"You are so powerful, one woman seems not enough, right?" The actress was more revealing this time, she didn't hint, but said directly.

"You know?" Hu Xing admitted that one woman is indeed not enough.

"How about adding me? You can play whatever you want." It's straightforward enough, if it's Hu Xing's woman, he can't control it now, but well, she, no, it's too far away.

"Tell me, what is it about you that attracts me?"

"Want to have sex with me? What advantage do you have that can make me go crazy for you?" Hu Xing knew why this female star was so active tonight.

Because in the play "Ruffian Hero 2", the actress has already received a lunch box.

Now that she has already received her box lunch, tonight will be her last night in this crew

If nothing happens with Hu Xing tonight, then there will be no chance in the future

"I have a body that can make you want to stop." This actress is so bold.

"Just the figure?" Hu Xing felt amused, just this?

"There are too many women with a better figure than you; there are too many women who are taller than you, have a better figure than you, and have a better temperament than you; can you make me want to stop just because of your figure alone?" ?”

"You really think highly of you." Hu Xing's sarcasm made the actress not discouraged.

She already knew that Hu Xing was difficult to deal with. If she hadn't even been mentally prepared for this, she wouldn't have knocked on Hu Xing's door for several nights in a row.

"My experience is not comparable to that of your woman." The actress said it boldly and confidently, and even approached Hu Xing. This kind of behavior can even be said to be normal to her.

But Hu Xing stretched out his hand and gently stabbed the actress' stomach with a knife, letting him approach his body, because he subconsciously backed away after such a stabbing, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

"It's because you are so experienced that I don't want to play with you."

"Dirty!" Hu Xing said nothing before, but the latter sentence deeply hurt the actress.

"What is your identity, what is my identity, I think you all know."

"It's a very good idea to climb up to me; but, to climb up my big tree, it must be clean, and you, dirty, I don't know how dirty, but from what you just said You are more experienced than my girlfriend. This tells me that you have already done something like this to me for the sake of your position."

"So, if it's dirty, don't come close to me. You really don't deserve it." When Hu Xing said these words, he was still smiling. It was because of this that the actress was hit even harder and even became popular. Eye.

"You..." The actress was obviously a little annoyed by Hu Xing's evaluation.

"Honestly speaking, it's really going to happen to you. I can't even wear a T, five or six. I'm not that interested. It's too dirty. Maybe it's too dark."

"As for me, that's the way it is. I don't want to be black." Hu Xing's smile made the actress breathe a little short of breath. Obviously, she was about to bleed because of Hu Xing's heart piercing.

Chapter 0637 you are an adult

"So, be obedient, go back, don't think about entering my room, and then let the paparazzi you arrange secretly take pictures of you entering my room, then you can threaten to become my woman."

"I want to be photographed by the paparazzi, if you come into my room and you make me happy, I promise you to be my woman, then you can delete those photos.":

"But if I just spend the night with you and don't admit you, then you can use this to threaten me, right? This method is too tender and rubbish, let's save it." Hu Xing finished speaking, and then Give the actress one last smile, back off, and close the door.

Hu Xing didn't care what she would think after hitting him.

In short, just don't provoke him, and you can do anything else.

"Your words are cruel enough, you don't give her any face." Nazha heard everything.

"This kind of woman will slap her face on you if she saves face."

"I don't want to cause this kind of trouble and cause my daughters-in-law to leave me."

"So, be more ruthless, and don't let trouble stick to me, so feel free." After Hu Xing locked the door behind him, Nazha sat up.

Her hair hadn't been dried yet, someone came just now, so she had to lie down under the quilt.

"I like fans, you rascal!" Nazha still remembered what Hu Xing said just now.

"Hey!" Hu Xing smirked at Na Zha, who raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes coquettishly.

"Ah! Scoundrel!" Hu Xing turned over and pressed the bar. What happened next was similar to what happened in the bathroom.

One night, Hu Xing was enjoying Naza.

Although the fit was not completed, when Nazha enjoyed this kind of service, she found that she fell in love with this feeling and couldn't refuse it anymore.

The next morning, Na Tie's body was limp. Although he didn't fit well, he had exhausted a lot of energy last night and muttered: "Bastard, my mouth is so tired now."

"Hmm!" Hu Xing smiled lazily while hugging his delicate body.

"Get up quickly and go out to find something to eat." Nazha told Hu Xing to get up, she was also hungry.

"Aren't you tired? Can you still eat?" Hu Xing joked, making Nazha say, "I drink soy milk, it's fine."

"Okay, okay, my fault." Hu Xing admitted that it was his fault.

"Hmph!" Nazha got up, put on his clothes, and went to the bathroom with Hu Xing to wash up.

When they came out fully dressed, they left the hotel and went to find some breakfast nearby.

