It's already four o'clock in the afternoon, so I said, "Let's go, just go to your house, or you'll be nagging me for a while."

"Yeah!" Hu Xing agreed, and Master Song was relieved now.

Hu Xing drove out, and Su Chang also drove out.

Song Zhuer got into Hu Xing's car, and Su Chang drove there by himself.

Hu Xing also bought some gifts on the way.

You can't go there empty-handed, it's too bad, it's also good to buy some gifts for a door-to-door visit.

After arriving at the place where Song Zhuer lived, Hu Xing went up with Song Zhuer.

"Mom, we're back." Master Song opened the door and said to the mother in the house.

"I also want to call you and ask you what's going on, what's the topic on Weibo?" Song Zhuer's mother, Gan Qing, came out, but when she saw Hu Xing, she was also taken aback.

"Hello, beautiful sister!" Hu Xing called her differently.

"Beautiful sister?" Gan Qing looked at the boy with an angry smile. After watching Hu Xing's variety show, he knew that Hu Xing's mouth is very sharp, and he is also very unscrupulous.

"That's right, she's so young and beautiful, isn't she a beautiful sister?" Hu Xing was thick-skinned, even Master Song despised him, so he could be more shameless.

While Gan Qing was furious, she also said that her daughter is 15 years old. She likes to be called a beauty, but she just can't bear it. She said, "What kind of beauty is it? My daughter will be 15 years old."

Glancing at Song Zhuer beside him, Hu Xing smiled obsequiously, and called out kindly: "Mom!"

"..." Gan Qing was even more stunned now, Mom?

"Haha~" Su Chang laughed happily now, this guy's skin is really thicker than a bulletproof vest.

"Hey, no, I said your child is really..." Gan Qing had the idea of ​​laughing and crying, and Hu Xing was too good at pushing his nose on his face.

"It just so happens that you're here. Please tell me honestly what happened between you and the master in 220." Gan Qing obviously didn't have that kind of hostility towards Hu Xing.

"Auntie, you can see it all." Hu Xing was very helpless, and said that Master Song's mother must know.

"How do you know that I saw it?" Gan Qing was surprised. Is this kid so powerful?

"If you really believe that I have taken the master's body away, with the eagerness of your loving daughter, you would have slapped me when you saw me again."

"But you didn't wow, it means that, in fact, you know that I didn't have a relationship with the master."

"As a mother, you have also experienced it. Of course, you know what will happen to a girl after she really becomes a woman. Obviously, the master doesn't. When you find this, you know that your daughter must be lying to you. Right?!" Hu Xing's analysis made Gan Qing even more satisfied.

"Ah?!" Master Song didn't expect that her mother would have noticed it long ago.

"Don't think of your mother too naively, brat." Gan Qing said as he knocked his daughter on the head.

"Dad also knows?" Song Zhuer blushed shyly and asked her mother.

"Your father can't see it. I told him after I saw it." Gan Qing admitted that he had already seen it.

Chapter 0451 is worthy of my sister?

"Damn it, I'm the only one who is still proud." Song Zhuer was very depressed, and looked at her mother with pouted lips.

Song Zhuer was born in 97, and her parents were not in the same grade, they were born in the 70s.

"Sister!" At this time, a little boy came out of the inner room.

"Huh?" The young boy was surprised when he saw Hu Xing: "Mom, it's Hu Xing! Brother Hu Xing!"

"I see, it's true." Gan Qing looked at his son dumbfounded.

"Xiao Ran, come here." After Song Zhuer saw his younger brother, he asked him to come over.

Song Zhuer is only 15 years old, and her younger brother is younger.

"This is my younger brother, Song Ran, born in 2000, 13 years old this year." Song Zhuer introduced to Hu Xing that this is her own younger brother.

"You still have a younger brother?" Hu Xing was very surprised, he didn't expect Song Zhuer to have a younger brother.

"Yes." Master Song liked her brother very much, and he was very cute.

"That's good." Hu Xing felt relieved now, and said, "I thought you were an only child. If you marry in Shanghai, your father-in-law and mother-in-law will be lonely."

"Hey kid, what are you talking about?!" Gan Qing laughed even more angrily.

"Hey~" Hu Xing could see that Master Song's mother didn't seem to be against him.

Not only did he not object, it could even be said that he had a good impression of him.

"Master's father was born in 70, and I was born in 77. There is also a 7-year difference between our husband and wife; Master's son was born in 97, and you were born in 90, so there is also a 7-year difference between you and me. Poor, in fact, we have no objection, it is acceptable under the age of 10."

"And you are also a good person, talented, talented, and handsome. The key is that you dote on your girlfriend very much. You have machismo, but your machismo cannot accept a girlfriend who wears too revealing Clothes; instead of machismo at home, you have to have your girlfriend do all the housework.”

"But from this point of view, my father and I like you very much."

"The only thing I'm worried about is your privilege. We're always worried about it." Gan Qing didn't mean that there was nothing she didn't worry about. This alone was enough for her to worry about.

"My father became a father at the age of 27, and I became a mother at the age of 20."

"I really value the master very much. This girl is also likable, as you can see." When Gan Qing saw Hu Xing, he chatted with him about homework.

