"Haha~ What are you doing? Why are you looking at me so disgustingly." He Jiong felt like he didn't do anything, how could he be hated by Hu Xing.

"I hate male best friends. If my guess is correct, you are slowly developing into the status of Zhao Liying's male best friend." Hu Xing said without hiding his dislike for He Jiong.

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing hated He Jiong so openly that everyone burst out laughing.

Hu Xing was right. If his memory was correct, it was Zhao Liying in his previous life, but he still confessed his love to He Jiong jokingly, and even kissed He Jiong in public.

The previous life was the previous life. At that time, Hu Xing and Zhao Liying had no intersection in life, so it had nothing to do with him.

But it's not good in this life, that's already his woman.

So it is still necessary to prevent this kind of thing from happening, and we must not let Zhao Liying and He Jiong become male girlfriends.

This breed, as long as a straight man will hate it.

"Usually at that time, I would think, is it my back garden that can't keep you warm? As for asking you, a little wild horse, to go out and find your boyfriend to run on the grassland?"

"Haha~" Hu Xing perfectly explained what a domineering boyfriend is.

But it is also domineering and correct, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Crack!" After Hu Xing finished speaking, he also high-fived Chen He beside him.

"What Hu Xing said is not an exaggeration at all." Chen He agreed.

"I also have a good relationship with Lou Yixiao, but I never wanted to be her boyfriend."

"It's true that they are good friends. There are usually squabbles, but some more intimate actions, I will put an end to them."

"On the one hand, she is a big girl with yellow flowers, and she also has a boyfriend, so I won't play such a role, lest her boyfriend think too much about it."

"On the other hand, I don't want my girlfriend to think too much."

"So, a good friend is a good friend, but you have to control your behavior." Chen He also compared himself, asking the audience in front of the TV to pay attention.

"But our relationship is beyond friendship, but it's not that kind of relationship?!" Xie Na explained as much as possible.

"Hey, you think so, but if your husband thinks this way deep down in his heart, then I don't know. Maybe he said he doesn't care, but it's hard to say whether he thinks so deep down in his heart."

"If you say you are a family member, yes, then you can be a family member."

"But as a family member, there is no blood relationship with the family. Once you make an intimate move, who wouldn't think about it?"

"Thank you, you don't understand men too well; or Mr. He doesn't understand himself well enough."

"Teacher He is still single, and he doesn't have a girlfriend, so he can't understand what kind of mood his girlfriend has a boyfriend." When Hu Xing said the point, He Jiong was dumbfounded.

"..." He Jiong wanted to say that he has a girlfriend, it should be said that he already has a wife.

"Well, even if Mr. He has a girlfriend, it's fine, but you don't want everyone to affect your girlfriend's life, which indirectly protects your girlfriend."

"Protect your girlfriend, if she feels it, she will keep a distance from boys."

"Your girlfriend doesn't have a boyfriend, so of course you can't feel it, right?"

"So, when your girlfriend has a boyfriend, you will know how uncomfortable it is to see your woman getting close to her boyfriend, and you will feel like strangling him to death."

"If eyes can kill, I guess my wife's boyfriends are dead." Hu Xing also continued this program to vent his heart.


"Okay, skip this topic." Hu Xing stretched out his hand to let everyone skip this topic.

"Hu Xing is really popular recently. This kind of scumbag can be popular with several girlfriends. It's too unreasonable." After Xie Na finished speaking, he burst out laughing...

"Oh, my friends in the audience, you can't say thank you."

"I admit that I am a scumbag; after all, in this era, the one who can have several girlfriends at the same time is indeed a scumbag; even if I have the privilege, I can't change this fact." Hu Xing also helped Xie Na put an end to it. Pull hatred.

"That's right, what is it that makes you so attractive that all the little flowers in the mainland have scandals with you?!" Xie Na really couldn't figure it out.

"For details, please see the longing for life!" Hu Xing didn't explain much, but also promoted the longing for life.

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's stalk is very good.

"Honestly, Hu Xing, how many girlfriends do you have now?" Xie Na asked Hu Xing gossipingly.

"Four!!" Hu Xing thought for a while and said four.

"Four? Isn't it six?" Chen He was surprised now, no.

"You, haha~ the six girlfriends you brought?" Hu Xing couldn't laugh or cry, there weren't so many.

"Reba, Song Jia, Zhao Liying, Liu Shishi, Nazha, Song Zhuer." Chen He also helped Hu Xing figure it out.

"No, okay, just Reba, Song Jia, Zhao Liying and Song Zhuer, Liu Shishi and Nazha are not." Hu Xing was very helpless, and for the first time publicly admitted his girlfriend on the show.

"No, that's not what the media said."

"Isn't it confirmed with Shishi? I went to meet your parents. Nazha also knew you since childhood, isn't 0.9?!" He Jiong was also very surprised.

"Really not, of course it's not that I don't want to, but they haven't agreed yet."

"They admit that they are my girlfriend, and I admit that they are my girlfriend. These are two different concepts."

