"I'm driving?!" Zhao Liying was really a little unconfident. She could drive, but she rarely drove, so she naturally became nervous.

"Think about it, we haven't become parents yet, so please drive carefully." Hu Xing got into the co-pilot and immediately fastened his seat belt.

"It's time for you to practice driving too. Who will send your daughter to school?!" Zhao Liying would not have considered this question at first, but Hu Xing said that she really had to think about it.

"Can't you just give it away?" Zhao Liying thought, as a father, it's fine for him to give it away.

"Father can send it off, but mother doesn't send the child to school once, is that okay?"

"Okay." After Zhao Liying sat up, she adjusted the seat first.

"It's the first time for me to drive our family's car." Zhao Liying started the car and drove carefully.

"You drove it for the first time?" Even Hu Xing was surprised.

"Yes, I have ridden before, but it is the first time to drive."

"That's impossible, have you ever driven the family car?" Hu Xing was very surprised.

He also has a car. Zhao Liying is in Shanghai, going out with friends, doesn't she drive?

"No wow, I went out with my friends in Shanghai, and either my friends would pick me up, or my agent would take me there, how could I drive myself?"

"There are too many cars in Shanghai, I dare not drive." Zhao Liying said what was in her heart.

"Are you ashamed? As Yilong's young mistress, it's the first time to drive your own car?!" Hu Xing said and slapped Zhao Liying's big white leg.

"Ah! Haha~" Hu Xing beat her while driving, and Zhao Liying even laughed and said, "I'm driving, don't make trouble, or something will happen, do you still want a daughter?!"

"Good, good, good driving." Now Hu Xing didn't dare to act recklessly, and asked Zhao Liying to drive well.

"What shall we eat tonight?" Zhao Liying was thinking about what to eat tonight.

"Isn't Teacher Huang doing it? I won't do it, I'm too tired." Hu Xing is not in the mood to cook now, he is really too sleepy.

He just wanted to eat dinner, take a shower and go to bed, without thinking too much about it.

"When you come back later, don't you still have to fertilize the rice fields and kill insects?!" I know that Hu Xing is tired, but he still has work.

"Let's fertilize tomorrow, and kill the insects when we come back." Hu Xing really didn't have so much strength.

It must be recharged, otherwise he will really be unable to withstand it.

"Okay, why don't you catch up on sleep now?" Knowing that Hu Xing was sleepy, Zhao Liying was considerate enough.

"No, sleepy is not sleepy, it's just that I have no energy." Now that he can hold on, Hu Xing doesn't plan to sleep.

"It's not good to sleep during the recording of the show." Hu Xing still knew this.

The two chatted and drove, and soon came to the town.

Zhao Liying didn't know how to park the car properly, which made Hu Xing even more dumbfounded.

"You can't even park sideways?" Hu Xing laughed angrily.

"Forgot." Zhao Liying scratched her head in embarrassment, she hadn't driven for a long time.

"Really, when did you get your driver's license?!" After getting the driver's license, you can't even park on the side, which is really admirable

"It seems like it's been 3 years." Zhao Liying thought for a while and said.

Hu Xing came down and helped to get the car.

After parking the car, I went to buy something, and I also bought some meat to go back, so that Teacher Huang Lei could cook a delicious meal later.

After all the shopping, Zhao Liying drove back.

"What did you all buy back?!" Seeing that they had come back, He Jiong came up to meet them.

"This is pork ribs 223, let Teacher Huang cook it." Zhao Liying handed these dishes to Teacher He.

Zhao Liying and Hu Xing went over to read the instruction manual of the insecticide, and were going to go to the field to kill insects.

Zhao Liying still understood it well, and found a backpack-type manual sprayer in the mushroom house.

With this sprayer, you only need to put the insecticide in it, and then mix it with water, and then spray it in the rice fields.

Zhao Liying didn't have the strength to carry it anymore. It might be okay to carry more than 20 catties of water for a while.

But if she persisted until she finished spraying more than 20 kilograms of pesticide water, Zhao Liying felt that she couldn't do it.

Neither can He Jiong, but Huang Lei can, but he wants dinner.

In the end, this job was also done by Hu Xing.

"Heh~ After Hu Xing came to our mushroom house, he felt like he was doing everything for the first time, but he did it very well every time." He Jiong said with emotion as he looked at Hu Xing who was spraying pesticides in the field.

"Young and responsible, such young people are really rare."

"Li Ying saved the Milky Way in her previous life, otherwise how could she have such a good boyfriend?" Huang Lei also teased Zhao Li Ying who was washing vegetables next to her.

"Hee hee~" Zhao Liying was naturally very happy to hear the two teachers praise her boyfriend so much.

As a girlfriend, her boyfriend praised her, of course she was happy.

Chapter 0691 sow discord between us, right?