It's more comfortable to drink some porridge in the morning, and you don't have to chew that much.

Come to the crew, today's work will continue again.

Hu Xing's efficiency is obvious to the entire crew, and the quality of the completion is very high.

As long as the actors who play with him have no problems themselves, Hu Xing can complete the constant faster.

"Hu Xing, I won't have any roles for you in the next two days." The director told Hu Xing at this time that he didn't have any roles for the next two days, so arrange it yourself.

"Okay." Hu Xing knew that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow would not be part of the show, so he knew how to arrange it.

Nazha's roles are even less, now she is also at the airport with Hu Xing, and they fly back to Shanghai together.

Hu Xing flew back with Nazha in the afternoon.

Right after getting off the plane, after Hu Xing turned on the phone, a lot of missed calls popped up on the phone.

Most of the calls were from Xu Xian, or from other people from Girls' Generation.

On the plane just now, his mobile phone was turned off, and he didn't explain it to them before.

With so many missed calls now, Hu Xing called Xu Xian.

"What's the matter? Call me in such a hurry?" Hu Xing asked Xu Xian after seeing that the phone was connected.

"Ouba, where are you? We've finished the rehearsal and haven't contacted you yet." Xu Xian was indeed in a hurry, as their afternoon rehearsal was over.

I was just waiting for the start of the concert, but I only contacted Hu Xing now

"I was filming and working in Baodao today. I just flew back and my phone is turned off."

"You're done rehearsing after rehearsal, it's okay."

"You, Oppa, and I will perform on stage, do you still need rehearsal? It's not like you, you have to memorize a lot of dance steps and lyrics. Oppa just went on stage to perform a song."

"This can be performed without rehearsal." Hu Xing was right.

"But you can't come earlier, I miss you." Xu Xian rarely acted like a baby to Hu Xing.

"Let you think about it, who made you reserved all day long."

"It's okay now, Ouba likes your sister Yun'er more than he likes you."

"I regret to death you little girl, you are reserved with Ouba all day long."

"Ouba is the happiest when you are reserved with other men, but why are you reserved with Ouba? You don't want Ouba to hurt you anymore, do you?!" Hu Xing's blame made Xu Xian know that he was wrong.

"But Ouba always talks about molesting me with the [-]-ban." Xu Xian couldn't stand Hu Xing's molesting.

"Then you are not eighteen years old, are you? You are already 22 years old, and you are also an adult."

"We should talk about adulthood when we are adults, otherwise how will Oppa let you be a mother in the future?" Hu Xing began to brainwash Xu Xian

"But, but..." Of course Hu Xing knew what Xu Xian wanted to say, and immediately said, "But you never thought about being a mother so early, did you?"

"That's right!" Xu Xian felt that she was still very young.

"This kind of thing is not up to you, it's up to Oppa."

"Okay, now that Nazha and I have just arrived at the airport, I'll go over to your side now."

"Let's talk later when we meet." Hu Xing is not easy to talk about now, mainly because there are a lot of fans who come to pick him up.

The fans were too enthusiastic and yelled too loudly, he couldn't hear them clearly, so he planned to talk to them later when he got to the live meeting.

It's true that I haven't seen these girls for a while, so I can have a good chat later.

"I went to Girls' Generation's concert, do you want to go?!" Hu Xing asked Nazha if he wanted to go.

"I won't go, Reba is waiting for me to go back, let's hang out together later." Nazha couldn't explain it.

"Then, Sister Hui and Xiaorong, you are responsible for sending Nazha back. I went to the concert site of Girls' Generation by myself." Hu Xing told his manager.

"Okay, your wallet." Assistant Lan Rong handed Hu Xing's wallet to him.

After Hu Xing took the wallet, he went over with his mobile phone.

Hu Xing took a taxi to the Girls' Generation concert, but was stopped at the door.

"This uncle, I'm Hu Xing, can't I be more flexible?" Hu Xing took off his sunglasses to reveal his true face, so he should be able to go in.

Chapter 0638 Little Goblin

"Hu Xing can't do it either. This is a Korean star's concert. You don't have a ticket or a work permit, so I can't let you in." This uncle is still very competent.

"Okay." Hu Xing had no choice but to call them and have someone come out to pick them up.

After waiting for a few minutes, what came out was not a member of Girls' Generation, but Little Crystal.

"Uh, why are you here?" Hu Xing was quite surprised when he saw the little crystal Krystal.

"My activities are over, come to see my sister's concert."

"It's just this time, come to Shanghai to rest." Zheng Xiulu said that he will rest in Shanghai during this time.

"Okay, this is very good, Ouba will rest these two days, how about Ouba serving you tonight?"

"Where are you going, really, thinking about these things all day long." Krystal bit her cherry lips angrily, that coquettish look made Hu Xing's heart itch even more.

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