For one night alone, guests who drink Goddess beer cost at least more than 1 yuan a night, plus some other snacks and wine, it is not surprising that they spend [-] to [-] yuan a night.

"Is three dozen beers enough?!" Wang Likun asked Zheng Kai. It seems that three dozen beers are not enough, right?

"That's enough, Hu Xing and Reba don't drink much." Zheng Kai thought it was enough, but Hu Xing said: "I still have a few friends who want to come over later, let's order when they come, when there is not enough."

"The big black cow is coming too." After reading the WeChat, Zheng Kai told Hu Xing that the big black cow is definitely coming.

"Okay." Hu Xing shrugged, this is nothing at all.

"I'll find something to play with, you guys drink first, I'll go up and set the mood." Reba stood up as she spoke, walked to the DJ stage, and discussed something with the DJ.

When she saw Reba going up to the DJ booth, all the customers on the dance floor were excited.

Hu Xing is the male god of electronic music, then Reba is the goddess of electronic music.

As a woman trained by Hu Xing and also the proprietress of this bar, how could she not know how to play DJing?

"letsdance~!" Sure enough, as soon as Reba came up, she played a very exciting electronic dance music for everyone.

"Boom, thud, thump, thump~" Now the entire bar dance floor started to boil, and everyone was twisting their bodies to their heart's content under Reba's DJing, releasing their passion wholeheartedly.

Reba's electronic music skills are not as good as Hu Xing's, but she is definitely not lazy.

The clothes that Reba is wearing tonight are also quite sexy, the onesie that wraps her breasts and buttocks, the standard nightclub style.

Reba like this is very rare, only when Hu Xing is in a good mood will she be allowed to wear it like this when she comes to the bar.

You can wear clothes that show off your figure, but you can't show your career line.

It is precisely because there is a sexy goddess DJ like Reba playing discs that the male customers at the scene feel that they need to release their passion.

Chapter 0464 I want the location of the main palace

"Hey! It's really lively." Song Jia came and saw Reba on the DJ stage playing discs, couldn't help but crossed her arms and winked at the girl next to her.

"Heh~" Nazha didn't say anything when he saw this, he found Hu Xing and the others first.

"The female DJ who dresses the most conservatively but is the most beautiful and sexy; she is absolutely right!" Song Jia and the others said to Hu Xing after they came over.

Reba has not been a DJ once or twice. Since her debut, Reba has also played discs at HS Bar in Shanghai several times. There are also videos and photos of Reba playing DJs on the Internet.

Many beautiful DJs rely on revealing clothes, using their slender figure and proud double charge to attract the attention and love of customers.

But Reba is not like this. Although she wears sexy clothes, she doesn't expose them, and she is completely conservative.

Some female DJs are playing discs in bikinis, and some even wear almost see-through tops.

But on Reba, you can't see these things at all. The most revealing thing Reba wears is at most the navel-baring dress, which is the largest scale. Otherwise, you don't even want to see Reba showing her career line.

The biggest scale is navel-baring outfits, or short hot pants showing long legs. This is Reba's biggest scale.

"Madam boss, do you want to go up and play?" Hu Xing opened his hand, and Song Jia sat in his arms consciously.

"I'm old, I can't move anymore." Song Jia said so, while Wang Likun and the others covered their mouths and laughed.

But yes, here, she is currently the oldest

"It doesn't look old." Nazha picked up the beer and drank it.

"That's right." Hu Xing teased Song Jia's pet with his big hand from an angle that others could not see.

"You woman, didn't you wear it?" Hu Xing asked in surprise after feeling the touch.

"Put it on!" How could Song Jia not wear it, said: "It's just the thinner one."

"Sexy?!" Hu Xing thought of it all at once, if it's thin, it's sexy.

Song Jia didn't speak, Hu Xing understood that meaningful smile.

Sitting in Hu Xing's arms, Song Jia was still elegantly and sexyly crossing her legs, watching Reba playing discs on the DJ stage.

They are seated in the box on the second floor, looking across to the DJ booth on the first floor

Reba was currently playing electronic music to her heart's content, but Hu Xing hadn't gone down yet.

"You mysterious electronic music god, when are you going to stimulate the customers?!" Nazha had never seen Hu Xing playing discs in a bar.

"Don't worry, it's not yet 12 o'clock. It's not the most enthusiastic time yet. Wait until 12 o'clock. Everyone has drunk a lot of wine before starting, so that the atmosphere will be hot." Hu Xing is not in a hurry, and the time is still If not, let Reba warm them up first.

More and more friends came, but what made Hu Xing gnash his teeth was Song Zhuer, the little fairy.

At this time, the little fairy is just a little wild cat.

Look at what she's wearing now, a leather tights and a ponytail.

Song Zhuer like this is not a little fairy full of fairy spirit, but a little wild cat.

"Sister, I want to sit in this VIP seat." Song Zhuer came to Song Jia, hugged her hand and acted like a baby, saying that she wanted to sit in Hu Xing's VIP seat.

