"Isn't it all the problems of your happy family? One is showing off your male girlfriends, and the other is gossiping about my relationship. After all, I am the one who talks the most. Does that mean that I am to blame?" Hu Xing looked disgusted. Tell He Jiong.

"Puff!" He Jiong lowered his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay, now let's show the self-proclaimed goddess, the sun goddess Xie Na's refrigerator." After Hu Xing finished speaking, Xie Na's refrigerator was truly revealed.

This is a double-open refrigerator, and it looks very good at 280.

"At first glance, it looks like a refrigerator prepared by a woman at home." He Jiong praised Xie Na.

"I don't believe that Xie's family doesn't have a nanny." Hu Xing mocked Xie.

"Haha~" Xie Na didn't expect Hu Xing to expose it.

"Don't you have one at home?" Xie Na retorted. If you are a celebrity, if you don't live with your parents, your family will have an aunt at home to help your sister-in-law with housework or something.

"Hey, there really isn't one." Immediately said that his family really didn't have a nanny.

"Your family doesn't have a nanny?!" After learning this, He Jiong was very surprised.

"No." Hu Xing shook his head and said no.

"Then you live with your parents?!" Chen He was also surprised that a family like Hu Xing didn't hire a nanny?This is too unscientific.

"No! My parents live in the same community as us, but not on the same floor in the same building."

"But my mother never came up to my house to help clean." Hu Xing wanted to explain clearly.

"Then who will do the housework in your family? Who will do the meals?" He Jiong was very curious about this question.

"Housework, we are all celebrities and entertainers, and we are often not at home."

"So as long as we go back to rest, we will contact the housekeeping company in advance and let the housekeeping company arrange housekeeping to help with the housework."

Chapter 0661 thank you for doubting life

"Isn't this inviting auntie?!" Xie Na said after listening.

"It's different. The aunt you hired has always helped you with housework and cooking."

"We only occasionally ask the housekeeper to clean up."

"Sometimes when we go back, we clean the house and do the housework ourselves, or tidy up ourselves."

"Because my family is not used to having outsiders around, so I don't invite aunts." Hu Xing tried his best to make everyone understand this.

"Then what if you go out to work, Song Jia and Zhao Liying go back, and you don't know how to cook?" He Jiong asked the point.

"Then eat at my parents' place. It's in the same neighborhood, just in a different building."

"It takes a few minutes to walk there." Hu Xing answered perfectly.

"Okay then, let's stick to the old rules and start showing Nana's refrigerator?!"

"Don't be like this, how about we have a fresh order today?!" Hu Xing suggested a fresh order.

"What are you going to do?" He Jiong asked Hu Xing to do it.

"Hu Xing is really good at hosting. The process of this kind of hosting is very good." Xie Na praised Hu Xing's hosting is really good.

Hu Xing fired a wink at Xie Na in high spirits.

"Today we asked them to look at each other's refrigerator first, and then use three words to describe the contents of each other's refrigerator."

"For example, what we want to show is Sister Na's refrigerator, so Chen He will go to open the refrigerator by himself, and after reading the contents inside, use three words to describe it."

"Afterwards, let's open Sister Na's refrigerator and make it public." The idea proposed by Hu Xing is good, and Mr. He agrees with this method

"This is not bad, then Chen He, come and see it by yourself first, so that we can't see it, first read the contents inside, and then use three words to describe Nana's refrigerator." The teacher asked Chen He to try it now.

"I'm also very curious, what's in it?" Chen He walked over and opened the refrigerator a crack, just enough for him to see what's inside.

"Hey!" Chen He couldn't help being surprised when he saw what was inside.

After reading the freezer, look at the freezer here.

"How was it?!" Hu Xing asked Chen He, how did you feel after watching it?

"Posting?!" Chen He's first word was posing.

"Staging for shooting? Does it mean that the things in it were placed deliberately because they knew they were going to record the show?" Hu Xing said, still watching and thanking.

"I think it is." Chen He felt very fragrant looking at it.

"No, no, my refrigerator is really arranged like this." Xie Na explained seriously, but Hu Xing's suspicious eyes made her laugh out loud.

"Endorsement product?!" Chen He said the second word.

"That seems to be the case. I heard from Mr. He that in Xie Na's house, the sofa was sent by someone, the bed was sent by him, the TV was sent by who, the washing machine was sent by Haitao, and the air conditioner was also happy. From the family."

"It is reasonable to say that the contents of the refrigerator are gifts from endorsement products." Hu Xing found the opportunity to complain and thank him.

"Hahaha~" Xie Na's iconic laughter is often used to cover up his embarrassment.

"What about the last one?!" He Jiong was also curious about the last word.

"Xianhui?!" Chen He was not sure whether this word was appropriate or not.

"Why do these three words of yours all have uncertain inquiries?" He Jiong didn't understand, what exactly did Chen He see, as for this?

