Zhao Liying picked up Hu Xing's phone, unlocked it, and took a look.

The first thing I looked for was video software, or a browser. Sure enough, I found some tricks on the browser.

"When he was playing with his mobile phone last night, he used a browser to watch the video of how to spread fertilizer, so he learned it?!" Zhao Liying saw that there were search records on it, so she showed it to Song Jia.

"It's really true." He Jiong also came over to take a look, and found that it was really true.

"Hu Xing was watching a video last night, but he didn't pay attention to what video he was watching, so he was watching this." Song Jia, He Jiong, Zhao Liying and Hu Yun looked at Hu Xing's phone together.

"He does everything like this. It's the first time he does it. If he doesn't understand, he can check it online and read the tutorial."

"After reading the tutorial, he will be able to memorize it, and then immediately try it himself." Hu Yun knows Hu Xing's point very well, he is always like this.

In the past, when mobile phones were not so advanced, he just used a computer to find tutorials.

Now that the mobile phone is so advanced, it is naturally more convenient for him to use the mobile phone to search.

Chapter 0698 hypocritical out of a new realm

"Hu Xing is back for dinner." Zhao Liying trotted over and asked Hu Xing to come up for dinner.

"Okay." Hu Xing also just sprinkled some fertilizer on his side, tidied up and came up.

"I don't care, I won't do this rapeseed later." Hu Xing said to Huang Lei and He Jiong while washing his hands and feet.

"Why don't you do it?"

"Nonsense, this early in the morning, Mr. He will drink tea and chat to entertain guests, and Mr. Huang, you will cook here."

"The guests didn't do anything when they came, just Chen He and Zheng Kai helped me get some fertilizer."

"Sun Honglei is useless, and he doesn't do anything when he comes here. Not to mention promoting a movie for him, he also has to take care of his meals. Can it work?" Hu Xing complained one by one.

"Haha~" Sun Honglei laughed too.

"Why don't you talk about Song Jia? Didn't she do it too? And your sister." Sun Honglei said.

"My younger sister is here, and the program team doesn't pay her, she's just here for fun."

"Do you dare to say that you will not pay the acting fee when you come this time?" Hu Xing resented this, and Sun Honglei was speechless.

"Okay, after lunch, I'll clean up these rapeseeds." Sun Honglei said that he had to work to harvest rapeseeds, and Hu Xing counted: "Looking for dragons and dividing gold to see the mountains, one level of entanglement is one level of barriers, and closing the door is as difficult as closing the door." There are eight dangers... just treat Sun Honglei as farting."

"Puff~" came again, and the Hushen stick came again.

Sun Honglei stood up angrily, pointing at Hu Xing and threatening him.

"What's wrong, it's a ghost to believe your words." Hu Xing is not stupid, how could he believe Sun Honglei's words.

"Well, it's really strange that you know how to harvest rapeseed." Hu Xing came over and looked at what Huang Lei was cooking.

"Just eat noodles?!" Hu Xing felt that this was too simple.

"Then what else do you want to eat?!" It would be nice to be able to make noodles now.

"Are you eating here tonight?!" Hu Xing asked her sister if she was having dinner here.

"What time did you have dinner? I'm afraid it will be late and there will be no flight back to Shanghai." Hu Yun wanted to have dinner, but if there is no flight back at night, it will be troublesome.

"It's good that the private plane flies you back." Hu Xing said to his sister.

"Okay, okay, bro, your private jet will fly me back, then I'll have dinner here before going back." Of course Hu Yun was happy when his brother loved her so much.

"That's okay, I'll make lionfish for you tonight." Hu Xing was also happy. It was rare for my sister to be on a show. Although it was a guest appearance, she entertained her well.

"Lionfish?" Hearing this, everyone was very curious. They had never eaten it.

"Haven't you eaten it?!" Hu Xing knew that they must have never eaten it.

"I really haven't eaten it before, how to make this braised lionfish?" Even if Huang Lei was curious, how to make this dish.

"I dare say, Reba has definitely eaten it." Zhao Liying said to Song Jia beside her.

"I think so too." As long as Hu Xing knows how to cook and name dishes, Reba must have eaten them all.

"I've eaten it, as long as I know how to make it, Reba has eaten it." He also became one, and Reba has indeed eaten it.

"No, the first thing we need to do is to solve the current lunch?" He Jiong is concerned about this...

It's okay to do dinner later

"There are so many people here today, and there are five guests. Hu Xing just cooks a dish of braised lionfish, which is not enough." Chen He suggested that there should be another big dish.

"Then I will be a Buddha jumping over the wall." Huang Lei said, and tonight he will sit on a Buddha jumping over the wall.

"Why are you looking at me?!" Noticing that everyone was looking at him, Hu Xing pretended nothing happened.

"Just two dishes, it's not enough, there are so many people." Sun Honglei wanted Hu Xing to make another big dish.

"Then tell Mr. Huang, he is in charge of cooking, Mr. He is in charge of washing vegetables and dishes, and I am in charge of making jokes. It's not my job, why should I do it?!"

"Then didn't you just cook a lionfish for your sister? How can you do things that are not your job at this time?!" Chen He also wanted to let Hu Xing show his hands.

"My sister is here, I cook a dish, that's my pleasure, isn't it?"

