Ask the director to pay them, and then they will definitely have to use agricultural and sideline products in exchange for the money.

The key point is that if the agricultural and sideline products are exchanged for money, the director team must be very unscrupulous, and will not give them the equivalent price, but will only give them less.

"Why are you all looking at me?!" Hu Xing looked at the three of them dumbfounded, why they were all looking at him at this moment.

"Could it be, you're thinking, I'll take care of this?!" Hu Xing asked uncertainly.

"Haha~" He Jiong and Huang Lei laughed, which also told Hu Xing, yes, even if I leave this matter to you, they don't understand, and there is nothing they can do.

"Wait, I'll slap each of you." Did you actually leave the matter to him?Hu Xing got angry now.

"What's the use of you, trying to make some money?!" Hu Xing said angrily.

"It's okay to make money, but it's too difficult to make money from the column group, okay?" It's not that I don't want to, but it's really difficult to make money from the column group, and Zhao Liying is also helpless.

"Ah~" Hu Xing rubbed his forehead, what kind of thing is this?

"Let's talk about it first, we won't play games with you anymore." The last time the director team played games with Hu Xing, Hu Xing cheated him of 100 yuan.

This time, they were determined not to play games with Hu Xing again, nor would they follow his routine again.

"Hahaha~" The director team has become more sophisticated now, and Hu Xing and the others couldn't help laughing.

Chapter 0689

"Don't do this." I've already thought about what to do, but in the end the director didn't play, isn't this a waste?

"Think about it, even though I was tricked, it adds something to the show, doesn't it?"

"Increasing the point of view means that the ratings will increase!"

"The viewership rating has increased, so that means that the advertising fee of your Mango Channel will increase, right?"

"The ratings have increased, and the advertising fee has also increased, but in the show, you were tricked, and you only spent a hundred yuan. How can you count it as your Mango Channel?!" Hu Xing began to brainwash. .

"..." The director thought to himself, there is nothing wrong with this.

"Anyway, let me stop here. If you don't want to play this routine game, I can play it on Running Man and Extreme Challenge. By then, Blueberry and Tomato will have ratings."

"In this way, if you Mango Channel wants to surpass these two stations in the ratings of variety shows, it will become even more hopeless." Anyway, don't worry, I don't believe you won't be recruited.

The column group is very depressed now, do you want to play?It will definitely be tricked.

But if you don't play it, Hu Xing's routines will be used on other competing TV stations, but their Mango Channel has no results. Isn't this very entangled?

"In this way, with 100 yuan, I can go to Teacher He in a fair and aboveboard way."

"How? Do you dare to bet?!" Hu Xing had already said it, which made Teacher He very depressed.

"Why me? Shouldn't you be looking for Li Ying?" Teacher He was still really a little scared.

You have no way to figure out Hu Xing's routine.

Once they are targeted by him, there are almost few people who can not be tricked.

"Okay, if you can successfully play Mr. Luhe, then we will give you 100 yuan." The director thought about it, and this is possible.

Teacher He is also well-known as a master, so he must not be so easy to be tricked.

Let's see how Hu Xing is going to play. If the routine reaches Mr. He, it will be really interesting.

"It's started." Hu Xing asked Mr. He to get ready.

"..." He Jiong actually refused in his heart, he didn't want to play.

But there is no way, Hu Xing is eyeing him, and it is impossible to refuse.

"Are there any animals smaller than ants in the world?!" Hu Xing quickly asked a question.

"No!" Teacher He thought of this question in minutes, and he was talking about animals, not insects.

"Are there any insects bigger than elephants in the world?!" Hu Xing immediately asked another one, and Teacher He said, "No!"

"Is there anyone stupider than you in the world?!" When it came to the third question, Hu Xing deliberately accelerated the speed, which made Mr. He laugh triumphantly: "No!"

"Haha~ If you want to trick me, there's no way." After Mr. He answered, he was very proud to say that he hadn't been tricked.

"..." Huang Lei and Zhao Liying just stared blankly at the happy Teacher He.

"Sure enough, Teacher He is amazing." Just when Teacher He was happy, Hu Xing gave him a thumbs up.

"..." However, a few seconds later, He Jiong realized that something was wrong.

"!!!!" He Jiong, who understood, immediately turned his head with a displeased and irritated face.

"Hahaha~" He Jiong's appearance at this moment made Zhao Liying and Huang Lei clap their hands and laugh haha.

"This world is full of routines." Within three questions, He Jiong was caught in a routine, which made him hate this world of routines.

But Hu Xing stretched out his hand to the director of the program group, motioning for the money, Mr. He was tricked.