"The point is, I don't know if the nanny tidied up this refrigerator." Chen He said that he was on the verge of a hurdle.

"Haha~" Hu Xing pointed at Chen He, and gave him a thumbs up.

"Really not, the refrigerator is completely organized by me." Xie Na said very seriously.

"You sorted out this refrigerator, but the one at your house isn't it?!" Hu Xing deliberately wanted to tear down Xie Na's desk.

"Haha~" Xie Na's embarrassing laughter came again, so it seemed that Hu Xing's guess was right.

"No, is your show really good like this?"

"The host has been dismantling the guests' stations, so can we continue to record happily?" Xie Na was unconvinced and showed some temper.

"Yo, really thought Mr. He is here, and our hosting style is going to be like yours?"

"All kinds of flattery and flattery to guests, all kinds of flattery, don't step on it even if you step on it?" Hu Xing's anti-general question made Xie Na and He Jiong laugh non-stop.

"Actually, I think everyone has a misunderstanding of Sister Na."

"Sister Na is a girl from Sichuan, very decisive, daring to love and hate, a very hearty girl." Tian Shu began to set up his idiot.

"That means, if you're not a girl from Sichuan, you don't dare to love and hate?"

"You mean that girls in the north are not cheerful?" Hu Xing's question made Tian Shu unable to answer.

"No, no, that's not what it means." Tian Shu hastily waved his hands, saying that's not what he meant.

"Didn't you just say that? We have misunderstood Sister Na?"

"That's not a misunderstanding. Look at what I just exposed. She used laughter to cover up her embarrassment. Why are you still helping me explain?"

"Even if you like idols, you have to have a limit, right?!"

"What's more, he still has a wife." Hu Xing laughed angrily, and at the same time used a very funny word to describe Xie Na's current status.

"Haha~ Wife!" This word has so much connotation that men basically understand it.

"Speak well." Xie Na was really scared and asked Hu Xing to speak well.

"To be honest, Nana told me some time ago. He said that in the entertainment industry, she was only afraid of being alone, but now it is different. She is afraid of having one more person, and she dare not provoke him. People who are harassed to doubt their lives are really afraid." The person He Jiong mentioned is still looking at Hu Xing.

"Really, I'm only afraid of two people in the entertainment industry. The first is Mr. Huang Lei, and the second is Hu Xing."

"Teacher Huang Lei, when I had to rely on the Film Academy, because I forgot to bring the admission ticket, I was scolded and cried by Teacher Huang Lei; so I have always been in awe of him."

"As for Hu Xing, it's really pure fear. I found that I can't beat him, just can't beat him. No matter what I say, he can catch my language flaws and attack me."

"You don't need to do anything, just talk, Hu Xing can make me doubt my life." Xie Na felt embarrassed when he said that.

"It's not just you, even we ourselves are like this." Chen He agreed with what Xie Na said, because everyone in the running men had such an experience.

Chapter 0662 has a long way to climb a long way

"In this case, let's start to reveal Xie Na's refrigerator." Hu Xing and Mr. He stood up, ready to enter this link.

"123~" After counting to three, Mr. He officially opened Xie Na's refrigerator.

Looking at the neatly arranged things inside, Hu Xing said, "If you say it wasn't organized by the nanny, I wouldn't believe it if you killed me."

"Haha~" Hu Xing said so absolutely, Xie Na felt embarrassed.

"It's very neat!" After Huang Yan and the others saw it, they were surprised that it was so neatly arranged here.

"It looks like a Sichuanese refrigerator, because there is a special feature in it." Hu Xing pointed to the refrigerator and said, "There are a lot of things like red oil sauce and chili sauce in it."

"That's right, people in Sichuan really like this kind of red oil sauce." After seeing the same thing, He Jiong said, "Is this a gift from Liu Wen?!"

"Yes!" Xie Na answered correctly, this is indeed.

"This is from Xiao Yueyue, right?!" Teacher He said and took out another one.

"Is this a gift from Xiao Shenyang?!" Teacher He said and took another one.

"Song Xiao recommended this, right?" Mr. He 850 took out several in succession.

"If you see it, I said thank you to which family. Except for the husband who didn't give it, everything else was given by someone else." Hu Xing made a fatal stab at the side.

"Haha~" Xie Na covered his face and laughed awkwardly.

"In this refrigerator, the gifts from Song Xiaobao, Xiao Shenyang, and Xiao Yueyue are enough for Xie Na to eat for a month."

"After eating this month's food, I will ask for it from the happy family, and ask for it from Brother Tiantian."

"After this round, the autumn ones are done, and then I thought, next time I should ask other friends to give some, otherwise there will be nothing to eat in winter."

"The only female artist in China is a woman who is supported by other stars in the Chinese entertainment industry."

"Ahaha~" Hu Xing summed it up brilliantly, causing everyone at the scene to burst into laughter

"Wait, this Goddess Beer is from Reba, right?!" Hu Xing found out that there is Goddess Beer in the refrigerator.

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