"Excuse me, I can even roll my eyes at Reba, why can't I roll my eyes at you?" Hu Xing's actions were all aimed at attacking Song Zhuer.

"I..." Song Zhuer was really hit now, and at the same time, she also understood that Hu Xing must avenge every revenge.

Chapter 0449 my woman, I'll teach you if I'm wrong

"Coax me quickly!" Master Song told Hu Xing to coax her quickly.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing smiled and looked at Master Song, not intending to coax her, just watching.

"Don't laugh!" Song Zhuer's voice became a little louder unconsciously.

"Laugh, you're making noise." Hu Xing told the girl to keep her voice down, and Song Zhu'er also realized it, as if her voice was a little louder, and the people next to her also looked over.

"I'm sorry!" Song Zhu'er knew that she was making noise by speaking loudly, so she quickly apologized to the nearby guests.

"Who, you're so unqualified and noisy here." There was a man next to him, and he looked at Hu Xing and the others sarcastically.

After Hu Xing heard it, he said to the other party: "I've said too modestly, I'm sorry!"

"Just apologize? What if you scare people by speaking loudly?"

"Look at you as a little girl, are you so unqualified?!"

"You are so good-looking, don't you even know that you can't talk loudly in the coffee shop?" The man said so, even his friends grabbed his hand to tell him not to continue.

Obviously, his friend has recognized Hu Xing.

But Hu Xing laughed it off: "It's you who speaks loudly now."

"My sister's words just now scared you, and I have already apologized."

"So, please speak in a low voice now." Hu Xing still had the same smile on his face, but Su Chang noticed that he supported Master Song.

"I don't keep quiet, what can you say, just apologize, and you have to be taught a lesson if you do something wrong."

"Scaring others, can't you teach me a few lessons?!" The man's voice was very rough, which could be seen from his obese body.

Hu Xing looked at the other party, but smiled: "Why, from your tone, are you planning to hit someone?"

"Hey, why are you so short on pumping, kid? Isn't it amazing to have two women?"

"My own woman is not good at teaching, so I will teach you for you." The man spoke very aggressively and fiercely.

Song Zhuer didn't feel any guilt at all, and she didn't pay attention to speaking louder just now.

But she's already said too modestly, but the other party wants to find fault, then it's not her fault.

But she was smiling because Hu Xing helped her out, and didn't let her talk, let alone embarrass her.

Hu Xing supported her so manly, which shows that Hu Xing is responsible.

"My woman, everything is right; my woman makes mistakes, and I will teach it, but it's not your turn to teach her."

"Even if my woman does something wrong, it's my fault. I can't teach well. I can teach myself. It's not for others to tell her what to do." Hu Xing's words made all the girls in this coffee shop In his heart, he was so domineering.

Only when a man spoils a woman to the point of lawlessness, will he have such thoughts about his woman.

This kind of man is the most domineering. He spoils his woman too much. When others say that his woman is wrong and does something wrong, he will respond domineeringly.

Even if his girlfriend did something wrong, it was because he, a man, did not teach well, not his girlfriend's fault, it was his fault that he did not teach well.

Furthermore, no matter how bad his girlfriend is, it's not up to others to tell him what to do.

These words can be said to be the most domineering words in the mind of any woman.

After Song Zhuer finished listening, he covered his mouth and looked at Hu Xing with a sweet smile.

Su Chang was also very surprised, he didn't expect Hu Xing to say such a thing.

"However, you said just now that you would help me teach my sister a lesson, what? Am I too kind, or am I too easy to bully, that made you tell me so blatantly that you would help me teach my sister a lesson? "Hu Xing stood up as he said that, the real height of 185 is not a joke.

The obese man on the opposite side is about 180 meters tall, which is considered tall. In addition to being fat, he really looks like a burly man.

But when Hu Xing stood up, with a height of 185, coupled with his muscular physique, he was truly burly and domineering.

"..." The man who was still very arrogant at first, the moment he saw Hu Xing stand up, he immediately gave up.

Don't look at Hu Xing as a little boy, with a handsome face and a look that looks easy to bully, but this is Hu Xing's usual appearance.

Once Hu Xing became serious and his eyes sharpened, that kind of aura would be exuded.

Generally, the kind of bullying and fearful people will be afraid after seeing Hu Xing's sharp eyes.

People who bully the weak and fear the hard will find a woman to vent their anger and find trouble with a woman...

Only a person who is not afraid of anything will not trouble a girl because of such a trivial matter.

So, the moment Hu Xing stood up, the fat man was scared.

"Brother Hu Xing, I'm sorry." The fat man's friend quickly stood up and apologized to Hu Xing.

The fat man didn't know about Hu Xing, but she knew about this girl.

When Hu Xing and Reba went to Yunnan and Xinjiang, they encountered a total of 37 robberies, each of which was settled by Hu Xing himself.

