"Look at it yourself." Yun'er gave Xu Xian the phone with a dark belly, and let her look at it by herself.

"Ah!!! Sister, you..." Xu Xian screamed in shock after seeing the photo.

"Hee hee~" Yoon'er's scale this time is indeed a bit big.

"How can you talk about 19 with Ouba? And you even took photos and sent them over." Xu Xian's face was flushed with embarrassment, she was really ashamed for this sister

"He likes it." Yun'er seemed a little foolish like this.

When a woman really falls in love with a man, and really gets to the point of obsession.

What mindless things can't be done?

At this moment, Yun'er is like this, she has become so possessed that she can be brainless and not intelligent.

"Okay, sister, you are completely invincible." Xu Xian felt that it was useless for her to say more, this sister had already fully interpreted the love of the demon, and admired it.

"Then you will accompany my sister to pick up hair tomorrow." Yun'er acted like a baby to her sister again.

"I have to practice tomorrow, don't you know it yourself?"

"We are about to go to China to hold a concert, and there are still two days left."

"We're going to Shanghai the morning after tomorrow." Xu Xian's reminder made Yun'er even more depressed

"Then you have to get your hair back before going over there." Yun'er really regretted it.

"Tonight." Xu Xian thought for a while, and only had time tomorrow night.

The two sisters made an agreement like this, and they will go to have a haircut tomorrow night.

On the Chinese side, Hu Xing flew to Baodao non-stop to shoot for "Ruffian Hero 2".

"Not bad, your action scene." The action director was very surprised, Hu Xing's action scene was really well shot.

"I've practiced." Hu Xing put on a posture as he spoke.

Because I'm playing a policeman, the action scenes are all fighting movements, not some martial arts routines.

It's the simplest, some fighting skills used by the police.

During the fight, Hu Xing also discussed with the actors in the opposite play, and at the same time there was an action director to guide and design actions for them.

Although it seems like a simple fight scene, they took three hours of filming to feel perfect

Hu Xing is tall and tall, and when acting in action scenes, he gives people a domineering sense of sight.

Huang Bo and Lin Gengxin were also surprised when they saw it.

Unexpectedly, Hu Xing, who looks handsome and looks like a fresh meat, can actually perform such realistic action scenes.

More importantly, after Hu Xing joined the play, he performed the whole process by himself, without using a substitute.

As long as he is well prepared and protected, Hu Xing will act alone without a substitute.

If you use a substitute, you will feel that something is inappropriate, and it is easy for Hu Xing to lose the feeling you just found.

"Ah!" Hu Xing's arm was scratched again.

"Are you okay?!" Seeing that Hu Xing was injured and dying again, Gu Li Nazha asked him even more concerned.

"It's okay." Hu Xing shook his hand, then patted Na Zha's head, signaling her not to worry.

This drama, in fact, everyone is very clear, especially the action actors, it can be said that almost everyone has the experience of being popular.

Hu Xing, Xiu Jiekai, Zou Cheng and several other action actors were all injured.

Either the arm was cut, or the fist could not bear to hit the floor or the metal box. Anyway, various situations occurred, which was a real injury.

Just because this movie is really tough, everyone is looking forward to the performance of this movie after it is released.

Everyone also did a good job, trying to show the best side to the audience.

"Are you hurt again?!" Lin Gengxin noticed that Hu Xing, who was playing the opposite role, seemed to be hurt again.

"I'm used to it." Hu Xing looked up and found that he was still bleeding.

"It's a good thing I don't have any action scenes, otherwise I would have to scream." In this play, Lin Gengxin plays a ruffian policeman.

And his action scenes are very few, only a few relatively simple action scenes

Hu Xing and Lin Gengxin played against each other, and the brothers performed very well.

"Director, you have good eyesight." Hu Xing winked at the director, saying that he has good eyesight.

"What's wrong?" The director still doesn't understand, what does Hu Xing mean by this?

"Find me such a wild horse to play against me."

"Good figure, long legs, big pet." This is what Hu Xing was talking about.

In this drama, when Wu Yingxiong went to chase criminals, he met a thug at the pier. This thug was a woman, and she had a superb figure.

In this duel, Hu Xing had a bloody duel with this beautiful thug.

"Haha~" Hu Xing said this, causing the entire crew to look at him with a smile.

"What's wrong? When you see a beautiful woman, you can't play seriously?" The director teased Hu Xing with a smirk.

"That's not true. Usually when I see beautiful women, I hit harder. 967" Hu Xing smiled as he said.

