
Vrito's black flames wrapped Loki and the mass-produced Yermungard, blocking their movements.Hei Yan squirmed as if consciously, looking like a coiling snake.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Oh! This flame is...? It can't move! Its power is slowly losing! Is this the power of the black dragon? I heard that there is a dragon king who can "manipulate" the special flame. Could it be it?" Luo Ki looked embarrassed.The mass-produced Jormungandr went berserk in the flames but couldn't get out.

"Compared to direct attacks, Vrito is better at special abilities. Although the power may be relatively weak among the dragon kings, but in terms of the colorfulness and specificity of skills, it is the first."

"It's amazing. That... the vice-governor. Since there are other Vrito artifacts, can the same thing be mass-produced?"

"The "possibility" is close to zero. It is very dangerous to attach under acquired conditions. In the worst case, it will lead to death. This time it is because you and Saji-kun are friends, and because of the communication between each other, Fu Lita's consciousness was revived miraculously. Even in the same situation, it is not known whether the same thing will happen. By the way, even if a new ability is added, the "devil chess piece" in the sleeping body will not change. Because the basic The main body is still the 'Black Dragon Vein'. There will be no special changes in the state of his own body."

"Don't worry about it so much, the current Saji-kun can't sustain that power for a long time. Please destroy the enemies as soon as possible while they are blocked."


"Then, everyone, let's have a showdown!" Yicheng held Mjolnir in his hand and turned into a huge hammer!

"Minister! Everyone! The flames make the dragons unable to move! Kill them all in one go!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone agreed with Yicheng's words very much, and launched an attack on the vector-produced Yemengard together!

"Repel all Odin-sama's enemies!" Rossweisse spread out a magic circle from his whole body, unleashing endless magic attacks!

dong dong dong dong!

The immobilized mass-produced Jormungandr was attacked and suffered a lot of damage!

"Shao, can you hear me?" Yicheng tried to contact the consciousness of Shao, who had transformed into a black flame dragon, through the artifact.


"Oh! There's a reaction! Saji, it's me, Ise."

"Hyo... Hyoudou...? Me, how is it now...? It seems that the heat is going to burn my body..."

"Try to keep your consciousness! It's hard to make a handsome appearance, and wait until the last one finishes the work before falling down!"

"What should I do?"

"Look around and see anything?"

"I saw a very slender dragon among the black flames."

"You just keep binding those things. You just need to keep this thought. In short, a strong thought! Next, is there no humanoid opponent?"

"Yes. It seems that I felt an unknown magic. It is eliminating the black flame..."

"That's Loki! Can't let him disappear! Strong thoughts, trap him tightly, restrain him! I will do it later! Let me decide the outcome!"

Saying that, he tightly held the hammer hand.


This time, the thunder and lightning are also lodged inside.

"Don't miss it! Pick up the hammer and smash it down with all your strength." The magic power nozzle on the back of Yicheng is fully fired! The dragon's wings spread out horizontally, assault!

There is only one target—the evil god Loki!

Loki sent a magic strike from his hand to attack Ise.Yicheng didn't dodge!He knew it was inevitable now!Although the hammer can be used as a shield, maybe this power will disappear, so the gain outweighs the loss!


Eat Loki's attack from the front!The armor is greatly damaged!The attacks all hurt the body under the armor.Chest, abdomen, waist, feet, severe pain wandering in these places.


This time the helmet was hit with a single shot!The helmet was destroyed, exposing the head!

Did not give up, continued to attack.


Loki broke Saji's barrier of flames!

"Do you want to keep Loki trapped in this way?" Loki floated up into the sky!

"Don't try to escape! Stop for me!"

"The Red Dragon Emperor? But, it's useless. I'm going to retreat for now. Hahahaha! However, when I visit here for the third time, Chaos will..."

Kaka Kaka!

The thunder flashed, and Loki was involved in a huge blow!

Yicheng turned his head and looked - it was Akeni-senpai and Mr. Baiqiu holding each other's hands. ——Both of them spread the wings of the black fallen angels.Ha ha.Bravo!Lightning attack from father and daughter!

"What... what!" With smoke rising, Loki fell down!Although it didn't cause much damage, it managed to stop his movements!Black Flame trapped Loki again!

"Impossible! How could this be? The barrier of flames that has already been dispelled..." Loki was shocked.

"Loki, Saji's perseverance is as terrifying as mine! How could he give up so easily!"

"Come on, Hyoudou!"

"Ahhh, leave it to me, Key! It's on!" He swung the hammer in one breath!

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