The column team was also very upset, why did Teacher He get ripped off, but their column team paid for it instead?

Although I know this is unfair, but there is no other way, for the show to be interesting, I can only suffer from being dumb.

But the audience applauded and gave Hu Xing a thumbs-up. On the one hand, he can play Teacher Luhe, and on the other hand, he can get money from the column team. This is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"Again, I can confuse Zhao Liying with just one question. If not, I will give you 100 yuan back. But if I am baffled, the director will give me 200 yuan." Hu Xing has now stated his declaration.

"Why? You gave 100, but we have to give 200?" The director was not convinced.

"Because you are for the ratings." Hu Xing smiled and grasped the director's lifeline.

"..." The director was speechless now, there was really no way to refuse this.

"What do you want to do?!" Zhao Liying was very vigilant, not knowing what this guy wanted to do.

"Hehe~ Take it easy, don't worry, it's a very simple question." Seeing that Zhao Liying was so nervous, Hu Xing comforted her, don't be nervous...

"There is a part of a woman that my father can touch twice in a lifetime; my mother can touch it twice, but only my husband can't touch it for a lifetime." After Hu Xing said this question, Zhao Liying fell into a sluggish state. Think: yes, yes, yes?

Seems like it's the other way around?

Every part of a woman's body can be touched by her husband, except for people other than her parents.

Why is it the other way around now?

Parents can touch, but as a husband can't touch?what is it

Even He Jiong and Huang Lei were thinking, what exactly is this? I don’t seem to have it in memory, right?

"No, I don't know!" Zhao Liying shook her head and said helplessly that she didn't know.

"Do Teacher He and Teacher Huang Lei know?!" Hu Xing was not in a hurry, and asked if the two of them knew?

"It's a guess, but it's impossible, and it can't be said on the show, right?!" What Teacher He thought of, everyone thought of it, but he couldn't say it.

Even if you say it, it's impossible. My husband can still encounter it, not just encounters.

"Director, do you know? If you can say it, it can be regarded as my loss." Hu Xing didn't refuse to give the opportunity, and it was up to the director to answer.

"..." The director thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Lips!" Hu Xing announced the answer at this time.

"Lips?" The answer is this, which makes everyone confused, why?

Husband should be able to touch it, why not?

"Ah~~~" He Jiong instantly understood, it turned out to be such a brain teaser.

"Father, mother, husband." He Jiong said it right away.

"Haha~" Huang Lei also realized now, it turned out to be such a meaning.

"What the hell." Zhao Liying covered her face in embarrassment, already blatantly, she still couldn't answer, what is this, it's just too annoying, the feeling of being tricked.

Hu Xing managed to get another 200 yuan from the director.

"Not convinced, we are not convinced." The director suddenly lost 300 yuan, of course he was not convinced.

"What? If you're not convinced, then you guys come here." Since you're not convinced, then give it a chance and you guys come over.

Chapter 0690 Did you buy your driver's license?

"Instead of us asking questions, if you can't answer, then you will give us 200 yuan, if you can answer, then we will give you 100." The director really fought hard to save face.

"If you want to play like this, I can tell you that Mango Station goes bankrupt." Hu Xing was very confident.

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's self-confidence made everyone laugh.

Hu Xing answered all the questions the director asked next.

The director is also willing to gamble and admit defeat, and really gave money to Hu Xing.

"Come on, keep going, I've also saved up enough living expenses for the second season of Longing for Life by the way." Seeing that the benefits are good, Hu Xing said to the director.

The director team is all depressed now and dare not continue playing.

He Jiong, Huang Lei and the others were very cool, and Hu Xing was such a thief, there was simply no way to beat him.

After some calculation, Hu Xing has 800 yuan in his hand.

The column team didn't dare to play anymore, and Hu Xing also wanted to buy some pesticides for the rice.

"It seems that 27 should be fertilized, right? We haven't fertilized the seedlings yet." Zhao Liying reminded Hu Xing.

"Let's go, go to the town to buy some pesticides and fertilizers." In this case, let's go.

"It's fine for the two of you to go, we're going to prepare dinner at home." Huang Lei and He Jiong didn't go out, just let the couple Hu Xing and Zhao Liying go.

Hu Xing and Zhao Liying went out, and the column team had already prepared their cars.

"You drive. I haven't slept for more than 70 hours. It's not safe to drive." He also knew that this was recording a program, so he had to set a good example.

Don't drive while fatigued, as he said just now, he hasn't slept for more than 70 hours.

If, as a star, you are still driving tired on the show, it will not affect you well.

It's not that Zhao Liying doesn't know how to drive, it's just that she seldom drives.

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