"Are you still coming?!" She was really scared. She hadn't fully digested the happiness that Hu Xing gave her last night, but is she going to come again now?

"Of course, I want you to get used to it while you're not used to it yet." In order to be able to do it, Hu Xing shamelessly used various excuses.

"Yeah!" Soon, the sound of two people playing music came from the room.

The difference from last night was that Liu Shishi didn't have that sense of tearing tonight.

The feeling of tearing was gone, but the sense of fullness that seemed to explode her was still there.

As Hu Xing said, tonight is not as uncomfortable as last night.

Although I enjoyed it a lot last night, after not having the pain and discomfort tonight, it is really much better than last night.

And Hu Xing gave her more skills tonight, which made Liu Shishi even more unable to control himself.

During these two days, Hu Xing and Liu Shishi would do it as long as they were in the hotel.

The originally temperamental beauty was now cultivated by Hu Xing into a woman who crazily likes such things.

She is a beautiful woman with perfect temperament outside, but at night, in the room, she will become a crazy witch.

Just like her nightshade in Xianjian 3, she has a dual pet personality.

Solanum nigrum is gentle and weak in normal state; but later, in order not to be bullied, it gave birth to a powerful self, which is the so-called red nightshade.

Liu Shishi, who is low-key outside and fades into the chrysanthemum, is the blue nightshade;

But inside, when she was exercising crazily with Hu Xing, she was the powerful red nightshade.

Such a change made Hu Xing very excited, the best is the best.

For two consecutive days, Liu Shishi finally felt everything that his good sister Zhao Liying said. In just two days, Liu Shishi realized that he had become very lazy.

I don't even want to go to work, I just want to be with Hu Xing every day, especially if I can continue to do it in the hotel room every day, anyway, I just don't want to go to work.

She likes the way Hu Xing gallops on her body and continues to output.

She prefers the way Hu Xing guides her to rain, especially the heavy rain.

But she also understands that this can't be done. If she goes on like this, it's okay, but if Hu Xing can give it to her with such a high intensity every day, her body won't be able to bear it.

It takes restraint, two or three days is enough for her to feel what a real woman should look like.

In just three days, Liu Shishi found that his body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

It can be said that her shortcomings are all gone.

Originally it was only B's pet, but now it has become D all at once. This is what many women dream of, but she is a little distressed.

There are also her two beautiful legs, which are really beautiful legs now, slender and straight, without muscles, and the muscles and fat of her thighs have also disappeared, making her two beautiful legs truly beautiful long legs.

And her lower abdomen, the vest line is more obvious.

During these three days, under the continuous exercise with Hu Xing, the waistcoat line that she had been practicing silently became more obvious now.

With the nourishment of love and her own temperament, Liu Shishi, who is now more confident after a big change in figure, naturally attracted the attention of a large number of fans when she appeared at the airport in Shanghai.

"I'm going, is this Liu Shishi?" Many people couldn't believe it, is this really Liu Shishi?

"Isn't it too exaggerated? When did our teacher become so fierce?!"

"Is this unscientific? Shi Shi never relies on fierceness to attract attention? Why is it so fierce this time? How confident is fierce?!"

When Liu Shishi appeared at the airport, everyone who knew her as a female star was stunned.

"Is Hu Xing poisonous? If you associate with him, will you be poisoned to such an extent?"

"Is the nourishment of love really so effective? It was Zhao Liying before, but now it's Liu Shishi?"

"I don't know, but my intuition tells me that Liu Shishi must be out of date. I feel that Hu Xing has broken it, otherwise such a big change would not have happened."

"The biggest change for a woman must be after becoming a woman."

"Hey, our family teacher has been harmed again. It seems that the relationship between these two people will be made public soon."

"Didn't it be made public a long time ago? It's just that we deceive ourselves and don't admit it?!"

"No, the only girlfriends that Hu Xing admits are Song Jia, Zhao Liying, Di Lieba, and Song Zhuer; although the others are very ambiguous with him, none of them have become girlfriends."

"That's right. Liu Shishi and Krystal didn't admit it, or in other words, it hasn't been fully disclosed yet, so it shouldn't be counted; wait for it to be publicly admitted, then it will be."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see Liu Shishi's changes.

It is precisely because of her changes that she is now the hot topic on Weibo.

Just like Zhao Liying's body upgrade before, it has occupied the hot searches on Weibo

This time Liu Shishi was no exception. After seeing her private server photos at the airport, many people salivated.

There was even Ait Hu Xing who asked him what he thought of this matter, which meant that Hu Xing made it public.

Chapter 0688 Want to pit the director team again?

Liu Shishi returned to work in Shanghai, and Hu Xing and the crew also moved to a scenic spot in Gansu to shoot.

After the filming of the scene here was completed, Hu Xing and the crew returned to Hangzhou.

