', 'Pitch-Dark Field' and 'Dragon's Prison'. These artifacts are more or less different in style, and are collected by each owner. Then , we organized Grigori to recover it, and sealed Vrido’s artifact in Sao’s body. Because of your contact, Vrido’s consciousness appeared, and maybe all the artifacts have been pieced together. Azazel That's how it was speculated."

"So that's why, that's why the teacher took the key away."

"That's true, but... the artifact was unified, and Vrido's consciousness was also revived. But it seems that he went berserk as soon as he revived. However, it seems that Saji-kun's consciousness is still left, and you and Ddraig There should be a response to the call. The rest will be left to you, Hyoudou Issei-kun, can you do it?"

"Hey. I'll find a way. In a pinch, I'll do my best to hold Sasa."

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