"But, my little Crystal made Ouba want to play hooligans like this, and it's not my fault."

"If you want to blame it, blame my little Crystal, who has become more and more attractive when she grows up, Ouba can't resist." Hu Xing held Little Crystal's jade hand.

"Puchi!" Hu Xing was such a rascal, Little Crystal naturally covered her cherry lips lightly, her big eyes squinted into crescent moons and smiled at Hu Xing, the sweetness in those eyes couldn't be restrained no matter what.

Under the leadership of Little Crystal, he was able to go in.

What Little Crystal is holding is a work permit, so that she can bring people in at will.

"My Little Crystal didn't have deodorant before, but now that she has grown up, she has deodorant. Standing next to you, I was almost fascinated." Hu Xing really smelled the deodorant on Little Crystal's body. It really made him too impulsive.

"That's right, don't look at who I am?"

"I was raised by Master Yilong since I was a child."

"With my figure, appearance, and temperament, among other things, I will be one of the young wives of Yilong in the future." Now Zheng Xiulu's Chinese is 6-[-].

"Haha~" This stinking beauty really smells like Hu Xing.

"I can't help it, can I kiss you forcefully?" Hu Xing didn't hide his desire.

"Bi-dong first, then kiss her forcefully, come on." Zheng Xiulu was very cooperative, leaning against the wall, and asked Hu Xing to come and kiss her, otherwise the kiss would be stopped.

"Pfft!" After finishing speaking, Zheng Xiulu laughed, why would she say such a thing?

"I suspect that you are Yun'er." Hu Xingbi slammed Zheng Xiu's back, propping the wall with his right hand.

Stretching out his left hand, his slender five fingers gently stroked Krystal's smooth face like ice jade.

Thumb and index finger gently pinched Zheng Xiulu's chin.

Looking at her alluring little mouth, Hu Xing lowered his head and gently held Zheng Xiulu's little mouth.

Zheng Xiulu let Hu Xing play tricks on her, and took the moment of kissing her seriously.

The sweetness in my heart is like ripples, rippling out round after round.

Zheng Xiulu raised her jade arm and gently wrapped it around Hu Xing's neck.

Hu Xing also let go of the hand holding Zheng Xiupan's chin, wrapped around Zheng Xiupan's waist, and gently hugged her into his arms.

Kiss in the dark place of the two people's concert, which was not discovered.

Both of them missed each other too much, and of course they couldn't hold back when they met at this time.

Zheng Xiulu's Xiangjin was constantly plundered by Hu Xing, and the former was willing.

After a long time, Hu Xing and Zheng Xiulu held hands and came to the standby time of Girls' Generation.

When Hu Xing appeared at the door, everyone in Girls' Generation looked at Hu Xing.

"Ouba!!!!" Well, everyone in Girls' Generation yelled at Hu Xing.

"Call me teacher!" Hu Xing calmly told them not to call Ouba, but to call him teacher.

"What?!" Yan Yan and the others all suspected what Hu Xing said.

Hu Xing launched wink, and then came to Yun'er's side.

He looked at Yoon'er with interest, and then sat on the chair in a rogue manner, with his hands on the back of the chair and his chin on his arms.

"I heard that the beauty Lin of our girlhood has been crying every day recently?" Hu Xing's frivolous tone made Yun'er blush, and she raised her head and stared at Hu Xing.

"Hehe, when I cut my hair short two days ago, I must have been thinking: my hair is mine, I can cut it however I want, what does it matter to him?"

"Why, after chatting the night before yesterday, you immediately went to get your hair back?!" Hu Xing's teasing made Yun'er shut up even more.

The others laughed as they watched Hu Xing flirt with Yoon'er.

There are too many, really too many, the number of Hu Xing molesting Yun'er is beyond count.

If I had to say it, in Hu Xing's mind, Zheng Xiuzhen was for pampering, Xu Xian was for hurting, but only Yun'er was for teasing.

Whenever Hu Xing flirts with Yun'er like this, there are always many classic scenes.

"Hmph!" Yun'er pretended to be angry, and didn't want to pay attention to Hu Xing.

"I kissed little K just now." Yun'er ignored Hu Xing, but Hu Xing wanted to tell Yun'er intentionally.

"What?!" Yun'er, who was pretending to be angry, was even more surprised now, and turned to ask Hu Xing.

"Just now, I, Little K, stroked her cheek with my left hand, and then gently pinched her chin. Looking at her pink and tender mouth, I couldn't help but bowed my head and kissed her."

"After kissing her, I put my arms around her waist, gently hugged her, and kissed for five minutes."

"Hey, good guy, my little K's kiss is sweet." Hu Xing was so weird that Krystal even covered his mouth and snickered at the angry Yun'er.

"Damn it!" Yoon'er knew that Hu Xing did it on purpose, but there was nothing she could do, that's all she cared about.

"Mine smells better than Krystal's!" Yoon'er gritted his teeth and said angrily.

But when Yun'er said that, Hu Xing clicked his tongue in disgust, and shook his head, "Not necessarily."

"In my opinion, Little K is the most beautiful woman in Korea, not one of them."

"Nothing from Jin Huangxi, Song Huiqiao, and Lin Yuner can compare to my little K."

