"Yeah!" Song Jia found a place and merged with Hu Xing again.

"The bones are not crisp enough!" Song Jia gave Hu Xing an offensive slogan, telling him to continue.

"Fairy!" Hu Xing would not disappoint Song Jia, and the two fought again.

"If I can't get pregnant, it will prove that you are not strong."

"I won't be able to conceive for a long time. If you don't give me this label, I will never take it off." Song Jia is still provoking Hu Xing, how can he bear it?

In the fierce battle two hours later, Song Jia actually gave up the idea of ​​saying that Hu Xing was weak.

In fact, it was just a deliberate provocation just now, not really saying that Hu Xing was weak.

He is not strong enough, presumably only she and Zhao Liying understand this world best

She just wanted to use this kind of provocation to make Hu Xing treat her more violently.

The reason why Hu Xing called her a goblin was because he knew that was what she meant, so he called her that way.

543 After returning to Nazha's residence, the three girls shared a room tonight, and Hu Xing...

"Why?!" Hu Xing didn't want to sleep on the sofa, it was too wronged him.

"Squeeze, you can still squeeze." Song Jia asked Hu Xing to come in, he should be able to sleep.

When he got up the next morning, Hu Xing and Reba went to the set. The film started today, so there was no way he and Reba would be late today.

When I came to the crew, everyone had already arrived, neither early nor late, just in time to start.

"The first scene is between me and you." Zheng Kai came over with the script and had a dialogue with Hu Xing.

"Well, this kind of low-cost romantic comedy is still interesting." Hu Xing took the script, and Zheng Kai started to review the script.

"Hu Xing, do you know any female stars? You are in this drama, but there are many ex-girlfriends who will come out as cameos. Would you like to invite some of your girlfriends to come and make cameos?" The director came to find out at this time Hu Xing, asked him if he had any friends he could invite.

"Director, you are so scheming, let me invite my friends to come to guest roles, so you don't have to pay for the film, right?!" Hu Xing felt amused, is this really okay?

"You have discovered all of this, but our crew is a low-budget movie, so save as much as you can."

"You have so many rumored girlfriends, you should be able to invite a few of them?!" The director still trusted Hu Xing and asked him to invite some friends to come as guest stars.

"Okay, I can do it anytime here, director, you can invite as many as you want, and I will arrange it." Hu Xing felt that there was no problem at all.

"Director, I can invite one." Reba said that she could invite one, and Hu Xing laughed and said, "Are you planning to invite Nazha to play the role?!"

"That's right!" Reba really planned to invite Nazha over.

"I remember that my role in this play seems to have four predecessors in total?!" Hu Xing thought for a while, if I remember correctly, it is indeed.

"Yes!" The director said that there was nothing wrong with four.

"Four words." Hu Xing really had to think about it, who was going to be invited to be his ex-girlfriend? This was really a question.

"Isn't this just right? Zhao Liying, Gu Li Nazha, Liu Shishi, and Tang Yixin." The four people Zheng Kai chose at this time were all Hu Xing's rumored girlfriends.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing couldn't help laughing when he heard these four people.

"Song Jia, Zhao Liying, Liu Shishi, and Gu Li Nazha." Hu Xing felt that these four people had come.

"Wow, one is a powerful floret, one is a newly popular floret, the other is one of the four florets; there is also a post-90s floret who is called a new generation of fairy sister, yes, we really know each other What a beauty." Wang Likun also joked with Hu Xing.

"It's okay!" Hu Xing's modesty was a bit hypocritical.

Wang Likun gave Hu Xing a supercilious look, you can experience it yourself.

"Why don't you find Yang Mi? I think, your character in this drama, the ex, seems to be a very money-worshiping woman, with big breasts and a good figure, isn't it just suitable for Yang Mi?" Wang Likun suggested Hu Xing.

"Sister Mi is not enough, Sister Jia's can crush Sister Mi." Di Lieba told Wang Likun

"Really?!" Wang Likun didn't know that Song Jia's current figure was not her previous figure.

Although Song Jia was very proud in the past, but now it is not as simple as being proud, it has already reached the level of a murder weapon.

Hu Xing was also very happy, so he told the four girls in advance that it would be good to invite them over at that time

"Okay, Hu Xing and Zheng Kai are ready." The director asked the two to prepare for the first scene.

"Okay." The director said it started, and Hu Xing and Zheng Kai began to prepare.

Hu Xing came out of a house, dressed neatly, and when he came out, he glanced at the parked car in front of him, then walked straight over and sat in the passenger seat.

Zheng Kai inside looked at him.

The first scene of the two is also the first time to cooperate in filming.

"Brother, what are you thinking?!" Zheng Kai drove out and looked at Hu Xing who was thinking deeply.

"I'm thinking, why does this person divide his age into full years and false years?!" Hu Xing looked out of the car window and asked.

The first scene, as it was from the same show, there is still a tacit understanding.

Coupled with the cooperation of running men, this tacit understanding is not to mention.

Hu Xing and Zheng Kai's line skills are very good, which is really right, and they really have a tacit understanding.

The first few scenes of this movie were all performed by Hu Xing and Zheng Kai.

When these two live treasures were acting, they were really in full swing.

Hu Xing laughed and Zheng Kai laughed, and Zheng Kai forgot his words after the laugh, which made the crew dumbfounded during filming.

"Stop messing around and shoot seriously." Zheng Kai said to Hu Xing angrily.