"Oh my god, you can be my daughter now." Song Jia covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly.

There is an 18-year age difference between her and Song Zhuer, although it doesn't look like there is an 18-year age difference at this time.

But Song Zhuer is indeed young, she is only 15 years old now, but her dress is so mature and enchanting

In the future, it will definitely be another little wild cat who is so awesome.

Song Jia gave up the seat to Song Zhuer, and sat down beside her.

Song Zhuer smiled and sat on Hu Xing's lap.

"What are you wearing?!" Hu Xing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Song Zhuer, who usually seemed young, wore such a black leather tights, but his figure was so predictable.

"Hey~ Come to a nightclub, of course you have to have the style of a nightclub."

"Young, if you're not crazy now, when will you be crazy?" Song Zhuer said, and said, "I know you're here, so I'll wear this for you to admire, otherwise the last time you saw me in Shanghai, would you be crazy?" Have you ever seen me in clothes like this?!"

"I believe you are a ghost." Hu Xing said with a smile, but this girl really has a lot of charm.

To be honest, she was really impulsive.

"Hee hee~" Master Song is also preparing to go to high school, how could he not know that Hu Xing is impulsive?

Hu Xing shook his head, and then said to Song Zhuer: "You can drink, but not too much."

"I know!" Song Zhuer was only happy, and she rarely came to nightclubs.

The main reason is that she knows that Hu Xing will be here tonight, so she is like this...

Deng Chao, Li Chen and the others also came one after another, even Chen He came.

After everyone arrived, they all played together.

Some people play dice, and some people are chatting with their ears close to each other.

Isn't the purpose of going to nightclubs to release stress?

Reba came over after playing DJ for an hour.

"It's time for the little girl to give way, this is my place." After Reba arrived, she showed the aura of a palace, and said to Master Song that it's time to give her the seat.

"What!" Song Zhuer pouted and looked at her sister Reba.

"Hehe~ If you come here dressed like this, Hu Xing can sit for you for so long, that's enough to pamper you."

"If me, Sister Song Jia, and Sister Nazha were dressed like this, he would immediately drag us away with a livid face." What Reba said, Song Jia and Nazha agreed very much.

"How can I take Sister Reba's position in the main palace?!" Song Zhuer stood up, pouted to show off to Hu Xing.

"You have no chance in this life, in the next life." Hu Xing told Song Zhu'er loudly.

Reba will always be his harem, even Nazha, Song Jia, and Zhao Liying have to listen to her.

Song Zhuer wants to get Reba's position in the main palace, hehe~ It's impossible in this life.

"Don't say it's you, even I can't get the position of the main palace, just save yourself." Nazha also joked 4.3 Song Zhuer, if you want the position of the main palace, you should forget it.

Even if she and Reba met Hu Xing at the same time, it's good that they have known each other for so many years, and they have no chance to shake Reba's status in Hu Xing's harem, let alone you, Master Song.

"Don't say you are Heba, even I, the first woman in his life, can't shake Reba's position; so, you still think about how to please your sister Reba, and see if she recognizes it or not. You." Song Jia also intentionally wanted to tease Master Song.

"Sister, um~" Song Zhuer hugged Reba, and used her appearance and cuteness to act like a spoiled child to Reba.

"Haha~" Master Song actually really believed it?This made Reba and the others couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, they're scaring you, stupid girl." Hu Xing squeezed Master Song's face, dumbfounded. After the latter realized it, he couldn't laugh or cry even more.

Chapter 0465 I want to dance!not allowed

"Is it almost time?!" Reba looked at the time, it should be almost time.

"Yeah!" Hu Xing looked at the time, and it was indeed almost the same...

The bar here is already overcrowded, and those who can squeeze out have already squeezed in.

In fact, everyone has discovered that Hu Xing is in the middle of the second floor.

He hasn't been on the DJ stage yet, that means it hasn't started yet.

Hu Xing patted Song Zhuer and told her to get up, it was time for her to work.

After Hu Xing got up, Reba picked up a black hood from the side.

After putting on the hooded clothes, Hu Xing began to walk onto the DJ stage silently.

Some people have been paying attention to Hu Xing's actions, and now seeing him put on the hood, they know that H is coming.

Hu Xing stepped onto the stage, and before it even started, someone was already cheering.

"Wow!" Zheng Kai took the lead in screaming, and Chen He, Deng Chao, and Li Chen all stood up.

Song Jia, Wang Likun, Gu Li Nazha, Di Lieba, Song Zhuer and others also all stood up, waiting for the madness to come tonight.

Hu Xing came to the stage, came to the DJ's position, and tapped the DJ's instrument lightly with his fingers, which was already an extraordinary sound.

"Squeak!!! Boom! 11 Boom! Boom! Boom!" Hu Xing started with an extraordinary start.

"Boom!" The moment the electronic sound exploded, the atmosphere of the entire bar was ignited.

First, there is a particularly explosive song, which makes the atmosphere of the whole bar even more ignited.

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