And he also proved that cooking by yourself is really delicious.

Even after reading more about Di Lieba, Song Jia, and Zhao Liying's Weibo, Song Zhuer also wants to try Hu Xing's food, how good it is 507.

"You can't do it?" Zhu'er is young, just the age to be willful.

"Okay, I'll do it!" Hu Xing had no choice but to follow this little girl.

"However, you have to take me to the vegetable market or the supermarket." Hu Xing picked up Song Zhuer as he said that, and really grabbed Song Zhuer's armpit with both hands, just like that. lift it up.

"Ugh! Damn it! You want to hug me in this way again!" Song Zhuer was so angry that he was a 15-year-old girl, but he was hugged by Hu Xing like this.

"Puchi!" As a mother, Gan Qing couldn't help but burst out laughing when he saw his daughter being lifted up by Hu Xing like this.

As far as height is concerned, Hu Xing is 25 centimeters taller than Song Zhuer, and he is also strong. It is not surprising to lift Song Zhuer up like this.

"Let's go!" Hu Xing patted Master Song on the head and said.

"My lord, go by electric bike. It's past 5 o'clock. If you go to buy vegetables, you will be stuck in traffic." Gan Qing asked his daughter to ride an electric bike to buy vegetables.

"Okay!" Song Zhuer took the key of the electric car, and then went out with Hu Xing.

"Is it far?" Hu Xing was concerned about this question.

"It's not far, it's only about one kilometer away. Riding an electric bike is enough." Song Zhuer said so, so Hu Xing believed him.

After riding an electric bike to a nearby vegetable market, Hu Xing took Song Zhuer to buy vegetables.

Hu Xing chose the dishes well, as well as the side dishes for each dish.

Song Zhu'er used to go shopping with her mother a lot before, so she also understands these things.

After buying a lot of ingredients and going back, Gan Qing was even more surprised when he saw it: "So much? Have you finished eating?"

"It may not be enough to eat." Hu Xing said this, because he was confident that he made the food, and Master Song would definitely feel that it was not enough to eat.

"Here, a whole duck weighs at least three catties, right? Then there are pig tails, pig large intestines, pork loins, small intestines, soft-shelled turtles, and pork ribs here. We only have six people for dinner tonight." , too much." Gan Qing felt that this meal was really enough.

"I just said, too much, he can't finish it, he doesn't believe it." Song Zhuer also said just now, it is really enough.

But Hu Xing said that it was not necessarily true, and he had to continue to buy.

Well now, there are so many things, there are at least 10 dishes tonight, what is Hu Xing going to do?

"Oh, I said who came up with my daughter just now, it turned out to be you." It just so happened, Song Zhuer's father, Song Hande.

Song Hande is a well-known figure in the field of smart home appliances, and he also owns a company.

At present, smart home appliances in China are not very mature, and they are only available in some big cities.

"Hello, Uncle." Hu Xing took the initiative to say hello.

"Heh~ hello, it can be regarded as seeing a real person." Song Dehan has also heard of Hu Xing, or to put it this way, who is the most popular star in the entertainment industry now?Definitely Hu Xing.

The topic is high, the exposure rate is sufficient, and it is also very powerful, and the popularity is very high.

It is really too difficult to know Hu Xing.

"The guests are here, mother of the child, let's cook." Song Hande said.

"Father, Brother Hu Xing is cooking today; my sister has the cheek to ask Brother Hu Xing to cook." Song Ran complained to her father and bickered with her sister.

"Song Ran, shut up!" Master Song angrily hit his younger brother with a pillow.

"You won't be liked by Hu Xingge like this." Song Ran deliberately turned back.

"I want you to take care of it." Song Zhu'er said and kicked his younger brother with her beautiful little foot.

Hu Xing walked over and patted Song Zhuer on the head in front of Song Zhuer's parents.

"Come in and help!" Song Zhuer asked her to come in and help, and Song Zhuer obediently went in to help.

Seeing the two people in the kitchen with cute height contrast, Song Hande was surprised.

"Is this still our daughter?" Song Hande was very surprised, how could his daughter be so well-behaved?

"I'm also wondering if it's my cousin!" Su Chang felt that her cognition and three views on her were really refreshed by her cousin today.

"I think my brother-in-law must be Brother Hu Xing."

"Hey~ Next year's Spring Festival, I can ask my brother-in-law for the New Year's money." Song Ran was young, thinking about this kind of problem, and his cousin couldn't laugh or cry.

Hu Xing and Song Zhuer in the kitchen were chatting while preparing dinner for tonight.

It's just that Song Zhuer was very surprised to see Hu Xing's skilled knife skills and various neatly arranged side dishes.

It turns out that a man who is a good cook is even more handsome when he cooks.

The dinner started at 6 o'clock, and at 7 o'clock, the kitchen smelled very attractive.

People watching TV in the living room, or chatting, couldn't help but look in.

Song Zhu'er couldn't help but want to steal it, but when Hu Xing saw it, he hit it with his chopsticks.