"Really, why should I cook for you? You are not me." Hu Xing really deserved a beating, so Sun Honglei said, "We are your colleagues, your partners!"

"Hey, my partner and colleague asked me to cook for you, so I have to do it?"

"My daughter-in-law asked me to cook, but I didn't do it right away, and I had to kiss them to cook for them happily." Hu Xing said, and everyone laughed again unconsciously.

Kiss, this child's adjective, but Hu Xing is very slippery.

"Song Jia, go ahead, give Hu Xing a kiss, and cook for us if you make him happy." Sun Honglei let Song Jia go, now is the time for you to fight for welfare.

"Hey, I really don't want to kiss with a woman from the Northeast today." Hu Xing is self-willed enough, well-known and typical, he doesn't want to kiss with Song Jia today.

"Zhao Liying!" Zheng Kai couldn't do anything about it, the Northeast couldn't do it, so Zhao Liying's would be fine, right?

"Then I don't want to kiss girls from the north today, I just want to kiss girls from the south today." It's cheap enough and hypocritical, now Chen He and the others have nothing to do with him.

"Isn't Hu Yun a southern girl?" He Jiong suggested that Hu Yun come.

"Is this plausible? Brother and sister kissed on the show, and if it gets out, do you want my sister's reputation to be lost?" No, it definitely won't work.

"Mua!" Just as Hu Xing refused, Hu Yun hugged Hu Xing and kissed him heavily on the face.

"Ah! Why did you kiss me? Have you put on lipstick?!" Hu Xing asked her after being kissed by his sister.

"I painted it." When Hu Yun was talking, Hu Xing said fortunately: "Fortunately, what you put on today is not Death Barbie powder, otherwise I will dislike you every minute."

"What is a death Barbie fan?!" Hearing this, Hu Yun didn't understand, neither did Zhao Liying and Song Jia.

"It's pink lipstick, abbreviated as Death Barbie Pink."

"There is one more in 3.5, Aunt Hong who has no x life."

"Pfft! Cough cough~" The lipstick color that Hu Xing said later made Chen He, Zheng Ao and the others choke, which is too much.

"Haha~ What color lipsticks are you talking about?!" As a woman, Zhao Liying doesn't understand, let alone Chen He and other men.

"How did I find out that you, a big man, know more about lipstick than us women?!" Song Jia laughed too hard. Hu Xing knows something about lipstick, which is really shocking.

"Nonsense, how many lipsticks does our family have, don't you have a B number in mind?"

"There are some lipsticks in specialty stores, but there are no lipsticks in our family. We also have lipsticks that are out of stock in specialty stores. I hear you saying this every day. Can I understand?!" Hu Xing really didn't want to complain. Yes, but there’s no other way. It’s all about this point, so I can’t even make complaints about it.

Chapter 0699 How do you look at keeping a dog?

"Death Barbie fan, what number is it? Which brand of lipstick is it?"

"Dior's 688 lipstick, which is called bright red, is a dazzling purple red, bursting with freshness and beauty."

"But in my opinion, this kind of death Barbie fans are simply not interested."

"After Reba used this lipstick once, she didn't dare to approach her for a day."

"Haha~" Hu Xing experienced it himself.

"Also, let me tell you two, don't buy me a black 'brothel' color, if you dare to paint this, I will break up with you immediately, and it's the kind that doesn't show any melancholy." Hu Xing can complain about everything, even lipstick.

The girls Song Jia, Zhao Liying and Hu Yun couldn't stop laughing.

"How many shades are there?!" Zhao Liying knew it, so of course she had to remember it.

"I don't know what color it is. Anyway, as long as it is black lipstick, in my eyes, it is all the color of a brothel. If you dare to wear it, I will break up."

"Even if I'm a scumbag, I don't dare to kiss a woman with black lipstick." Hu Xing said very seriously, how could the straight steel man 01 get this?

"Hehe~" Through this chat, Sun Honglei was also curious.

"Then do you think that kind of lipstick is better for girls, and men like it more?"

"Virgin Red!" Hu Xing immediately told Sun Honglei without thinking about it.

"Haha~ the truth!" Zheng Kai and Chen He gave Hu Xing a thumbs up.

The lipstick of this color is good, just hearing the name makes me feel very excited

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Hu Xing received three slaps, and his back was burning with pain.

After making a fuss, Huang Lei also made lunch.

In fact, it is a simple bowl of noodles, one bowl per person, which should be enough.

While having lunch, Hu Yun said: "Sure enough, as the show said, Mr. Huang always puts pepper and monosodium glutamate in everything."

As soon as Hu Yun ate it, he knew that there must be MSG in this noodle.

"A little bit." Huang Lei is also used to it, and he can't change it if he wants to.

"Hu Xing, to be honest, let's make another big dish tonight." Going around or coming back to this issue

"How about eating dog meat?!" Hu Xing thought for a while, did he want to eat dog meat?

"Are you crazy?!" Hu Xing said that he wanted to eat dog meat, but now he was choked by Zhao Liying.

"Heh~ This woman forbids me to eat dog meat." Zhao Liying's expression made Hu Xing very helpless

"Since I dated Reba, I have eaten less pork; when I dated Zhao Liying, she is not allowed to eat me." Hu Xing felt tired after thinking about it.

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