"揞 means to press the medicine surface on the wound with your fingers." Mr. He quickly thought of it.

"The word porridge starts with a 鬲, and the hiccup is not next to the word 口." Hu Xing also asked.

"I don't know about this either. Is there such a word?!" Listening to what Hu Xing said, Teacher He couldn't think of this word.

"Is it '鬻'? For example, it means that the porridge will overflow." Huang Lei is really knowledgeable. Do you know this?

"There is a precious baby next to the earth character, what is this?" After Hu Xing asked, Huang Lei said angrily: "Ba (ba)!"

"Hey, good son." Huang Lei just said, Hu Xing immediately responded.

"..." At this moment, Huang Lei came to his senses, crap, he got hit.

"Hahaha~" Teacher He, who was sleeping next to him, also understood that this was Hu Xing's routine.

"Hey, I said you really..." Huang Lei sat up suddenly, and looked at Hu Xing with an angry smile.

"Oh, I'm happy now, let you provoke our relationship." He didn't care how depressed Huang Lei was now, he only knew that he would take revenge.

"Haha~" Sure enough, He Jiong knew that Hu Xing must be trying to get revenge.

It's all right now, after Hu Xing really took revenge, he entered Zhao Liying's room triumphantly.

Huang Lei also lay down angrily, he couldn't fight, he couldn't fight this kid.

Fighting wits and courage with him is really too much trouble.

After Hu Xing entered the room, he lay down on the bed.

After a while, Zhao Liying came out of the shower. Seeing that Hu Xing was lying down and ready to sleep, she said, "Didn't you say you can't come into my room?!"

Chapter 0692 City Flower Market Grass Visit

"No, okay, don't listen to Teacher Huang's nonsense." Hu Xing put down the phone, then leaned sideways very seductively, propped his head with his right hand, and lifted the quilt with his left hand: "Don't talk, come and sleep together."

"Help me dry my hair, otherwise I won't sleep." I just came out of the shower, and my hair was still wet.

Hu Xing got up as soon as he said that, and took the hair dryer to blow Zhao Liying's hair.

While drying his hair, he was still yawning.

After blowing, Hu Xing lay down first, and Zhao Liying lay down after turning off the light.

However, as soon as she lay down, Hu Xing hugged her, and without saying anything, he heard Hu Xing's breathing became steady, obviously falling asleep.

This is already said to be a second sleep.

It seemed that he was really tired, otherwise Hu Xing would not have fallen asleep without flirting at all.

The main reason is that during this period of time, the filming in Gansu is all night scenes.

The scenes are not rushed, but because there are many night scenes, although you can rest during the day, but because of other things that were delayed, Hu Xing was not able to rest.

This time, Hu Xing slept very deeply, but it was also very comfortable.

The next morning, everyone woke up, but they still haven't woken up, obviously they haven't recovered yet.

Zhao Liying woke up after 8 o'clock, but she saw that Hu Xing hadn't woken up, and she didn't disturb 070 her

When they came out, Huang Lei and He Jiong were already up, brushing their teeth and washing their faces outside, preparing to make some breakfast.

"Hu Xing hasn't gotten up yet?!" Seeing that only Zhao Liying came out, He Jiong asked her.

"Not yet. It is estimated that if this continues, I can sleep until the afternoon."

"I don't think so. When the guests come, Hu Xing must be woken up."

"Without him, it would be difficult for us to entertain guests when they come." He Jiong felt that at most Hu Xing could sleep until the guests came. .

"Let him continue to sleep, anyway, there is nothing to do now." Huang Lei felt that it was nothing, and they could entertain the guests first when they came.

Anyway, don't be in a hurry, it's really too bad, just let Hu Xing get up when the time comes.

They had breakfast, and the guests came to the mushroom house at 10 o'clock.

"Hello, Teacher He, Teacher Huang, and Zhao Liying, hello." The guests arrived as soon as they spoke.

"What are you talking to them about? Didn't you see me coming? You don't even know to help with your luggage?" Unlike the female guests, Sun Honglei came here with the upper body of Sun Sansui.

"..." Huang Lei just stared blankly at Sun Honglei who appeared here.

"Didn't I say, female guest? Why is there Sun Honglei??" Huang Lei didn't expect that today's guest actually had Sun Honglei?

"Isn't there a female guest here? Isn't Song Jia a female guest?!" He Jiong didn't expect that Sun Honglei was also one of today's guests.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Come here quickly and help me put my luggage away." When she came here, Sun Honglei was unambiguous at all, and directly ordered Huang Lei to help with the luggage.

It is impossible for Huang Lei to come to help with the luggage, and Zhao Liying, as a junior, of course has to come to help.

"Brother Hong Lei, are you sure you want Li Ying to carry your luggage for you?" Song Jia asked Sun Honglei with a light smile covering her mouth.

"Oh no no no, that, Li Ying won't bother you, just let Huang Lei come over." If Song Jia hadn't reminded her, Sun Honglei would have had a hard time today.

