It is taken for granted that the rulers of the past have inherited magical powers and have the power of 'destruction'.However, Sairaorg was born without this power.The frustrated Sairaorg father vented all his anger on his wife.

"Where did the destructive power possessed by the Wubar family go, and they gave birth to such defective products!"

Sairaorg was abandoned by his father just because he had no magical power and did not inherit the power of destruction.The same mothers who gave birth to such sons also suffered from contempt and unfair treatment.

"It was too cruel at that time. Except for us followers from Vapra's house, almost everyone was slandering Mrs. Misra and treating her unfairly."

With tears in her eyes, Lias continued the steward's words: "At that time, after the Gumenli family heard about this incident, mother wanted to take aunt and Sairaorg back to Gumenli's territory, but they were rejected by the Baer family. Resolutely refused."

"Except for the non-hereditary incumbent Demon King, the Great King Baru's family is the most prominent high-level demon family. Therefore, it is difficult for other families to intervene in this matter. Also, the Baru family values ​​dignity more than anything else. , very concerned about the eyes of the surroundings. So Auntie and Sairaorg can only be trouble and shame to the Baal family."

The butler continued: "Mrs. Milas refused the help of her natal family, and moved to the border of the Baru family's territory with Master Sairaorg and our entourage."

"For Milas-sama who came to live in the upper class, this kind of life in the country is very difficult. Even so, Milas-sama raised Master Sairaorg and grew up. The young master is very strict, only occasionally I will grow up with gentle education."

"Because as long as you don't give up, you will win one day. This is what Sairaorg said before. He said that it was an important thing his mother told him." Rias said.

The housekeeper said: "Actually, Madam is apologizing many times in her heart. 'I gave birth to you without the power of destruction' Madam cried and apologized to the sleeping young master many times... probably the young master also noticed it. Right. Suddenly, one day, I stopped the crying madam. Then, no matter what happened, I faced it directly and stopped avoiding it.”

"Unfortunately, my aunt has this disease, which is one of the diseases that demons will have. Although not many people have this disease, once they get it, they will fall into a deep sleep and it is difficult to wake up. Then, the body continues to weaken Go down until you die. Therefore, you have to use these medical equipment to artificially maintain your life." Lias said sadly.

"Later, the young master returned to Barr's house after his body became stronger and stronger. He defeated the younger brother born to the master and his step-wife, and won the throne of the next master."

"Wait a minute, you're saying that Sairaorg defeated his younger brother and returned home, right? If that's the case, why is Sairaorg's mother here? Is it because the medical conditions here are better than those in the Barr's territory? "

"It's also because of this...and because there are demons in the Barr's territory that are not good for my aunt."

"Including the younger brother who was defeated by Sairaorg and took away the next leader, there are also many people who hold grudges against Sairaorg who has no destructive power and became the next leader. The sick aunt will be a good thing for them. The target. So, please Sona, Sairaorg transfers my aunt here."

"I see."

The housekeeper wiped his tears with a handkerchief and said: "This time, I have invited the two of you here for nothing else. I just want to ask you to help cure Lord Milas' illness. I heard that Lord Sword God has a miraculous medicine. ’, it can save the dying person, so I want to try.”

"That's it, yes." Mu Hantian did not refuse.

Mu Hantian walked into Mrs. Milas, let the system scan the condition, and then took out the best "medicine", (of course, this also needs to be exchanged.) Ready to feed it.

"What are you doing?" A third voice suddenly came.

Looking back, standing there was a muscular male with short black hair and purple eyes - Sairaorg!


"I see, I'm so sorry. By the way, does the 'drug' really work?" Sairaorg said after knowing the whole story.

"Of course, it is estimated that in two hours, your mother will wake up, but you must pay attention to the maintenance of your body." Mu Hantian said.

"Well, thank you, thank you very much." Sairaorg bowed to Mu Hantian.

"Sorry, I told Han Tian about you." Lias said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. It's enough for you to come. Mother will be very happy too. Also, it's not uncommon for families who are concerned with Seventy-two Pillars to struggle for power over the next leader. Then This kind of thing often happens in the royal family." Sairaorg talked about his past without taking it seriously.

"Please take care of Sidi and Gu Mengli's family. I am grateful here."

"You don't need to thank me, and I didn't help much." The cousins ​​had a conversation without any grievances.

Sairaorg's expression suddenly became serious and he said: "Rias, although Han Tian cured my mother, the competition is another matter. In this competition, my team will win. Please throw Unnecessary feelings. I hope that it is not sympathy or mercy, but a family member who is going to fight with all his strength." After speaking, his eyes fell on his fist.

"I only have this tenderness. So if I lose, I will lose everything. I have worked so hard to get it today, and I will lose it. For me who did not inherit the family's destructive power, the only way is to continue to win. So I can only win with my fists." Then, he looked at Rias full of fighting spirit.

"Although it's a bit ugly, but this is the useless way I fight you."

Rias said to him frankly: "Don't worry, I won't show mercy. My subordinates and I will do our best to defeat you!"

"Rias, I will also participate in the battle for my own dreams and ambitions."

"Well, I won't lose to you." Rias also replied straightforwardly.

Afterwards, the two of them left after speaking a few words with Sairaorg and the butler.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

game day...

"It's amazing, it's really an island floating in the sky." Mu Hantian stood in the cable car stretching to the city in the sky and looked up at the floating island.Beside them are Ise, Aisha, Irina, Xenovia, Kitten, and Gasper, and they are also looking outside.

The island floating in the sky, and the city there—Agres.According to Rias, this is something created in the days of the old devil king, as a power to make the island float in the air.But the details, probably only Ajieka? Beelzebub knows.Therefore, it seems that the renovation of the deep interior here is carried out by the current Beelzebub family.

"Islands floating in the sky are so strange. From the city to the ground, water falls like a waterfall. Not one or two, but many water columns fall like waterfalls. It's so dreamy!" Yicheng Very excited, the first time I saw such a magical thing.

A city in the territory of Aggres.It was built on an island floating in the sky.It is also a city that monopolizes the economic circulation in this area, and it is even a tourist attraction.

There are roughly three ways to enter the city.One is jumping through the magic circle.Probably because this is VIP level, so it can only be used on special festivals.It is both an important place and a World Heritage Site, so avoid using magic to move as much as possible.

Well, maybe there will be demons thinking of bad things coming here to do bad things.

The second method is to take air vehicles such as flying boats.Most will take this approach.

The third method is to use the cable car extending from the city from below like Mu Hantian and others.

In this way, everyone climbed up while looking at the spectacular scenery outside from the cable car.

"Actually, there seems to be a dispute among the people above about the setting of the venue for this competition." At this time, Asachel said, looking out the window.All eyes were on Asachel.

Asachel went on to say: "It was originally expected that the current Demon King faction's upper level Gu Mengli's territory would be held in the Demon King's territory. However, the Bar faction, which values ​​blood ties here, wanted to hold it in the Barr's territory. As a result, the two sides disputed I can't go down."

"A dispute? Is it because of the venue?"

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