"The goddess of first love, the goddess of plain makeup, they are not as powerful as the little K Bingshan goddess." Hu Xing definitely did it on purpose, because she is the only one who can easily stir up Yun'er's emotions and mentality.

Sure enough, Yun'er is squinting at Hu Xing now. He said just now that she, Lin Yun'er, is not as good as Zheng Xiulin.

"I'm the ideal type of Korean people!" Yoon Ah said his proudest evaluation angrily.

"Oh, it's amazing, our Miss Lin Yuner is amazing." Hu Xing praised strangely, full of flirting.

"Haha~" Everyone in the waiting room couldn't bear it now.

"But what happened to the national ideal type in South Korea? The man you like has never kissed you now."

"Little K is not Korea's national ideal type, but he can get the kiss of 'Chinese girl's national ideal type Hu Xing', but 'Korean national ideal type' Lin Yuner sister, but you can't get it, la la la la ~" Hu Xing owed such a beating, which made Yun'er even more angry.

Chapter 0639 Mrs.I?

"Okay, don't irritate sister Yun'er." Zheng Xiulu came out to speak for Yun'er.

"Hehe~" Although Hu Xing likes to tease Yun'er, he can't hide the pampering in his eyes, and he knows it at a glance.

Yun'er herself knew it too, but Hu Xing just liked to tease her.

"I don't want to talk to you, let's go play." Yuner said that he didn't want to talk to Hu Xing.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore, just do what you like, I'll just watch here." Hu Xing said it easily, but Xu Xian said: "Didn't Ouba promise to perform on stage? "

"That's right, it's just a song, it's very simple." Hu Xing didn't think it was difficult.

"Since you have decided to perform on stage, you must tell us what you want to perform?!" Xika was very anxious, and the concert was about to start.

But Hu Xing hasn't said what song to perform, which makes her very anxious.

At this time, Hu Xing smiled and looked at Krystal beside him.

"Here, perform on stage with her." Hu Xing said that he would wear Krystal to perform on stage.

"Little Crystal?!" When they learned that Hu Xing was going to perform with Little Crystal, Xika and the others were very surprised.

"Yes, it's this little girl." Hu Xing himself decided to cooperate with Krystal.

"It seems that I haven't danced with this little girl for four years." Hu Xing smiled and told everyone's memories.

Zheng Xiulu looked at Hu Xing in a daze, and thought: Yes, we haven't danced together for four years.

Four years is neither long nor short, but when Hu Xing taught her how to dance four years ago, the two often danced together, that is a legend in SM.

Jiang Yingyu and Zheng Xiulu's pas de deux was the benchmark of SM company at that time.

Hu Xing and Zheng Xiulu's pas de deux at that time, I don't know how wonderful it is.

"What about the song?" Yan Yan and the others asked Hu Xing what song to dance with.

"I don't need Sister Reba's songs, I'm also proud of myself." Zheng Xiulu said first, she doesn't use Reba's songs as performance songs.

"Why don't you just use those two songs?!" Xu Xian suggested, and use the songs that Hu Xing and Zheng Xiulu often used when they practiced and danced.

"Troublemaker, there is no tomorrow?" How could Zheng Xiulu forget these two songs.

These two songs were the royal songs used by Hu Xing and Zheng Xiulu when they danced during those three years.

At the same time, this is also a song written by Hu Xing, but it was not used by any idol group.

Because these two songs have been copyrighted and patented by Hu Xing, without his permission, no one can use these two hands as a performance track to perform.

Moreover, Hu Xing did not release the music. Only his computer or mobile phone at that time had the original music. Even if the SM gold medal producer at the time asked him to ask for it, he would buy it, but Hu Xing did not agree.

With the potential of these two songs, I believe that as long as they are released, they will definitely be ranked first in the major music gangs, and making money is a must.

"But the backup dancer isn't there?!" The backup dancer Zheng Xiulu mentioned was the backup dancer for these two songs.

"Leave this to us." At this time, Girls' Generation's backup dancers stood up and said, "We were also taught by Teacher Hu Xing."

"We have watched the video of teacher dancing with Krystal many times, and we have learned that dance." Girls' Generation's back-up dance leader respectfully asked Hu Xing for credit.

Hu Xing does not only teach idols, of course he also has backup dancers.

It is good to be in SM, or any Korean entertainment agency.

For those who are trainees, if their dance is good but their appearance is average, or their singing ability is not very good, but their dancing is only outstanding, the company will persuade them to become backup dancers.

Being a backup dancer is also a job, just not as much as a star earns.

Hu Xing was SM's dance teacher at that time, and he taught the trainees of SM's company. There are 500 if there is no 300, so now in SM's company, many backup dancers also learn dance from Hu Xing.

"Dance here and see." Hu Xing felt that he still needed to test it.

"The place here is too small." The captain of the backup dancer smiled wryly.

"You can jump alone, you don't need to jump in a team."

"The people I teach, I can tell their strength from their movements, and the dances I choreograph, I can tell from the rhythm whether they have really learned it." Hu Xing is not talking wildly, but can really see it.

"Okay." The head dancer said and showed it in front of Hu Xing...  

Hu Xing still had that lazy look, but he watched the backup dancer dance seriously.

To be honest, the dance ability is still very good.

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