"Heh~" After reading it, Hu Xing said, "It seems that SM's dance teachers have all fallen. Since I left, the dances of your groups have deteriorated year after year."

"It's because the popularity is high and the living conditions are better, so it's already started to waver?" Hu Xing's comment made everyone on standby fall silent.

Even the backing dance troupe was silent.

They were all taught by Hu Xing, and they knew how strict Hu Xing was when he was a teacher.

Although it is strict, it does not mean to beat them up, but it will be more severe in terms of words, and help you correct mistakes. This is incomparable.

The backup dance troupe, Girls' Generation, all, everyone has grown up with the help of Hu Xing.

That's right, Hu Xing made the dance of every idol group in SM the most dazzling dance of all Korean idol groups in those years.

Now that he said that, there is only one person who dares to refute his words.

This person was none other than Krystal standing by, arms folded.

"But it's true, anyway, I'm no longer SM's teacher."

"So I don't care how sm degenerates now, after all, I can't cross the line." Hu Xing snapped his fingers, then looked at Krystal beside him, and joked: "Can you believe in the strength of your 5.7 backup dancers? You have to agree with your teacher's wife or not."

"..." Krystal, who had folded his hands on his chest coldly, looked at Hu Xing in surprise, teacher?she?

"Puchi!" Zheng Xiulu's cute reaction made Yun'er cover her mouth and laugh.

"Master?" Xika was confused.

Maybe others are better, but what about her?She is Zheng Xiulu's older sister.

In that case, as an older sister, she still has to call her a teacher?

"Hahaha~" Sika questioned herself, which made Yan Yan and the others burst out laughing.

Krystal is the same, can't help but smile and look at her sister, now it's interesting

Xika was too similar, looking at her sister the same way, but the difference was that she couldn't laugh.

Chapter 0640 call a teacher

"If your teacher's wife agrees, then I will perform these two songs tonight."

"If your teacher's wife disagrees, then these two songs will not be published."

"What do you think, my aunt?!" Hu Xing asked Sika viciously, what do you think?

"You...I..." Xika knew that Hu Xing was just teasing her.

"Puchi!" In fact, Zheng Xiulu was also looking forward to it. After getting along with Hu Xing for so long, how could she not be affected?

So, now that she has a dark belly, she just wants to hear her sister call her teacher's wife.

"Brother-in-law, do you really want to do this?" Xika gritted her teeth and asked Hu Xing if she really wanted to do this.

"This is a stage, but it's a public place. It seems that we can't talk about relatives, right?"

"So, let's get along according to your etiquette?"

"A teacher is a teacher, and a teacher's wife is a teacher's wife, even if she is your sister."

"Didn't you say it back then, in public, when Krysta191 should call you senior, you should call you senior, not sister."

"In the past, my girlfriend was bullied by you. It was your boyfriend's fault."

"It's different now, even if my girlfriend doesn't mind, but my boyfriend does."

"So yes, Krystal doesn't bully you, it's her attitude as a younger sister."

"But now, I want to help my girlfriend get back on the stage, and this is also a matter of my attitude."

"As for you, if you don't bark, it's also a matter of your attitude."

"So?!" Hu Xing did it on purpose, and he was so righteous on purpose.

"I..." Xika was so choked that she couldn't even speak, thinking: really want to scream?

"Three seconds, if you don't call, I will leave here with little K now, and then go out on a date." Hu Xing's threat was very useful, and it was also very deadly.

"Master! Mother!" Xika gritted her teeth and called out to her.

"It doesn't sound good!" But when everyone was surprised, Zheng Xiulu became more courageous today, and even found fault with your elder sister for calling you a teacher.

"Hahaha~" Now everyone on standby smiled at Sika with angry eyes.

"Zheng Xiu, you..." Xika was about to teach her sister a lesson, but Krystal looked at her with a smile and didn't speak. You can experience it yourself.

"Teacher~~~" Xika had no choice but to act coquettishly, calling it nicer.

"Hey, that's really nice. Come on, come on, come on, let's see you, little girl." Zheng Xiulan was a showman, but Sika glared at her sister angrily.

"Do you have any clothes?" Zheng Xiulin asked Girls' Generation's costume designer, do you have any stage outfits?

"You have it, but Hu Xing's. I don't know if it fits." The costume designer didn't think it would be difficult to find a suit for Krystal.

No, after all, Girls' Generation is just a girl, so there are so many people, there is always one person whose clothes size is suitable.

As for Hu Xing, this one is really difficult, I don’t know if there is a suitable one.

After looking for it, I found that Hu Xing's clothes really didn't exist.

"No, just give me that." Hu Xing pointed to the black coat that the dressmaker was holding.

