Chapter 0646 teacher, be serious

"It's useless to envy the master now, the little girl is so cute, my son can't overdo it."

"However, you are all still young. It is said that women's colleges have undergone [-] changes, and the changes of girls are getting bigger and bigger every year. Therefore, everyone has a chance, so don't worry too much."

"Let's go to class now." Jiang Fang chatted with the students for a few words, and felt that it was about the same.

Jiang Fang is very talkative, and all the students know that she is the wife of the current chairman of Yilong Group.

But instead of being the chairman's wife at home, she was a teacher in a high school.

She doesn't have that kind of airs either, she can be said to be the best teacher to get along with in the whole school.

Not only that, but Jiang Fang is also the most beautiful teacher in the school, selected by the students...

Although Jiang Fang is already 48 years old, Jiang Fang is still very beautiful.

A woman's age is not a problem, as long as she has money and takes good care of herself, she can still be very beautiful.

After all, for such a handsome Hu Xing to be born, it would be unreasonable if Jiang Fang had no good looks.

If you really want to say, Hu Ying, Hu Yun, and Hu Xing have inherited their mother's appearance; and their talents have inherited the Hu family's talent, IQ, character, and conduct.

"Teacher, what movie is Brother Hu Xing doing now?!" Some students couldn't help being curious.

"Recently he is resting and not filming. The teacher asked him to obediently make a baby at home."

"I can't go out to work during this time, except for recording programs." Jiang Fang told these children.

"Haha~ Sure enough, the teacher still hopes to have a grandson soon." Some male students burst out laughing.

"Of course, when you guys grow up, you will be able to experience the feeling of your mother urging you to get married and have children." Jiang Fang chatted with her classmates.

"Okay, go to class, finish today's class, and chat with you when you have time, you can talk about anything you want." This is how Jiang Fang communicated with the students.

Of all the English teachers in the Second High School Attached to China Normal University, only the classes taught by Jiang Fang had the highest English scores. The scores of other English teachers were far behind her.

Even in the ranking of high school English teachers in Shanghai, Jiang Fang is among the best, and this is not just one year, but for five consecutive years as the number one high school English teacher in Shanghai.

This is mainly because Jiang Fang's teaching method is different. She doesn't push the students too hard, and also chats when appropriate to relieve them.

The main reason is that she has heard from her son before, and she also knows how to change her own teaching methods.

It was also after listening to her son to change her teaching method that the students' English scores really improved very quickly, and she thought it was effective so she did so.

Now the entire No. [-] High School Attached to China Normal University, no matter what grade it is in, hopes that their English teacher is Jiang Fang. On the one hand, she teaches well, and on the other hand, Jiang Fang can talk to the students about his son's situation .

Let these star-chasing students also get some gossip from it.

After Song Zhuer attended the class for a few minutes, she began to review the knowledge points of other subjects.

English, this is really nothing to her who has been studying in Los Angeles for two years.

Basically mastered English, then there is no need to waste these time.

She should focus on mathematics, her weakest area.

In the past, her mathematics was really very poor, and she was seriously biased.

But since she came to Shanghai to go to school, Hu Xing was at home when she was resting, and would assist her in mathematics when she had time.

As the assistant director in the way of falling in love with Hu Xing, Song Zhuer's mathematics can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

"Little girl is in English class, what math do you read?" Jiang Fang, who was on the podium, said to her daughter-in-law angrily, "Hey, how can you be as virtuous as your boyfriend?!"

"Hee hee~" Master Song quickly put away the math textbook.

"Come up, and recite this short English essay for everyone." Jiang Fang asked Song Zhuer to come up and recite.

Song Zhuer picked up the book, then stepped onto the podium to set an example for the students, and recited seriously.

While Song Zhuer was reciting, Jiang Fang was still writing and drawing on the blackboard, writing out some words and sentences, and then after Song Zhuer finished reciting, she continued to give lectures.

It was almost time for a class. Jiang Fang put down her book and looked at her phone.

"Really, your idols are really annoying."

"Ask her to bring a takeaway to my mother, and he also said: I have already made a bento for the master, so I won't deliver it today." Jiang Fang complained to her students.

"Haha~" The students who were nervous in class burst out laughing instantly.

"You said that dinner can be delivered? Master, did you ask Xiaoxing to bring dinner?" Jiang Fang has no way to go back and finish dinner with her family today.

Tonight she has evening self-study, so she can't go back.

"Yes, he said to send it over tonight." Zhu'er raised his head and answered the teacher's words.

"I said, why are you so kind to bring me dinner? In the end, you didn't bring food to your wife, and a copy to my mother by the way."

"Remember, it was by the way, male students, remember, it was by the way, by the way."

"If you can't have a girlfriend, you don't want to be a mother? People say that daughters pull their elbows out, but it doesn't mean that sons are not." Jiang Fang joked to her students.

Song Zhuer lowered his head and smiled silently, and dared not speak now.

"Teacher, get out of class is not over yet, is it really okay for you to play on your mobile phone and chat on WeChat like this?" Song Zhuer asked the teacher dumbfounded.

"Cut, you students are allowed to fall asleep in class, and our teacher has a WeChat message in class and can't reply? We are all human, the same." Jiang Fang's big heart is also admired by everyone.