"Then I just called you beautiful sister, which seems right?!" Hu Xing touched his nose and said.

"Hehe~ I'm only 13 years older than you, and it makes sense for you to call me sister."

"But if you call me sister, what is your relationship with the master?"

"Sister, you can call me brother-in-law, I don't mind that." Hu Xing said quickly.

"Do you still want to show your face?" Su Chang said angrily.

"Okay, okay, don't make a joke about this." Gan Qing asked Hu Xing not to make a joke.

"Sister, is Brother Hu Xing your boyfriend?!" Song Ran asked her sister curiously.

"Do you think he is worthy of my sister?" Song Zhuer happily showed her cuteness to her younger brother and asked him

"Haha~ Sister, what are you kidding? Hu Xing, that's Hu Xing."

"He's the number one songwriter in Asia; he's also a car designer; he's a small boss. In the 520 bar, my father said that Hu Xing's annual income is higher than ours."

"This is not a question of whether Hu Xingge is worthy of you, but whether you are worthy of my sister, Hu Xingge." Song Ran was very forceful, and Hu Xing quickly hugged the brother-in-law.

"Oh, boy, you are very good at talking, I think I fit in with you very well." Hu Xing hugged Song Ran and scratched the kid's itch.

"Song Ran!" Song Zhuer became even more upset after being complained about by his younger brother.

"It's useless for you to bully me! Elder sister has no advantage other than her own immortality and beauty."

"Hmph, sister Reba is beautiful, she is taller than you, and has long legs! She is as beautiful as you, and she is also a big beauty; and her figure is not as good as yours; she can sing and dance better than you; sister, you Can't dance yet." Song Ran bickered with her sister.

"Come here!" Song Zhuer was about to rush over to beat his younger brother.

But Hu Xing protected his future brother-in-law, and immediately hugged Master Song, telling her to calm down: "Your brother is right?!"

"Damn it!" Song Zhuer glared at his younger brother angrily.

"Hey~ I'll call you brother-in-law from now on. As your brother-in-law, can you promise me a request? Otherwise, you can give me a gift or something." Song Ran is very good at finding opportunities to speak.

"What do you want?!" Hu Xing looked at this kid. Song Ran is 13 years old this year, so he should be in junior high school.

"Isn't that right? My sister will start high school in September, and I will start junior high school in September."

"So, my sister looks pretty good, and I don't look bad, brother-in-law, do you have to teach me some skills? For example, dancing is good." Song Ran is planning to learn to dance.

Hu Xing is the dance teacher of many popular Korean idol groups, such as superjunior, TVXQ, Girls' Generation, fx, shinne, exo, these are all under the guidance of Hu Xing.

It can be said that Hu Xing is the number one dance teacher in Asia, which is not an exaggeration at all

Song Ran is planning to let her sister's boyfriend teach him to dance or something.

"Heh~" Gan Qing was also happy to see his son so studious.

Hu Xing held Master Song in his arms, and after looking down at her, he was obviously asking her, do you want to agree?

Hu Xing's small movement was noticed by Gan Qing.

Gan Qing noticed such a small habit, and Hu Xing was asking Master Song what he meant.

To put it simply, he is looking at Song Zhuer's eyes. He can agree, but he will first get the opinion of the girl he likes before making a decision.

"I want to learn too!" Song Zhuer refused to admit defeat, since Di Lieba can do it, she can do it too.

"I don't have so much time in Beijing!" Hu Xing said he didn't have so much time in Beijing.

"My parents said that if my sister goes to Shanghai to study, they can move to Shanghai."

"If it's in Shanghai, my sister and I both go to school in Shanghai, Brother Hu Xing, can you teach me how to dance?!" Song Ran was so impatient that Hu Xing was even more surprised.

"I remember, uncle seems to have his own company, right?!" Hu Xing knew it to some extent.

"Yes, but you also know that the master is his previous lover, that's right."

"After learning that Zhu'er was going to study in Shanghai for you, I decided to move the class at the company's headquarters to Shanghai. If I didn't do it, it was for the convenience and comfort of Zhu'er's life; she wouldn't be alone. You will be lonely in Shanghai." After Gan Qing explained, Hu Xing really understood.

Chapter 0452 You must be doing it on purpose

"Compared with my sister, I feel like I'm paying for the phone bill." Song Ran muttered.

"Haha~" Song Ran muttered, Su Chang and Song Zhu'er couldn't help but look at him happily.

"Hu Xing stay here for dinner tonight?!" Gan Qing warmly invited Hu Xing to stay here for dinner.

"Okay!" Hu Xing didn't refuse, but Master Song said, "Mom, Hu Xing is cooking tonight!"

"Why?!" Hu Xing was helpless. This girl had said a lot before that she wanted to eat what he made.

Hu Xing's Weibo is rarely updated, and there are photos of cooking by himself.

He seldom has it, but Reba does it often. Almost every time Hu Xing cooks something delicious for her, Reba will share it with fans.

Not only her, even Song Jia will do the same, often posting

In the past, when Zhao Liying had not established a relationship with him, Hu Xing did not, but now, Zhao Liying has gradually increased.

The food made by Hu Xing is delicious just by looking at the photos.

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