"But there is no shirt." The costumer brought it over and told Hu Xing.

"You don't need to wear a shirt." It is enough for Hu Xing to have this coat.

"Originally, these two songs were a pas de deux, and they were to be danced in that romantic and unrestrained style."

"During the dance, I have a lot of dance moves, all of which are to tease Krystal."

"So wearing a coat and showing my abs is more provocative and has a strong visual impact. Most importantly, I justifiably gave Krystal the opportunity to touch my abs in front of so many people. "Hu Xing winked at Yun'er with a smirk.

"Ah!!!!" Yoon'er was really excited.

"Why is it Little Crystal again? I have known you for so many years, and I have never touched your abdominal muscles once."

"Not to mention being on the stage, why is this kind of good thing also for Little Crystal?!" Yun'er is not happy here if he is not happy.

Hu Xing's abs were voted by all Korean stars or female fans.

The whole of Asia wants to stroke the abs of male celebrities, and Hu Xing is the most well-deserved number one.

"Want to touch?" Hu Xing asked Yun'er if he wanted to.

"Think!" After Yun'er answered aggrievedly, Hu Xing grabbed her hand, and immediately grabbed her hand and reached into his clothes.

"!!!!" The others in Girls' Generation were shocked when they saw Hu Xing's domineering behavior.

"Every day~" Yan Yan and the others looked at Yun'er excitedly, they really felt it, the members of Girls' Generation really felt Hu Xing's abdominal muscles.

Yun'er just opened his mouth wide open, looking at Hu Xing in disbelief.

She didn't expect that she just touched Hu Xing's abdominal muscles like this. Really, the hardness from the palm of her hand made her not suspect that it was fake, but real. There was nothing wrong with it, it was real.

Hu Xing's abdominal muscles, she wanted to touch her in her dreams, but she didn't expect to be touched like this.

Hu Xing took out Yun'er's hand, and said, "You don't need to take a bath tonight, just cover your face with your hand and YY I'm going to sleep."

"What the hell!" Yun'er couldn't laugh or cry, did she look like this?

After chatting here in the waiting room for a while, the concert can be said to have officially started.

Hu Xing sat down and did styling for the hair stylist, and Krystal also needed to go in and change.

After Zheng Xiulu changed into clothes, she wore a black strapless chest wrap that exposed her navel inside, a coat outside, a pair of shorts, silk stockings on her lower body, and high-heeled 650 shoes.

Krystal, who was originally aloof, suddenly became black and sexy.

After Hu Xing watched it, he couldn't help laughing: "This is the first time we performed on the same stage."

"I've been looking forward to it for five years!" Zheng Xiulu was looking forward to this day, but he had been looking forward to it for five years.

"Heh~" Why didn't Hu Xing look forward to it, but he didn't expect it to be in such a form.

Outside, Girls' Generation's concert has been going on as scheduled, and most of the fans at the scene tonight are from mainland China.

No one knows that Hu Xing will appear tonight, but some people will speculate whether Hu Xing will appear.

Guessing and knowing are different concepts.

After Hu Xing was ready, the song went to the director of the concert and discussed the stage effect with him. There was no rehearsal, just a simple effect.

After the discussion, Hu Xing came to the side of the stage, stood behind Krystal, put his arms around her waist, and pressed Krystal's belly button with his thumb.

Watch Girls' Generation performing on stage together.

Krystal hasn't had a concert, the group's solo concert yet, because fx's development is indeed not as good as Girls' Generation. Now that they debuted, they really haven't had a solo concert.

Girls' Generation is now on a world tour, and that's actually the gap.

Chapter 0641 cooperation again after four years

"Oh!" The concert lasted for two hours, and Hu Xing and Krystal hadn't played yet.

Girls' Generation finished performing tonight's repertoire, and they all stood on the stage.

At this time, they need to interact with fans, and they are ready to let Hu Xing and Krystal take the stage.

"Are you happy? Are you having fun?!" On the stage, Sika asked the audience.

"Happy!" This is for sure. After watching the stage for two hours, can you not be happy?

"I don't know if you have noticed that all the songs we performed at Girls' Generation's concert tonight were composed by that man for us." Yoon Er reminded everyone.

Hu Xing, that's right, every song that Girls' Generation performed tonight was composed by Hu Xing for them.

"Tonight is the Shanghai stop of Girls' Generation's first world tour concert."

"It's called Girls' Generation's concert, and it's also a 'Hu Xing's solo show'." After researching and clarifying, the fans realized something.

"Is Hu Xing going to play?!" Some people have already begun to doubt and look forward to, will Hu Xing really appear?

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