"Then. Let's get to work."


After school.Under Rias' order, everyone in the Supernatural Research Department responded happily.

After Rabel's welcome ceremony, the Occult Research Society started preparations for the school festival.

The name of the thing that appeared at the school festival in the Supernatural Research Department is also 'Occult Museum'!

There are many proposals for using the entire old school building.Haunted houses, divination houses, coffee shops, supernatural research reports, etc., put forward various proposals.

Because the old school buildings are all used by the Supernatural Research Research Department, they should be used without waste.Because there are many classrooms that have been turned into storage rooms because they are not used. If you use these classrooms, you can create haunted houses, fortune-telling houses, and coffee shops.

So now we are renovating the old school building for the school festival.Although it can be completed in a short time using magic power, but the minister Rias spoke up and asked to do it by herself as much as possible.

Girls are in charge of making clothes and decorating classrooms as rooms.While making clothes for coffee shops and haunted houses, I turned an empty classroom into a space for decoration.Rabel, who just joined the supernatural research department, saw that everything was new, and was surprised while desperately helping.

As three boys, Mu Hantian, Yicheng, and Kiba work as carpenters.Use the hammer and saw to combine or split the wood.

"Yicheng, carry it over there,"


In this way, the three boys began to wrestle with the wood outside the old school building.

Asachel and Roseweather went to the teachers' meeting after school.I heard that there are still some details that have not been decided on the day of the school festival.Most of them should be precautions for defenders.

While sawing the wood with a rattling saw, Kiba said, "By the way, do you know Dihaze Belial?"

"I've heard of the name. He's a king, right, from a ranking competition."

Kiba nodded at Ise's answer and said: "Yes, the first place in the official ranking competition. The current king. Dihaze? Belial. He is also the current owner of the Belial family, Belial The monster in the history of the family. The true overlord of the game who has been at the top of the ranking competition for a long time and has always ruled the world. The guy who is called the emperor of Belial."

Kiba continued: "The level of the top [-] in the ranking competition is another level. If you reach the highest score, you will be called a hero. Among them, the top five basically have no changes, and it has always been a kind of King's Landing." The state of the world. Especially the third place Bidija Abbadong, the second Roygang Berufigur, and the first Dihaze Belial are all owned by the current Demon King High-ranking demons with comparable strength. But these three will not fight unless a large-scale war breaks out. They are known as the crystallization of continuous trials in many competitions."

"I've never heard of the names of the two families, Abadong and Berufigur." Yicheng expressed his doubts.

Kiba replied: "This is because they are demons outside the fan. Their characteristic is that they don't want to have anything to do with the current "government". There are also heretics among them. Basically, they have severed ties with the family. Participate in the game in good condition."

"However, if Sazex-sama and other Demon Lords can also participate in the competition, the ranking will change."

"There's nothing you can do if you can't participate. According to the rules of the ranking competition, the Demon King is not allowed to participate in the competition. Although the Demon King's dependents can participate in the battle, but those adults are not interested. At most, their idea is to be the Demon King. And there are similarities and differences between actual combat and competition. Ranking competitions are designed to make up for the lack of experience of demons participating in actual combat, but competitions are competitions with many competition rules, and I think the German strategy in competitions and actual combat The tactical deployment is also different. Therefore, although it is very good in actual combat, it is not surprising that the results in the game are not very good."

"That is to say, the game is designed for simulation because there is no war, but it is still very different from actual combat, isn't it?" Kiba nodded after hearing Ise's words.

Kiba nailed the nails with a hammer and said: "Anyway, if you and the minister want to become the king of the game, you will inevitably meet Di Hazel Belial. Since you want to continue to fight in the world of demons Upwards, it would be better to think of the current king as an existence that must be defeated. Well, as the minister 'knight', I have to face these no matter what."

"You guys, don't think about it so much, let's solve the match with Sairaorg first. This can only be done by yourself. If I don't participate, I can only help you train." Mu Hantian said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

the next morning:

Mu Hantian and Rias came to the territory of Sidi's family in the underworld.Natural wind trails and luxurious airport shuttles.Mu Hantian and Lias sat in the back seat of the bus.Mu Hantian held flowers in his hand, which was given by Lias.

"This time it's because of my mother." Rias said in the car.

"Leaving aside why we were called out for the time being, this is the first time I've come to the territory of Sidi's family. The natural scenery is really nice."

"Well, because the territory of Sidi's family is considered to be a lot of nature reserves among the territories of so many high-level demons. There are many beautiful places. Let's come together next time."

Lias continued to Mu Hantian who was looking out of the car window: "Also, the medical facilities in Sidi's territory are also very complete."

"Medical Facilities?"

"Well, the place we are going now is a well-known hospital in the underworld."

"Hospital? You mean we're going to the hospital now?"


The car drove towards a wider area, passing through the artificially interfered land, buildings stood up one after another, and there was a conjoined building across the line of sight.

The car continued on for another ten minutes.The car then stopped at the entrance of a huge building and the two got out.

"I've been waiting for a long time." The two were greeted by a middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper.Greeted very neatly.

"Please show us the way."

"Yes, Miss Rias."

Rias and the butler who walked in.Mu Hantian also followed behind.Go in and take a look-a very elegant female "female" is asleep on the bed in the single room.

"Are you okay, auntie?" Rias said, looking at the sleeping woman with sad eyes.

After taking the flowers in Mu Hantian's hand, the housekeeper said, "This is Mrs. Misra Baru. That is, the mother of Master Sairaorg."

The housekeeper held the bouquet like that, and couldn't help crying. "Today, the two of you are here for no other reason, Miss Rias, Your Excellency the Sword God. Please help this... Mrs. Misra to wake up."

"Eh?" There was a big question mark on Mu Hantian's head.

Lias said: "In order to let Han Tian understand, you should tell him something."

The butler talks about a rough and exciting fate.

Sairaorg is the child born of the combination of the demon who is the head of the Baal family and the lady of the famous Vapra family who is in charge of the lion.After seeing the birth of the next head, the Barr family was very happy.

However, from birth, Sairaorg faced a painful situation.

——It has almost no magical power, and does not inherit the power of 'destruction' that is the characteristic of the Bar family.

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