"It's my fault? Why didn't you say you forgot your words?" Hu Xing was angry, and it was really okay for this brother to make a fuss.

Reba and Wang Likun, who were watching outside, were of course also amused by these two live treasures.

The filming time passed very quickly, and before I knew it, the day passed.

"Oh, hello, it's already a big night." It was already 7 o'clock in the evening, and Hu Xing and the others could start eating dinner, and the box lunch of the crew was pretty good.

After all, it is also the first dinner of this movie, so the director should give everyone a better meal.

"Work is over tonight, do you want to go to Sanlitun to have fun?!" Zheng Kai didn't forget to ask Hu Xing if he would go to the beach tonight while eating.

"I'll go. If you're single, you can really roam around casually, right? I'm a family man." Hu Xing refused, and Reba just glanced at him, believing you would be a ghost.

Chapter 0463 special beer

"What are you bragging about? As the owner of the most popular HS bar in Sanlitun, wouldn't you be high?" Zheng Kai didn't believe in Hu Xing. Anyone who can open a bar has a rich nightlife.

"Okay, Sanlitun tonight!" Hu Xing didn't hesitate, so let's go to Sanlitun.

"Ah, the mysterious H is going to go crazy tonight." Zheng Kai screamed excitedly.

After learning that they were going to go there tonight, Reba also sent Song Jia and Nazha a WeChat message, saying that they would meet at the HS bar in Sanlitun tonight, and the boss wanted to be hi.

She also sent a WeChat message to Song Zhuer, and the little girl also said that she would go there tonight after learning about it.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, after Hu Xing and the others finished work, they changed their clothes and went straight to the bar.

When I came to the bar, I heard different electronic music songs when I walked in.

These electronic songs are very distinctive, all of them are songs created by Hu Xing in his own bar. Only HS bar can use these electronic songs.

If other bars use these songs, Hu Xing will be sued.

Other bars use other people's songs, which are good, but compared with the electronic music of HS Bar, it is still far behind.

The biggest feature of HS Bar is their unique electronic music.

A large part is that these unique electronic music divine songs attract most customers to consume.

"Sure enough, among all the bars, HS is the most powerful." Zheng Kai likes to come to this bar.

I didn't know it was Hu Xing's shop before, but he also liked to come here.

But after knowing that Hu Xing is the owner of this bar, it goes without saying that he comes every time, even he is a diamond exclusive customer of HS, and the membership card can be discounted by 7%.

This is not a discount given by Hu Xing, but Zheng Kai really often goes to HS to spend and play, so the shop owner in Shanghai reported to the headquarters, and then upgraded Zheng Kai to a diamond exclusive customer. As long as it is an HS bar, anyone For any store, as long as Zheng Kai goes there, there will be a [-]% discount.

"Ah howl!" When Hu Xing and his group arrived, all the customers here noticed.

Hu Xing chewed his gum and said hello to the DJ and lighting engineer.

Because when Hu Xing came in, the lights shone on him, letting all the customers know tonight that the boss is here tonight, and you will have a good time tonight.

There are even many people who, after discovering that it was Hu Xing, sent WeChat messages to their friends to invite them to come over to play, otherwise they might miss the night when Hu Xing led the atmosphere.

After Hu Xing and the others found a seat, they sat down and the waiter came over.

"One serving of every snack on the menu, as well as two sets of cocktails." As the boss here, Hu Xing was also very happy when ordering.

"Okay, do you want beer?!" The waiter also asked if he wanted beer.

"Up to three dozen Goddess beers." Zheng Kai called the name directly and asked for three dozen Goddess beers.

There are three most popular things in HS bar. The first is that the mysterious owner H personally plays discs and plays electronic music tapes to make customers happy; the second is the special electronic music in HS bar; the third is of course that only HS bar can have. Goddess beer.

Goddess beer, this can be regarded as a beer brand developed by Hu Xing.

Goddess Beer, in fact, can’t be among the top ten beers in China. That’s because Goddess Beer can only be drunk in HS bars, and Goddess Beer can’t be drunk in other bars, restaurants, and late-night stalls.

Only when you come to HS Bar, can you drink Goddess Beer.

No one knew about the brand of beer that Hu Xing invested in at the beginning. They only knew about this brand of beer. They said that the owner of the HS bar invested in it, and it could only be drunk in the HS bar.

But since Hu Xing's identity was made public and he is the owner of the HS bar, everyone knows that the brand of Goddess Beer is probably invested and produced by Hu Xing.

The reason why the annual income of HS bar is so high is that this bar has its own beer, and the beer is really delicious. Many people who have been drinking here choose to come here to have fun.

It's just that the beer of this brand is not cheap, and it is difficult for ordinary consumers to afford this kind of consumption, so even if you want to come to the HS bar, it depends on whether your wallet is big enough.

It can be said that as long as anyone who comes to HS Bar and can drink Goddess beer is a rich second generation, a celebrity or a wealthy person.

Come to the HS bar, look at the drinks on the bar, you can tell whether you are rich or not.

There are 12 bottles of goddess beer, and the price is 4800 yuan per dozen, and the price is 400 yuan per bottle.

If you can afford to drink Goddess beer in HS, it costs 4800 for a dozen beers alone. Of course, it can be seen whether you are rich.

If you are just an ordinary person, you are reluctant to order this beer, because a dozen beers cost 4800, and if you come to the bar to play, a dozen beers are definitely not enough, unless there are one or two people.

When there are many people, a dozen beers is one bottle per person, which is not enjoyable at all.

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