"Master, wait in the teacher's office for dinner." Jiang Fang said to her daughter-in-law.

"Why? I don't want it, just eat with my classmates." Song Zhuer said immediately.

"No, as a prospective daughter-in-law, you must listen to what the prospective mother-in-law says."

"Mom's office is air-conditioned, be good, come and eat together." Jiang Fang said to Song Zhuer coaxing a child, but Song Zhuer said: "The cafeteria also has air-conditioning."

"The air conditioner in the cafeteria is not cool enough, don't bore you, or my son will have to settle accounts with me again, saying how to be a mother-in-law, and bore your daughter-in-law to death, do you still want to have a grandson?" Jiang Fang's words are so cute, this is simply the female version of Hu Xing.

"Mom, if you want to eat my bento, just say so." Master Song was very powerless, Mom, can you order more directly?

"Yes, Mom just wants to eat the bento my son prepared for you." Jiang Fang readily admitted.

Jiang Fang's realistic answer made the whole class laugh.

Chapter 0647 this is not a long-term solution

Hu Xing didn't catch up on sleep when he got home, but went to the swimming pool to swim.

When I got up, I took a shower.

"Morning." Reba and Nazha came out to greet Hu Xing.

"Are you taking Master to school?" Nazha came out brushing his teeth and asked Hu Xing.

"That's right, send her to school, and go swimming when she can't sleep when she comes back." When Hu Xing was talking, he saw Zheng Xiulu coming out of the cloakroom.

"Hey, I'm really..." Seeing Zheng Xiulu like this, Hu Xing was so angry that he didn't even bother to laugh.

Why?It's not because this woman is actually wearing his clothes.

"Puchi!" Reba looked at the white T-shirt Zheng Xiulu was wearing, and couldn't help but chuckle at her little sister who had the same idea and hobby.

This is the first time Zheng Xiulu came to live in Hu Xing's house, but when he woke up, he didn't put on his own clothes, so he put on Hu Xing's clothes directly, which was quite self-conscious.

Nazha and Reba are also wearing Hu Xing's clothes now.

"I didn't bring any clothes." Zheng Xiulu said that he came here to rest, so he didn't bring any clothes.

"You didn't bring any clothes? Is there a vacuum inside?" Nazha leaned against the wall and asked the cold little sister.

"That's right, 750, it's vacuum." Zheng Xiulu didn't say anything, but Hu Xing also saw two spots of grapes on the white T-shirt.

"Aren't the sisters also empty?" Zheng Xiulu knew they were all women at a glance.

"We wanted to wear a bra to sleep at night, but after putting it on, your Oppa took it off within a few minutes, so it's better not to wear it, so that she can keep pets for us." Reba knows Hu Xing too well .

"You guys go out shopping with me later, and buy a change of clothes." When Zheng Xiupan was brushing his teeth, he told Reba and Nazha to go shopping together later.

"It's okay to go shopping together, but I don't think it's possible if you want to go shopping in a vacuum." Reba shook her head, not believing it.

"It's impossible to get out of this room." Nazha also added that it was impossible for Hu Xing to let them go out in a vacuum.

"Of course I know." Zheng Xiulu said that he definitely knew.

"I've already washed the clothes for the washing machine, you can take them out later and wear them." Hu Xing told Zheng Xiulu.

"The ones that were just washed didn't dry so fast, did they?!"

"Dry the washing machine!" Reba told Zheng Xiulu that there is a kind of washing machine in this world, which is the washing machine with its own drying function.

"Huh? I haven't used it before." Zheng Xiulu used the washing machine too much, but he has never used this kind of washing machine with a built-in dryer.

"But husband, if things go on like this, our cloakroom isn't big enough."

"In the cloakroom, my clothes, Sister Jia's clothes, Sister Ying's clothes, Gu Gu's clothes, Master's clothes, your clothes, and now I have to add Little K's clothes. The cloakroom is not big enough." Hot At this time, Ba told Hu Xing what to do with this.

"So, buy less of your own clothes, and buy more for me."

"Otherwise, you often wear my clothes, and you rarely wear your own."

"Anyway, for your summer clothes in the future, you only need to buy pants, don't buy T-shirts or shirts, just buy them for me."

"Then just buy some underwear or something." Hu Xing was right.

"But even if this is the case, there are still winter ones?!" Nazha said winter ones, which made Hu Xing entangled, and said: "If it really doesn't work, then let's just order it and use two rooms as a living room." cloakroom."

"Yes, it is possible. Our house is a duplex building. We will live in the three rooms upstairs in the future. No one lives in it now, so we keep it alone."

"We have moved up, and the room here on the first floor is used as a cloakroom."

"You will definitely let us sleep in the same room with you in the future."

"We might as well live on the second floor. When the time comes, one room will be dedicated to ourselves, and then there will be two rooms next to it, one for the master and one for the guest room." Reba's idea was very simple.

"I don't think this is a long-term solution." Zheng Xiulu stood up and spoke at this time.

"Yes, I still don't think this will last long. When the sisters all move in, the duplex will still feel small." Nazha also expressed his opinion.

"..." Hu Xing also just thought of this question.

Judging from the number of his confidante now, they all really lived in together. This duplex building is still a bit small, at least you need a mansion villa.

"Let's live here for three years first." Hu Xing thought he would live here first.

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