"Okay, be careful when driving at night." Gan Qing and Hu Xing had already chatted and knew that Hu Xing had made arrangements.

If Master Song really wanted to study in Shanghai, he would go to his mother's school.

If Song Zhuer doesn't go, then he can go to school here in Beijing.

Anyway, Hu Xing will come to Beijing often in the future, and it would be nice to meet up then.

It's just that Song Zhuer will have less time to see Hu Xing in this way, but it will also help her study. In short, Song Zhuer has to think clearly about this.

Hu Xing came to visit this time, and it was considered that Song Zhuer, a troublesome little fairy, took care of it.

"Where have you been?!" Hu Xing just came out of Master Song's house when he saw the WeChat message Liu Shishi sent him today.

"Just now I went to a friend's house as a guest and chatted with them. I was embarrassed to chat on WeChat with my mobile phone." Hu Xing told Liu Shishi in a voice.

"Where are you?!" Seeing Hu Xing's reply, Liu Shishi immediately asked him where he is now.

"You're in Beijing!" Isn't what Hu Xing said nonsense, now who doesn't know that you are in Beijing.

"Of course I know you are in Beijing, the key is where are you in Beijing?!" Liu Shishi was annoyed. You don't need to tell me that you are in Beijing now, fans have already made it public on Weibo.

"Now here in Haidian District." Hu Xing told Liu Shishi that he was here in Haidian District.

"I'm not in Beijing now." Liu Shishi was still there in the afternoon, but Hu Xing didn't have time to pay attention to her, which made her very depressed.

"You're not in Beijing? Where did you go?" Hu Xing was surprised, and originally wanted to come out to find her earlier.

"Come out for filming; in Hengdian!" Liu Shishi told Hu Xing that she was in Hengdian.

"Are you filming in Hengdian? I'm also filming in Hengdian, why didn't you tell me before?" Hu Xing was surprised, and she knew Liu Shishi was in Hengdian.

"Are you a pig? I'm right next to your crew, don't you know?!" Liu Shishi said angrily.

"How is it possible, next to my crew is Wu Qilong's crew, it seems to be filming a TV series like "Sharp and Benevolent Master"." Hu Xing scratched his head and said to Liu Shishi.

"That's right, I am the leading actress of this TV series." After Liu Shishi said, Hu Xing became even more jealous: "What is this? Why do you always work with him as a partner?"

Chapter 0454 Liu Shishi was brought rhythm

"Why didn't I see you work with me as a partner? In the first half of the year, I collaborated with "Startling by Every Step". I can watch the TV series as the sister chapter of "Startling by Every Step" without saying anything, and I just met you at that time."

"But Mao, you just collaborated with him in a play, and now you want to cooperate in another one?" Hu Xing was jealous, not pretending to act, but serious.

Hu Xing was jealous, so Liu Shishi was naturally happy.

If a man is jealous of you, it means he cares about you.

"No, where are you going?" Liu Shishi realized that he had to coax him.

"Why not? Why do you keep cooperating with him?" Hu Xing couldn't figure it out. Why did he always cooperate with Wu Qilong? Does he have a sense of crisis?

"This cooperation is a TV series produced by him. He said that I am more suitable, so let me play the leading role." Liu Shishi said this, and Hu Xing even sent her a selfie.

Now his mood is the same as this selfie, unhappy, very unhappy.

After Liu Shishi saw it, he sent Hu Xing a short video.

This short video is Liu Shishi pouting and kissing the camera, as if telling Hu Xing that the kiss is you.

After Hu Xing saw this, he asked: "I can't make a kiss scene (grievance)!"

What Hu Xing sent was text, followed by an aggrieved expression.

Liu Shishi really felt that Hu Xing was jealous, so he was afraid that he would be jealous.

"No filming." Liu Shishi is still very self-disciplined. Since he is sure that the person he likes is Hu Xing, he will definitely not do anything to betray Hu Xing.

If he doesn't like it, he certainly won't do it.

Kissing scenes, passionate scenes, she won't shoot these anymore, this has to consider Hu Xing's feelings.

"I don't do kiss scenes, and you can't do kiss scenes either." Liu Shishi said that she didn't do kiss scenes anymore, so Hu Xing was not allowed to do kiss scenes either.

"I didn't film a kiss scene. In the TV series "Gu Jian Qi Tan", I didn't have a kiss scene with my boss; I didn't have a kiss scene with other actors either."

""One Man's Martial Arts" doesn't have a kiss scene with me; and "Ruffian Hero 2" which is about to start filming next month doesn't have a kiss scene; The kissing scene filmed by Baba." Hu Xing explained to Liu Shishi honestly.

"Well, very good!" After Liu Shishi learned about it, he was very satisfied and honestly explained.

"You still know how it feels to take care of us?" Liu Shishi was very happy, as long as Hu Xing didn't do the kissing scene.

If you want to shoot a kiss scene, you also shoot with them, this is acceptable.

"I miss you." Hu Xing finally choked out these few words.

"Really miss me?" Liu Shishi asked Hu Xing if he really missed me.

"I really want to!" Hu Xing said seriously, it was really thinking.

"Then come and find me when you return to Hengdian. I've met Reba now. Let's live together tonight and let her get to know you." Liu Shishi is with Reba right now.