However, the crew was going back to Hengdian, Hu Xing got into the nanny's car, and Li Hui and Lan Rong drove to ~the longing for life mushroom house.

At this time, He Jiong, Huang Lei, and Zhao Liying had all arrived at the mushroom house.

"You came first to Liying again?!" He Jiong saw that Zhao Liying came first by himself again, so he asked her, "Why didn't you come with Hu Xing?!"

"No wow, Hu Xing is filming in Gansu, just came back to the airport in Hangzhou, and is coming." Zhao Liying walked out after putting her luggage away.

"Aren't you on the same crew as Hu Xing?!" Huang Lei asked Zhao Liying while drinking tea.

"No, Shooting the Condors hasn't been my role yet, so I'm in another crew."

"Hu Xing said it's coming soon." Zhao Liying checked WeChat, and Hu Xing sent her a message to tell her.

"That's good; Hu Xing is not here, we don't know what to do." They have been here for an hour, but they just don't know what to do.

"Dinglingling~" At this moment, the phone in the house rang.

"Yo, so fast?!" Huang Lei was very surprised when he heard the call. Why did the call come so early today?

"Hurry up and pick it up." He Jiong said and ran in to answer the phone.

"Who?!" Zhao Liying was very curious, not knowing who was going to be the guest this time.

"Don't make it?!" He Jiong was also a little confused, he couldn't guess who the other party was?

"Male and female?!" This is the key, female guests can attract more ratings than male guests.

"Female!" He Jiong can still hear male and female.

"Hehe~ Then it looks fun." Of course He Jiong knew what Zhao Liying meant by this.

After they came out, Hu Xing came to the mushroom house. Hu Xing looked tired and looked very out of spirit.

"You're here." Seeing Hu Xing coming, He Jiong and the others felt relieved.

"Well, pour me a cup of tea." Hu Xing's eyelids are heavy now.

"What's the matter? Look at you, didn't sleep well during filming?" Huang Lei noticed that Hu Xing's mental state was not very good, so he poured him a cup of tea.

"I haven't closed my eyes for 48 hours." Hu Xing said and yawned.

"God, two days in a row." After learning this, He Jiong and the others were very surprised.

"Normally, it's three days all night, 72 hours without sleep." Hu Xing scratched his head, saying it was 72 hours.

Zhao Liying calculated the time, didn't she sleep for 72 hours?

That is to say, in the early morning of Liu Shishi's return to Shanghai the day before yesterday, Hu Xing did not sleep either.

This shows that on the night before Liu Shishi left Inner Mongolia, Hu Xing and Liu Shishi stayed up all night.

It happened that after the first day of staying overnight, I was about to go to Gansu for filming.

When I went to Gansu, I couldn't sleep because of the drama.

"It deserves it!" After Zhao Liying understood, she said two words to Hu Xing.

"Uh." Now Hu Xing looked at his daughter-in-law in astonishment, and said, "Okay, I've become smarter, and even analyzed this? Yes, Zhao Liying."

"That's right, you're going to be so sleepy, you're going to be stunned." Zhao Liying rolled her eyes.

"The guest has called just now." He Jiong told Hu Xing about this.

"Call so early? Shouldn't it be at night?!" Hu Xing was surprised, it was different from before, what happened.

"We are also surprised." He Jiong didn't expect it to be so early.

"Teacher He, Teacher Huang, I have something to tell you." The director of the director team came over at this time, intending to talk to Hu Xing and the others.

"What?!" The director team had something to say, so Zhao Liying asked what it was.

"It's like this. The rice grown in our mushroom house is now in the insecticidal period."

"That is to say, you need to buy insecticides to kill insects on rice." This matter must be done by them, because the time is just right.

"What?!" Hearing this, the four of them were very shocked.

They don't know about killing insects on rice, so how do they do it?

Hu Xing, He Jiong, and Huang Lei all looked at Zhao Liying, obviously asking her, what is going to happen?

"I don't know either." Zhao Liying shook her head, saying that she didn't know, and added: "I know how to plant rice seedlings and harvest rice, but I don't know how to apply pesticides and fertilize?!"

"My dad did these things, even my mother can't do it." Zhao Liying was also in a dilemma, because she just didn't understand this.

Zhao Liying doesn't even know how to do it, so what should I do?

"It just happened to hit me, so I have to deal with it no matter what." Since it is something to be done, of course it has to be done, and you have to rely on yourself.

"Do you know how to do it? Apply insecticide, how to apply this? Also, what insecticide to use."

"The most important thing is that we still have to spend money to buy pesticides, and now we have no money." There are a lot of things to deal with now, and how to do it is indeed something that needs to be considered.

"..." It was so difficult that everyone didn't know what to do.

It is definitely impossible for the director to give money to buy pesticides.

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