"Ah! I'll just eat one piece!" Song Zhuer said angrily that he only ate one piece.

"Wash your hands!" Hu Xing asked her to wash her hands before eating.

With Hu Xing's permission, Song Zhuer couldn't wait to grab a piece of chopped duck meat and put it in his mouth.

"What the hell? It's so unpalatable?" Song Zhuer, who had just taken a bite, commented immediately.

"How about it, did you disappoint?!" Hu Xing raised an eyebrow at Master Song and said.

"You must have done it on purpose." Song Zhuer thought it shouldn't be like this, it should be delicious, right?

"Don't worry, this white-cut duck is not finished yet, and there is still a sauce missing. This will be made at the end, and it will taste different later." Hu Xing told Master Song, don't worry.

Chapter 0453 I recognize this brother-in-law

"It's done!" Hu Xing worked for an hour and a half before cooking a table full of dishes.

As a guest for the first time, and he did something excessive to his daughter, of course Hu Xing wanted to show his talents.

This meal is done, and the appearance of these dishes looks very delicious.

Hu Xing poured the seasoning sauce onto the frying pan used in the induction cooker, and after stirring it evenly with the boiled duck, tonight's dinner was truly finished

"Wow!" Looking at so many delicious food, Gan Qing was really ~ surprised.

As a standard housewife, she doesn't even have - Hu Xing did so well.

Moreover, it took Hu Xing only one and a half hours to complete the 8 dishes, with this movement and speed.

But when eating, the taste is also unique.

Song Zhuer was already addicted to it, and there was no way to stop it.

Boiled duck, braised pig tail, stir-fried pork intestine, spicy fried pork loin, soft-shelled turtle soup, and three relatively light green vegetables. This combination, seven dishes and one soup.

When he just ate, Song Zhuer's face was touched, it could be regarded as being able to eat the dish he dreamed of.

I used to watch Di Lieba and the others post it, but now I can finally eat something made by Hu Xing himself.

The taste was really unusual. In short, her tongue was molested and her stomach was grabbed.

Song Zhuer's father and mother were also very surprised.

Just now I thought it was too much, but now it seems that, as Hu Xing said, it may not be enough.

The food made by Hu Xing looks similar to those in big restaurants, as good-looking and presentable.

But it tastes more delicious and not greasy than the kind of food in the big restaurant.

The food in the restaurant will be very greasy to eat. It is delicious, but it feels like there are a lot of ingredients.

But Hu Xing doesn't put too many seasonings and ingredients in what he makes.

When you eat it, the taste is naturally different, and it is even more delicious.

It's just that Master Song's family ate happily, but Hu Xing was very rare.

Song Zhuer ate two bowls of rice, but Hu Xing didn't have enough for half a bowl of rice. To put it simply, Hu Xing just had a mouthful of rice, a real mouthful of rice.

I seldom eat vegetables, basically I eat some vegetables, but I don't eat too much meat.

Meat is just one dish, and it is enough to satisfy your appetite, and you don’t eat anything else.

"Why don't you eat?" Song Zhuer asked Hu Xing after noticing Hu Xing's actions.

"Why don't I eat, don't you know?" Hu Xing remembered that he had told Song Zhuer about this.

"Ah, yes." Song Zhuer remembered that Hu Xing had mentioned it to her.

"What's the matter? Why does Hu Xing eat so little?" Song Dehan also felt strange. Is there any special reason for Hu Xing?

"He has a fat-prone physique and eats very little; he is afraid that eating too much, coupled with his regular exercise, will make his figure look developed and lose the beauty of his body, so eating They are more restrained." Song Zhuer explained to her father.

"No way?! You're in pretty good shape now, I can't see that you are still prone to obesity." Song Dehan was surprised that Hu Xing's figure actually had to restrain his diet.

"Well, this is the result of my years of restraint. I'm the kind of person who drinks tap water for nutrition."

"Eat less, exercise more, and you will be able to maintain your current figure.":

"If I eat more, gain weight, and exercise regularly, my figure will be as strong as a bodybuilder." Hu Xing is basically about to put his chopsticks down now.

But because of politeness, Hu Xing did not put down his chopsticks, but chatted with Song Zhuer's family.

It would be nice to have some green vegetables while chatting.

Seeing Hu Xing so self-disciplined, Gan Qing nodded even more.

As far as Hu Xing's restraint in diet can show that he is still very restrained in himself.

After dinner, everything was cleaned up.

"I recognize this brother-in-law!" After eating, Song Ran gave Hu Xing a thumbs up, saying that this brother-in-law must be recognized, the cooking is really delicious.

"Shut up when you're full!" Song Zhuer threatened his younger brother to keep his mouth shut.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing smiled and looked at Song Zhuer and Song Ran, the siblings.

Hu Xing also has an older sister, so naturally he would quarrel with his older sister occasionally.

After dinner, Hu Xing saw that it was getting late: "Uncle and Auntie, I'm leaving first, and I'll visit again when I have time."

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