"Hu Xing, you have to be careful." The actress also said to Hu Xing with a smile.

"Try your best." Hu Xing said try his best. In fact, he remembered this actress, who knocked on his door several times when he was in the hotel at night.

After Hu Xing opened the door at that time, seeing her, he stood at the door and chatted for a few words.

In fact, Hu Xing knew that this actress planned to use her figure to conquer Hu Xing.

I have to say that the actress' figure is really superb.

But such a good figure is not absent among Hu Xing's girlfriends, not only do they have it, they are even hotter than hers.

His looks are not good enough, his figure is good enough, but his personality is not very good, and he actually chatted with him in the middle of the night. From this look, he knew that he wanted a sugar daddy.

Regardless of her appearance or figure, Reba is better than this actress.

Reba and Song Jia are not even used, just Nazha, whose figure is much better than her.

Nazha's height is 172, although the pet has not yet grown to the level of Reba and Song Jia.

But when filming this movie, when returning to the hotel at night, Hu Xing ate, gnawed and took care of Nazha's pets. Nazha, who originally had his own civilian airport, now has a very good airport Yes, A, also upgraded to C, the feel can be said to be very good.

Chapter 0636 Sorry

"Call it!" The director saw that today's work was over, so he said it was time to call it a day.

On the way back, Nazha took Hu Xing's hand: "How does it feel?"

"What does it feel like?" Hu Xing pretended to be stupid, but didn't answer Nazha's question.

"I didn't see it?" Nazha asked Hu Xing with a smile, did she not see it just now?

"You saw it, then you should also know that I didn't hit it on purpose, but she came up by herself?!" Hu Xing was also a little helpless.

When I was playing an action scene with that actress just now, it was originally a dodge action...

But the action prescribed by the actress was to dodge, and Hu Xing's hand just slipped past her twin pets and missed her.

But the actress didn't dodge on purpose, letting Hu Xing's hand hit her pet just like that.

When this scene came out, the entire crew was booing, and Hu Xing quickly apologized.

In many people's eyes, it was the actress who was hit by Hu Xing because she didn't dodge fast enough.

But in the eyes of the action director, the actress was deliberately bumping into Hu Xing's hand.

Nazha could actually tell that it was done on purpose by the actress.

It's just a woman, even if she knows the truth, she will still be jealous, after all, it's nothing else.

"Hmph, you have a conscience." Nazha jumped on Hu Xing's back and asked him to carry it back.

"Are you going back to Shanghai tomorrow?!" Nazha knew that Hu Xing would go back to Shanghai tomorrow afternoon.

"That's right, Girls' Generation came to hold a concert and invited me over, so I'll go back and have a look, just for a cutscene." That's what Hu Xing planned.

"Okay, I'll give you a benefit tonight, give me a bath." Nazha meant to give Hu Xing a benefit, and there was indeed nothing wrong with the benefit.

"I think you're thinking about it?" Hu Xing hugged Nazha's two legs, tearing them apart.

"Yes, who made you so powerful." Nazha hugged Hu Xing's neck and breathed on his ear.

Hu Xing smiled and didn't speak, he was another goblin.

How come his women are goddesses outside, but at night, they will all become fairies around him?One is more demon than the other, one can stimulate his adrenaline.

But this is also very good, a goddess on the outside and a fairy on the inside, this is the best of a woman.

In short, he likes such a woman very much.

Back at the hotel, Hu Xing and Nazana went back to the same room without any scruples.

Everyone in the crew knew that Hu Xing and Nazha were in the same room.

It is already a room, and what happens in it, in fact, the imaginable space is big enough.

"Ding dong!" When Hu Xing and Nazha were taking a shower in the bathroom, they heard the doorbell ring.

But now Hu Xing is busy enjoying himself, so he doesn't care about the doorbell ringing.

Nazha is making him happy now, and Hu Xing is also making some preludes to make Nazha happy later.

As for what is said outside the door, it has nothing to do with him at this time, he just wants to enjoy it now.

An hour later, the tie came out limply hanging from Hu Xingge's body.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rang again, and Hu Xing covered Nazha with a quilt, then walked over to open the door.

"Crack!" After the door opened, it was this hot actress again.

"Did you just take a shower?" the actress asked Hu Xing with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm taking a shower, don't you know?" Hu Xing didn't dodge, he leaned against the door, blocking the actress' view of the room, preventing her from seeing Na Zha lying on the bed.

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