"I want them to be one of my girlfriends too, but they haven't figured it out yet."

"I can't force it, right? This is a happy thing for a girl's life. You have to think it over before making a decision, right?"

"Song Jia, Zhao Liying, and Song Zhuer agreed so quickly because they didn't think much about it."

"Every girl's personality is different, and the considerations are also different, and the length of time is also different, isn't it?!" Hu Xing explained as clearly as possible, so that everyone should not misunderstand.

Chapter 0660 is time to open the relationship

"Then explain to me, what's going on, Mr. Song?"

"Why are you like this when you are young?" He Jiong focused on this.

The relationship between Song Zhuer and Hu Xing had actually been exposed a long time ago.

After all, Hu Xing had sent Master Song to school many times, and even kissed at the school gate, all of which were discovered.

Not only was it discovered, there are also photos on the Internet, as long as you search, you can see a lot, from all angles

"Well, on a dark and windy night, I went to an experimental base to test the excitability of human beings to chemical reactions..."

"Speak human!" Chen He and He Jiong said to Hu Xing in unison.

"Go to the bar for a drink." Hu Xing immediately said something human.

"Haha~" Xie Na's smile was low, and he was already laughing out loud.

"That time, Lord Kai asked us to go, oh, that time in Shanghai, Chen He, Zheng Kai, and Deng Chao were all there."

"We first went to Reba's barbecue stand to have a barbecue, and then went to my bar to play that time." When Hu Xing mentioned this, Chen He also remembered it.

"Is that the 23 times I was dancing on the dance floor and I saw the Lord?"

"I didn't recognize her at the time, but I thought she was in good shape and wanted to dance with my arms around her."

"Everyone who has been to a bar knows that grown young men and women go to bars just to dance or something."

"Boys just want to dance to pick up girls, and I'm no exception, am I?"

"So at that time, he was a scumbag who took advantage of others in the past, but an accident happened. At that time, the master didn't dump me, so he left immediately." When Hu Xing talked about this incident, many viewers were going to discuss it.

"Speaking of which, you may think that Mr. Song went to bars at such a young age. He is very rebellious and his private life is messy."

"But I thought so too at the time, and she told me later that it was the first time she went to a bar with her friends after returning from a vacation in Los Angeles."

"And the HS bar is also famously safe. It is not as chaotic and smoky as some other bars. If you say it is the best bar to go out to play and dance, of course it is HS."

"So Zhu'er went with friends at that time, mainly because I heard that there is good music and good atmosphere."

"This is the bar I went to when I was 15 years old." Hu Xing first explained clearly to his little girlfriend.

"Then, what unpleasant things happened in the middle?" He Jiong asked gossip.

"Then, I played my mysterious H identity and went on stage to play discs."

"It's just that I didn't expect that I just took advantage of the master and was stared at by her all night."

"In the end, she found out that I was H. When I left the bar, she followed me out, saying that she would settle accounts with me, or she would disclose Hu Xing's identity as H." Looking back, Hu Xing also felt that It is interesting.

"It was also from that time on. I was caught by her. After getting along with her, this girl said that she wanted to fall in love with me and come to Shanghai to study."

"You said, such a cute little girl with a fairy spirit, you can't bear to hurt her, can you?"

"That's it. Let's date temporarily. When she grows up and meets the boy she really likes, I will let go." Hu Xing said that he is such a saint, and in return he was unanimously despised.

"Scumbag!" Xie Na used these two words to complain about Hu Xing.

"That's right. In the end, my scumbag attributes exploded, so I thought, what kind of boy should I find for her?"

"Such a lovely girl, if she is not my girlfriend, she is devoid of conscience."

"In the end, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, and that's how I fell in love with the master."

"But everyone, don't think too much, it's only second to kiss, because she is still my mother's student."

"Even if I think, Master wants to develop further with me, my mother doesn't agree." Hu Xing spread his hands and explained this clearly.

"So what about Liu Shishi? Aren't you in the same room as Liu Shishi? When filming."

"Haha~ I'm still in the same room as Chen He, when I recorded the running man." Hu Xing said with a smile.

"I really want to say a few words about this. Hu Xing has basically harmed all the members of our Running Boys."

"Obviously, I can share a room with Reba, but he doesn't want it. Either he goes to Zheng Kai's room, or to my room. He has been in Deng Chao's, Zulan's, and Li Chen's rooms." Chen He was very speechless. Say.

"Haha~" When Hu Xing was recording the show, he liked to play with his partner's room, everyone already knew that.

"The relationship with Shi Shi is actually vague now."

"How should I put it, she needs time to think about it. She has to think about this kind of thing by herself."

"If that day does happen, we'll make it public."

"Na Zha's words are actually the same. I don't have to pick a scumbag like me, they can only pick me." After Hu Xing finished speaking, the topic was over.

"Having said so much, we haven't talked about today's topic." He Jiong felt that it was possible to cut into the topic

"What's wrong, it seems like it's all my fault."

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