"Yes, Li Ying is not in Hengdian recently, she just finished filming a movie, she seems to be resting now."

"Sister Song Jia also flew to Beijing today, hehe~ I'm going to exercise with Sister Jia tonight." Hu Xing played hooliganism behind him, which made Liu Shishi even more ashamed to warn him: "Don't talk to me about such hooliganism. .”

"Who are you hooligans? We will also exercise in the future. I haven't tasted yours yet." Sure enough, Hu Xing became hooligans, and no one could stop him.

"Do you want to taste it?!" Liu Shishi deliberately teased Hu Xing.

"I want to, but you don't even give it, and you don't even want to kiss your creaking pit." When Hu Xing talked about this, Liu Shishi recalled how he felt when Hu Xing kissed his armpit before.

"Sooner or later, it will be yours!" Liu Shishi expressed his confession very directly, and Hu Xing would naturally respond: "Sooner or later, I will taste all of you."

"Okay, I'm waiting for you to taste it. Sister, I am very delicious." Liu Shishi also let go a lot, mainly due to Hu Xing's rhythm.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing put down his phone, and then drove to the airport.

He left first, in fact, to pick up Song Jia, this sister flew to Beijing today.

He also told him what time to arrive and asked Hu Xing to pick him up.

When Hu Xing drove over, he also took a look at the system's situation with the heroines.

At present, Zhao Liying has the highest love degree, reaching level nine, followed by Song Jia and Di Lieba, both at level eight.

When arriving at the airport, Hu Xing was waiting for Song Jia.

When this beauty came out, her graceful model figure, combined with her cool and handsome temperament, not to mention, this is really a royal sister...

Every time I see Song Jia, Hu Xing is always restless, really.

Wearing sunglasses, Song Jia, when she saw the handsome figure in front of her, immediately let go of her image, like a little girl seeing her sweetheart whom she misses day and night, and trots over.

Under the watchful eyes of so many people at the airport, Xiao Pao came to Hu Xing's body, jumped up and threw himself into Hu Xing's arms.

"Bang!" Song Jia jumped up, and Hu Xing hugged him with open arms.

Song Jia's two legs passed through Hu Xing's waist and ribs, and her two long legs were horizontal. Hu Xing hugged her butt, and Song Jia hugged Hu Xing's neck.

"Yeah!" Song Jia jumped onto Hu Xing's body in a very aggressive manner. After Hu Xing hugged her, he immediately offered his seductive mouth.

Hu Xing didn't refuse either, just like that at the airport, making out in public, completely ignoring the feelings of the people around him.

In fact, everyone is used to it. Hu Xing picked up Song Jia when he was in Shanghai.

Hu Xing also hugged Song Jia that time, in front of many fans, he grabbed Song Jia's buttocks with his big hands.

At that time, Hu Xing declared his sovereignty, and this long-legged sister was already his.

Since the declaration of sovereignty, fans all over the country know that Hu Xing currently has two girlfriends.

One is Song Jia, a cool and handsome royal sister with giant rabbits and long legs; the other is Di Lieba, a cute girl with beautiful rabbits and big white legs;


These two people have something in common, that is, pets are very confident, and they have long legs that make people never get tired of playing for a lifetime.

Just like these two beauties, I don't know how many people envy Hu Xing's beauty. To be able to have such privileges and benefits is simply the pinnacle of life.

But anyone who has followed Hu Xing knows that this is not the pinnacle of his life.

Because of the scandal with him, and there are still many candidates who are likely to become his future girlfriend.

For example, Gu Li Nazha, a new generation of fairy sister who is also slender and long-legged, also grew up with Hu Xing's childhood sweetheart.

There is also Liu Shishi, a low-key and elegant beauty who can let Hu Xing deliver meals to her and feed her.

Of course, there is also the cute and simple temperament short-legged Zhao Liying, who is also Hu Xing's rumored girlfriend.

Chapter 0455

PS: Brother reviewer, there is nothing wrong with this content, why is it still not reviewed?

"You woman is too much, you are getting younger and younger." Hu Xing hugged Song Jia like this.

"That's right, my sister has a boyfriend after all, it's all thanks to my little milk dog boyfriend, who raised me so young." Song Jia didn't care about everyone's opinions and feelings.

Hu Xing supported her body with both hands, and his two long legs stretched sideways.

He was already wearing denim shorts, and he also wore high-heeled sandals on his two beautiful ankles.

Such long legs against the sky can be said to be very attractive to men.

Song Jia like this is a goblin, the goblin sister Yu.

There are so many people coming and going at the airport, of course they also saw the situation on Hu Xing and Song Jia's side.

After seeing it, many people secretly took pictures with their mobile phones and recorded it.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing walked out of the airport with Song Jia in his arms. Although it would be nice to be photographed secretly by many people, they don't mind, so they can take pictures if they want.

Falling in love, can't you make a high-profile 11?

After coming out, Song Jia came to the side of the car, and Song Jia was willing to get down.

After driving away from the airport, Hu Xing said to Song Jia, "Let's go directly to Gu Gu?"

"Okay, Gu Gu sent me a WeChat message just now." Song Jia did not refuse, and she and Nazha got along a lot.

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