Don't forget, his nemesis is in the life he yearns for.

If you let Hu Xing know that you, Sun Honglei, have used his girlfriend of Hu Xing, you will feel better.

"Hehe~" Zhao Liying never expected Sun Honglei to be so afraid of Hu Xing.

"Hey, why are you here?!" Huang Lei really couldn't imagine that Sun Honglei even came.

"Are you surprised, are you surprised?!" Sun Honglei smiled, not to mention how funny it was.

Song Jia saw Zhao Liying, and the two sisters embraced when they disagreed.

"Teacher He, where's my husband?!" After coming in for so long, I haven't seen Hu Xing. Of course, Song Jia wanted to find someone.

"I'm sleeping inside, I haven't woken up yet." Teacher He told Song Jia that your husband is sleeping inside.

"Who can tell me why I heard Sun Meili's devilish laughter?" No one appeared, but Hu Xing's voice came from inside the room.

"Haha~" Hu Xing's voice came so coincidentally that everyone laughed and looked at the room.

"Get up, your wife is here." Song Jia was bold enough, and shouted at Hu Xing in the back room.

"Oh my god." Hu Xing got up quickly when he heard that his wife was coming.

But after getting up, Hu Xing found that his clothes seemed to be missing.

"Where are my clothes!!!!" Hu Xing's voice came from inside.

Huang Lei, He Jiong, Sun Honglei, and Song Jia all looked at Zhao Liying tacitly.

Hey, okay, Hu Xing, the clothes you are looking for are on Zhao Liying's body.

"Puchi!" After Zhao Liying looked down, she realized that she had put on Hu Xing's clothes again.

"Short legs! Zhao short legs! Where are my clothes? Are you wearing them again?" Hu Xing couldn't find the clothes, so he shouted loudly, asking Zhao Liying outside if she was wearing his clothes.

"I'm wearing it." Zhao Liying walked in while talking.

"Where's my suitcase? Get me some clothes." Hu Xing walked out of the room as he couldn't find any clothes.

Zhao Liying came in and helped Hu Xing find his suitcase.

He rummaged through the suitcase to find clothes, a pink dress.

Hu Xing didn't think too much, the clothes were quite big, and he didn't pay attention to whether the suitcase belonged to him.

After Zhao Liying gave him the clothes, Hu Xing put them on, feeling a little tight.

"Why did you bring me a tight dress?!" Hu Xing muttered, but Zhao Liying said, "Don't you just like to wear tight clothes?"

Hu Xing didn't care either. He put on his clothes and went out to brush his teeth with a cup and a toothbrush.

As soon as he came out, Song Jia covered her mouth and laughed when she saw the clothes Hu Xing was wearing: "Why are you wearing my clothes?!"

"..." Hu Xing, who was about to brush his teeth, froze.

"Hahaha~" Everyone laughed and looked at Hu Xing

"Zhao short legs, you did a good job." Hu Xing knew that he was embarrassed this time, and he was wearing his wife's clothes.

"I don't know, isn't that black suitcase yours?!" Zhao Liying didn't know either, he just picked up a piece of clothing just now.

"My suitcase is also black." Song Jia had no choice but to tell Zhao Liying this fact: "Besides, my suitcase is exactly the same as Hu Xing's."

"I said, why is this dress tight?!" Hu Xing looked at the knitted sweater, and it was still pink, but Song Jia's height of 172 was there.

Song Jia was wearing a loose knit sweater, and Hu Xing actually fit it well, but because it was a women's dress, it looked like a slightly tight knit sweater to him.

Chapter 0693 Northeast son-in-law

"You guys are really weird. My girlfriend wears my boyfriend's clothes, and my girlfriend wears my boyfriend's clothes." Seeing the three of them like this, Huang Lei couldn't complain.

"What is this? Based on what I know about Harbin's city flowers, she will snatch children's socks and wear them." Hu Xing spoke while brushing his teeth.

"Haha~" When it comes to city flowers, this is already a joke.

"It's a coincidence that all the flowers and plants in Harbin are here today." Zhao Liying also teased.

"I said, why are you here today? Or did you come with Song Jia?" Huang Lei asked ~Sun Honglei.

"My movie with Hu Xing is about to be released, why don't we come over and interact with the audience?"

"The movie is about to be released?" Hu Xing, who was brushing his teeth, didn't know about it yet.

"You don't know?!" Now it was Sun Honglei's turn to be surprised.

"I don't know, when will it be released?!" Hu Xing really didn't know yet.

"October 10." Is this time a coincidence?

"Ouch, it's Little K's birthday." After Hu Xing sighed, he was about to wash his face.

"Little K? Who is it?" He Jiong really didn't know.

"FX's youngest, Krystal." Zhao Liying replied to He Jiong.

"Aha~ So it's this little girl." After hearing Zhao Liying's reminder, He Jiong remembered.

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