But from this point of view, we can understand how terrifying Hu Xing's combat power is.

At least not someone her friend can resist.

"Yeah!" Hu Xing saw the girl apologized, and he didn't want to cause trouble.

After Hu Xing sat down, he immediately reached out and squeezed her pretty face: "Don't cause trouble for me!"

"Hey~" Song Zhu'er was not worried, and smiled shamelessly, which made Hu Xing laugh even more.

What Hu Xing didn't know was that Su Chang saw what he said in defense of Song Zhuer just now.

"Any plans for this afternoon?" Hu Xing asked Mr. Song what plans he had.

"Go to my house for dinner!" Song Zhuer was straightforward, inviting Hu Xing to her house for dinner.

"No!" Hu Xing immediately refused, saying he couldn't go.

"Why?!" 3.1 Master Song is not happy, he has been invited many times, okay, why doesn't he agree.

"As for why, don't you know?!" Hu Xing glared at the girl angrily.

"My parents won't beat you. When you see them, just explain a little bit." Song Zhuer held Hu Xing's hand and acted like a baby to him, let him go.

"No, by September, you can come to Shanghai directly. I have already arranged for you to go to school, and my mother knows about you; she also said that after the school starts, she will also take the freshman students , although he is not the head teacher, but he will also give English lessons to those one or two classes higher."

"So, both classes are key classes. It depends on you whether you perform well or not." Hu Xing has already made arrangements for this. If Mr. Song really wants to go to school in Shanghai, then go his mother's school.

Chapter 0450 Hu Xing: Mom!

"Ah~~" Master Song became discouraged now, and said, "Can I not go to your mother's school?"

"The future daughter-in-law is a student taught by the future mother-in-law. This relationship is very embarrassing; when the time comes, your mother will definitely see me as cute and like me, and will arrange for me to be the representative of the English class, so that I will have a lot of things to do. "Song Zhuer's narcissism made Hu Xing even more dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry, her narcissism made you laugh." Hu Xing apologized to Su Chang, saying that Song Zhuer was too narcissistic, which made Su Chang, a cousin, a bit unbearable.

"Haha~" Su Chang couldn't bear it anymore.

"What the hell!" Master Song pulled Hu Xing's face as he spoke.

But what Hu Xing didn't know was that now there was another hot topic on Weibo.

Because of the conflict between him and the fat man just now, a girl in this cafe recorded a video and uploaded it to Weibo

After reading this Weibo, many people like it one after another.

Hu Xing defended Song Zhuer's words, and many girls said that he was domineering and a real man.

Although many people did not remember who Song Zhuer was, Su Chang still recognized it.

"Hu Xing is still a troublemaker, he can cause trouble wherever he goes."

"This 13 is not something that Hu Xing provoked, right? He was provoked by the other party."

"Yeah, after watching the video, you will know."

"That fat man is too cowardly. As soon as Hu Xing stood up, he didn't dare to speak anymore, haha~"

"The main reason is that Hu Xing's eyes are really not covered, they are very sharp."

"Have you noticed that the little girl next to Hu Xing is very beautiful, and she looks familiar."

"That's Song Zhuer, the little Nezha in "The Legend of the Lotus Lantern", haven't you seen it? Su Chang is also there. They are cousins." There are still fans who can recognize it.

"Wow, it's true, little Nezha has grown up."

"People all over the country are waiting for her to grow up. Now that she has grown up and is so beautiful, it's no wonder that Hu Xing protects her so much." |

"It's over, Hu Xing accepted another little fairy."

Hu Xing and the others didn't know about this topic discussed on Weibo, but Hu Xing's confidante knew it clearly, and even sent him a WeChat message.

But now that I'm with Song Zhuer, of course I didn't reply immediately.

"Where does your family live?" Hu Xing asked where Song Zhuer lived.

"Haidian District!" Song Zhuer said that he lived in Haidian District, and Hu Xing nodded: "Yes, I got it!"

"Are you really not going to eat?" Song Zhuer still didn't intend to give up.

"When I went to dinner, if I got into a fight with your dad, who would you help?" Hu Xing asked this question, which made Song Zhuer tangled up: "I must help my dad, so that I won't be hospitalized by you."

"No!" Hu Xing refused immediately, and Master Song laughed angrily: "Haha~ What are you doing? Are you angry?"

"Yes, you defended your lover from the previous life too much, so I'm not happy." Hu Xing was quite jealous.

Song Zhuer was happy now, and said: "My father can't beat you."

"It sounds like we're really going to fight." Hu Xing picked up his phone and looked at WeChat, and there were indeed many people who sent him WeChat.

"Oh, you've been recognized. It seems that this is the rhythm of becoming popular." After Hu Xing read the WeChat, let Song Zhuer take a look.

"It's over, after becoming popular, it will be troublesome to go to school before." Song Zhuer was really depressed.

"You girl is really..." Su Chang was speechless, not knowing what to say.

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