When Hu Xing came back from spraying pesticides, he was ready to eat

"Take a shower and sleep after eating." During the meal, Huang Lei also said to Hu Xing

"It's impossible not to sleep tonight, I'm really sleepy." Now Hu Xing couldn't bear it any longer.

The eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and it can be said that it is about to reach a critical point.

Anyway, he didn't eat much for dinner, so he ate some, drank a sip of tea to refresh himself, took a short rest, and then went to take a bath.

They were still chatting, or something, but Hu Xing went in to get clothes and take a shower.

It made him dumbfounded, after taking a bath, he was actually much more awake, not as sleepy as before

"Why aren't you sleeping yet? Didn't you say you were sleepy?" Zhao Liying walked in, and Hu Xing was playing with her phone.

"After taking a bath, I'm much more awake now." If I want to go to bed right now, I won't be able to fall asleep for the time being.

"Hu Xing, you can sleep in Li Ying's room tonight, otherwise, we will make you sleep in the living room for another night." Just as Hu Xing was not asleep, He Jiong came in and said to him.

"I know, no, I can sleep in the guest room above the second floor."

"Anyway, there are mosquito coils, and it's autumn now, so there aren't so many mosquitoes." Hu Xing didn't go into Zhao Liying's room much anymore.

I didn't date Zhao Liying before, so I had to be cheeky to sneak into her room.

It's different now, it's an old couple's place, so it's okay not to drill into her room.

The important thing is that now he is in her room and can't do anything, which will only make him more aggrieved.

So, if Hu Xing can stop cheating on her room now, then he won't.

In order not to wait until you get stuck, you will be depressed at that time.

"How did I find out that you haven't been clamoring to enter Liying's room recently?" He Jiong also discovered this problem, and Hu Xing was too obvious.

"Isn't that right? He and Li Ying hadn't dated before, so of course he had to be cheeky and go into someone's room; now that they've dated, everything has been settled, so there's no need to be cheeky anymore." Huang Lei, an old fox, just Hu Xing exposed it on the spot.

"Haha~" Hu Xing, who chatted on WeChat, laughed out of embarrassment.

"Really? Teacher Huang really said so?!" Hu Xing's awkward laughter made Zhao Liying believe that Huang Lei was right.

"It's really enough for you, you won't come into my room after dating, right?!" In fact, Zhao Liying really hoped that Hu Xing could enter her room, how should I put it?

got used to?

Yes, I am used to it;

I'm used to sleeping in his arms; I'm used to his arms giving her a sense of security; I'm used to his 360-degree full body massage with his big bad hands.

When at home, or when filming, as long as the filming is in the same place, Hu Xing must be in her room, this is a must.

But she still hopes that Hu Xing can come into her room to sleep while recording the show.

She likes to show affection with Hu Xing on the show.

I like to watch the audience jealous when she and Hu Xing show their affection on the show.

But the first two times, Hu Xing did not enter her room, which made Zhao Liying feel a little disappointed.

"Liying, you have to understand that men are like this. After you get to know a woman thoroughly, you won't be as clingy as when you were in a relationship. Every second you can be separated from you is a second more freedom." Huang Lei is disgusted. It's not messy enough, just add some trouble to Hu Xing.

Zhao Liying really looked at Hu Xing and asked him if he looked like this.

"What are you thinking about?!" Being looked at by his girlfriend, Hu Xing couldn't laugh or cry.

"Then explain why you haven't come into my room recently?" This question was well asked, He Jiong and Huang Lei were watching the play nearby.

"The last time, Shishi and the others came. I wanted to go in and sleep, but you didn't give me the chance, so what should I do?" Hu Xing explained again and again.

"Then how did you explain last time?" It was understandable last time, but what about last time?

"Didn't you say you were too tired last time? I was afraid that I would disturb you when I went in, so I let you rest in a private room." Hu Xing made an excuse, but Zhao Liying didn't believe it at all.

"I don't believe you." It's crazy to believe what he said.

"Don't come into my room tonight either, hum." Zhao Liying left these words and went in to get her clothes and take a bath.

Hu Xing looked at Huang Lei, isn't this old fox up to something?

Really, deliberately provoked a war between their little lovers, didn't they?

"Sleep." Hu Xing's eyes frightened Huang Lei, so he said that he was going to sleep.

"Why sleep?!" Oh, you provoked them, and now you can sleep with peace of mind?

No, you have to find some place again.

"I said, what is Yang Mi doing?!" Hu Xing muttered while playing with his mobile phone.

"What's the matter with you, Mimi, and complaining about her again." Teacher He got down, and when he heard Hu Xing standing talking about Yang Mi, he asked with a smile.

"She sent me some words that I didn't understand."

"I haven't even read these words, how do I know how to read them?" Hu Xing scratched his ears and cheeks very depressed.

"There is a sound word for music next to the handle, how do you pronounce this word?" Hu Xing raised his head and asked Mr. He.

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